JUST GIVE ME 10 DAYS - Round 43



  • puttyputty
    puttyputty Posts: 2,993 Member
    Goal for this round: Get in at least 20 minutes of intentional movement a day.

    Intentional movement: 5/10

    Woman, Age 47, 5'6", Celiac disease
    OSW: 252

    Round 32: SW 240.6; EW 241.6 (+1.0), Ave 241.92
    Round 33: SW 241.6; EW 238.2 (-3.4), Ave 239.84 (-2.08)
    Round 34: SW 238.2; EW 237.2 (-1.0), Ave 238.28 (-1.56)
    Round 35: SW 237.2--vacation started halfway
    Round 36: Late SW 238.8; EW 239--vacation ended halfway
    Round 37: SW 238.8; EW 237.4 (-1.4), Ave 238.10
    Round 38: SW 237; EW 235.4 (-2), Ave 236.74 (-1.36)
    Round 39: SW 234.8; EW 234.2, Ave 235.06 (-1.68)
    Round 40: SW 236.4 (late); EW 236, Ave 236.85 (+1.79)
    Round 41: SW 236; EW 233, Ave 234.42 (-2.43)
    Round 42: SW 232.4; EW 231, Ave 231.4 (-3.02)
    Round 43: SW 231; EW 231.2, Ave 231.22 (-0.18)

    6/7 / 232 / Not a shocker given that I was up at 4 am to get on a train.

    6/8 / 231 / Back to a more normal weigh in time. Yesterday was mostly train rides, though I did get walking in. High sodium and not enough water, so I'm pleased to be at 231. Woke up with a killer headache. I don't know if it's sinus or lack of caffeine (I've been trying to cut back). I started today with a big breakfast, so we'll see how my calories shake out.

    6/9 / 230.6 / Sinus headache again (I'm pretty sure it's sinus).

    6/10 / 230.4 / Slowly creeping down. And headache AGAIN. I've gone a tiny bit over calories the past couple of days. I've been eating bigger breakfasts than normal for me, and it's not a winning strategy. It's not enough to cause me to gain. It will just slow my loss. But today, I'm getting that back down to my normal. I've abandoned giving up caffeine right now.

    6/11 / 231.4 / Bah.

    6/12 / 230.4 / All day on the 11th in jury duty. Very under calories, though even more under on any hydration until late.

    6/13 / 232 / I've got some digestive things going on that are no fun. I'm doing well, calorie-wise, so I'm not worried about this weigh in. I keep missing my exercise goal, though.

    6/14 / 231.6 / Eating well. Got my exercise in. Tummy troubles continue to plague me.

    6/15 / 231.6 / Groundhog day. Still eating well. (This has been a good round food-wise.) Got my exercise in yesterday. Still having digestive issues.

    6/16 231.2 / Not a great round with weight. Good with food. Today was more calories than recent days. I'm not too worried about it.
  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    Male - 5' 10" - 52 years old

    Original Start Weight 182 lbs in May 2016
    Goal Weight 165 lbs

    Late Start - February 2nd - 168 lbs End of Round - February 7th - 168.8 lbs
    Round 31
    Start Round - 02/07 - 168.8 End of Round - 02/16 - 167
    Round 32 - My 3rd Round
    Start Round - 02/17 - 167.4 End of Round - 02/26 - 167.2
    Round 33 - My 4th Round
    Start Round - 2/27 - 168 End of Round - 3/8 - 167
    Round 34 - My 5th Round
    Start Round - 3/9 - 168 End of Round - 3/18 - 166.6
    Round 35 - My 6th Round
    Start Round 3/19 - 168.4 End of Round 3/28 - 166
    Round 36 - My 7th Round
    Start Round 3/29 - 166.6 End of Round 4/7 - 167.8
    Round 37 - My 8th Round
    Start Round 4/8 - 167.2 End of Round 4/17 - 167.2
    Round 38 - My 9th Round
    Start Round 4/18 - 167.8 End of Round 4/27 - 167.2
    Round 39 - My 10th Round
    Start Round 4/28 - 167.6 End Round 5/07 - 169.4
    Round 40 - My 11th Round
    Start Round 5/08 - 169.6 End Round 5/17 - 167.6
    Round 41 - My 12th Round
    Start Round 5/18 - 168.6 End Round 5/27 - 167.6
    Round 42 - My 13th Round
    Start Round 5/28 - 168.6 End Round 6/06 - 166.8

    Round 43 - My 14th Round
    6/07 - 166.6
    6/08 - 168.4
    6/09 - 168.8
    6/10 - 169.4 Yesterday's dinner was provided at a fund raising event
    6/11 - 169.6
    6/12 - 169.2
    6/14 - 168.4 Gardening
    6/15 - 168.2
    6/16 - 168.4
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,732 Member



    6/08 Fitbit steps over 10,000 which is good. I haven't been able to bend at all due to surgery, I would like to try some easy exercises to help me.(for bending) half way down.
    6/09- busy a lot of shopping today. Went out for dinner, not the best choices, but it was a good dinner.On track tomorrow.
    6/10 getting my steps, my fruits and vegetables in, eating healthy.
    6/11 - Great start since the weekend my Fitbit steps have been over 10,000. Thursday I have to go to the Cancer Clinic then I will know where I stand.
    6/12 On a great streak for walking, (45mins)-and it was hot!
    6/13 -feeling great today starting to get my power walking back. Walking daily, starting to push myself more with out feeling tired.
    6/14- I had a rough day yesterday, I had a good surgery and healing really good, but when I went to the Cancer clinic at the hospital they said I had a very rare tumour that they removed, and I have to start six weeks of radiation, and steroids again. So I have a rough afternoon today. Then I have to continue to fight this. Walking and eating healthy.Family and friends are the greatest.

    6/15 Survived the day, Now that's over with one more test. Going to try to get green smoothies in and keep getting stronger with exercise.
    6/16 I feel great and getting stronger everyday. Doing great with my Fitbit steps, going to try to increase them next week. Working on my meal planning.

  • anita7164
    anita7164 Posts: 142 Member
    Round 43 (Round 2 for me)
    Stats: Female, 53, 5’4”
    HW: 281 lbs
    SW: 189 lbs
    GW: 184 lbs
    UGW: 140 lbs
    NSV Goal: to be truthful about my weight and my eating habits/routine

    SW Round 43 - 189 lbs
    EW Round 42 - 192 lbs

    6/14 192 lbs AM: various 30 day challenges. No other exercise today. Went 678 calories over. No breakfast because I craved fried chicken wings and French fries from Chinese spot. Dinner was crap at a meeting. Won’t get back to starting round weight. Good point: no pretzels! I’m thinking maybe I should just have the pretzels as I seem to be eating everything else!?!?
    6/15 192 lbs did not log my foods today. Will do so tomorrow.

    6/16 192 lbs. did not log my foods today. Had so much fun with my middle grand. Eating was not the best.
  • krea4
    krea4 Posts: 1,813 Member
    I've been up down up down for the past 3 years. Not huge amounts - it's the same 5 - 10 lbs.
    June 2015 - 134
    June 2016 - 138
    June 2017 - 144

    Heaviest = Aug 2017 - 146.6
    Lightest = Nov 2015- 132.2

    UG = 130

    6/07 - 139.8 - I did a yoga class yesterday for the first time in 2 years. Every muscle in my body is screaming at me!!!! :D
    6/08 - 141.9. eeek!!
    6/09 - 141.0 - muscles are nearly back to normal so went to the gym!
    6/10 - 141.0 - need to cut back on the snacking so I'm trying something new.....only 3 snacks a day (doesn't matter what it is). At the moment its probably way over 10 a day. Anything and everything that's got sugar in it.
    It's 11:20am and I've already had 2! It's probably going to be a tough day!
    6/11 - 140.6 - Thanks for the tips @jerier
    I had 5 snacks yesterday. Big improvement on last week! The 'table of fair game' at work is the worse for me. There is always cake, biscuits etc and (at the moment) I can't resist!
    Off to the gym to try to burn off some of those chocolate calories.
    6/12 - forgot to weigh myself!
    6/13 - 140.6
    6/14 - 141.6
    6/15 - 142.1
    6/16 - 141.2

    Average = 141.0

  • naturalmermaid
    naturalmermaid Posts: 24 Member
    edited June 2018
    Give me just 10 days

    Round 43
    My Round 1
    SW: 132.4 (6/7/18)
    GW: 123 lbs

    6/07- 132.4 - lots of brown rice and broccoli for lunch and dinner. Need to make sleep a priority.
    6/08 - 133.2 -always annoying when you eat no processed food, lots of veggies and come in heavier. Gym and yoga. Intermittent fast from 6pm-11am.
    6/09 132.8. Yay. Was expecting to have gained weight as we did sushi last night but I don’t use say sauce so winning. I slept through my morning alarm to go run. Sleep continues to be a need. Plan to run later and indoor Rock climb.
    6/10-133. I had 2 beers and pasta for dinner last night. I needed the carbs. Lots of physical activity so came in under my calorie allowance. 2 hour solid effort bike ride this am. Goal is to not “reward” myself with junky food and /or beer but rather healthy foods and just one beer or glass of wine. I got sleep last night and feel so much better!
    6/11 - 132.8. intermittent fast. Last night I ate a frozen veggie pizza. Not the best but not the worst. Enjoyed adult beverages, too. Early dinner last night to prepare for morning fast. Headed to the gym and then a short hill repeat run.
    6/12 - 133. Drag. But I am not surprised. Work has been very busy. Popped another veggie pizza in the oven. I only ate 2/3 of it this time. I ate a big arugula salad first. I know I am making good decisions and eating within and under my calorie allowance. Eventually I think things will give.
    6/13 -135. Good times. I am actually OK with this as I was expecting it. Did a nice workout at the climbing gym yesterday and went out to eat for a bday. I went 23 cal over my budget. I chose a fish sandwich on rye bread, a plain baked potato and I had two beers. It’s incredible how much sodium they put in food when you eat out. The cool thing is my harness for climbing is getting bigger. Ha. So clothes fitting better even if the scale mocks me today.
    6/14 134. Aaaand it’s THAT time of the month so...I feel in a few days I’ll be back down as I am retaining water like a sinking boat. Gave in to salt cravings last night but didn’t give in to chocolate cravings. I also drank a super delicious big old beer to help with my cramps. Advil would have been a better choice. 2 calories over totally budget.
    6/15 - intermittent fast. 133.8. I am certain I am holding on to water and that is my story! Really, I think the next round will see a bit of drop. The positive to take away is I am raising my own awareness about my food choices and making more and more good choices that will lead me to my end goal.
    6/16 -133.4. I did 2 workouts yesterday but also had a bday party event…I was even with calories, thanks to the double workouts. I am not ready to take on round 44 with total focus!!
  • CynthiaByrne
    CynthiaByrne Posts: 344 Member
    ROUND - 43

    6/7 - 184.8....Off to a good start for this round!
    6/8 - 185.2....Oopsie. Hit a hickup last night. Must do better over the weekend!
    6/9 - N / A
    6/10 - N / A
    6/11 - 187.4......Weekend at the Marina. :(
    6/12 - 186.4
    6/13 - 186.8
    6/14 - 187.0...Had our Choir (end of season) Party last night with nibblies. Didn't overdo it, but still in moderation
    6/15 - 186.4
    6/16 - N/A

    My official weekly weigh in, is Tuesday evening @ TOPS, so my ticker tape will reflect that loss.

    My daily weight is on my home scale, so I can monitor how my week is going.

    My ultimate goal is 175lbs, so any loss is a good loss.


  • texasfarmer
    texasfarmer Posts: 483 Member
    I’m in. See y’all in the morning

    Current weight 178.6
    End of round goal. 175

    6/7 -178.2
    6/8 - 178.2
    6/9 - 177.6
    6/10 176.4 (shocked but thrilled)
    6/11- 176.2
    6/12- 177.8. I don’t even know what to say. Frustrating
    6/13- 177.8 As ugly as this might get, I’m not giving up on this round!
    6/14 - 177.8
    6/15 - 178.9
    6/16- 179.4

  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 10,921 Member

    Hi. I am Donna. I am on the low carb keto diet because I need to lose weight but also quickly lower my blood glucose levels since I am Type 2 diabetic and my glucose numbers got to a very dangerous level. So far it is working. My weight loss goals are also being met although I have found when it comes to weight loss, all true diets will work if you stick with it consistantly and try to get in some physical fitness as well. This is my first 10 day challenge. Good luck to us all (no matter which type of diet or physically activity you have chosen). We can do this folks!

    6/07 193.8 lbs. I Had a doctor appointment today and found out my blood levels are all perfect including my cholesterol so I am thrilled. Dr. supports my keto diet and gave me some more tips. Stuck to my diet very good today although I still battle occasional cravings.

    6/08 195.1 lbs. Darn that BBQ I attended anyway. I SHOULD NOT have had dessert either. Tomorrow will be better. I'm human and sometimes fail. But I always jump back on the horse and ride again, so I vow to be faithful tomorrow....

    6/09 194.6 Going in the right directions finally. I have walked 1.5 - 3.0 miles each day including today. I have been steadfast to the diet today. I am proud of myself today.

    6/10 194.6 I walked 13,180 steps today with lots of physical activity. Most of this was work related and not repetitive exercise, but still healthy on the heart and burns a couple hundred calories. I stuck to my diet today with very little temptation. Some days are just better than others!

    6/11 193.6….. Down one pound. Slow movement. I have Intermittent fasted each and every day on the 12:8 plan. Today I also practiced an Egg Fast with very low calories to give myself a jolt as I wonder if I am hitting a bit of a plateau. Had 12,812 steps by 11:53 pm. Took a nice 1.5 mile moderate paced walk. REMEMBER FOLKS, ANY PROGRESS IS STILL PROGRESS. SOME ACCOMPLISHMENTS ARE NSV'S. I REMAIN PROUD OF US ALL.

    6/12 191.0 whoo hoo. Finally lost some weight which likely includes water weight, but Hey! It needed to go too! Also, I finally went to the bathroom (if you know what I mean). Sometimes hard to go on this particular diet due to lack of whole grains. I Didn’t feel too well today. Less than 6000 steps on my fitbit. No walk in the neighborhood. But I stuck to my diet very well. That’s the report on my physical. My mental and emotional state was very good because I feel I scored a scale victory. I’m just a smidgen from the 180’s. whoo hoo! This challenge is keeping me honest and keeping me real. I hope it is helping all of you too.

    6/13 190.8 Out of town today / travel so I know I will be going off course. Will likely see a bump up tomorrow. Also had no ability to take my normal walk so I did a few stretches. Clocked in 6,700 steps, over 2 miles and 7 flights of stairs by 11:30 pm. I have a feeling I am really going to pay for all of this tomorrow. I got in lots and lots of water today though which is a NSV for me.

    6/14 196.0 Likely a lot of water weight accompanying the fat. 3393 Calories yesterday while out of town. Over 300 carbs. Lots of sodium. While it was good that I drank lots of water, I think I am water-logged and bloated. I managed a 3 mile walk at moderate pace today and walked a total of over 7 miles including my work. I hope tomorrow will bring a better weight.

    6/15 195.8 so easy to gain, so hard to lose. I have walked 7400 steps today but could not take my 3 mile neighborhood walk due to work. Total work related miles walked was over 3 miles. Lots of coffee (black but not much water.) I intermittent fasted for 15 hours before eating. I hope our last day will show some improvement. Diet was healthy today and within my macros.

    6/16 195.6 not where I wanted to end . So many days to make up for one day but I’ll get back there. I am ready for the next challenge!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,487 Member
    Age 60, 5'4.5" and eating in a livable way = It's. Not. A. Diet. I eat back exercise calories, or I would be starving and cranky. Hubby does not like cranky me. Changed MFP setting 5/5/18 [R39] to 1/2# per week loss ~ within 10# of UGW, weight loss had stalled 3 months + was feeling hungry more often.
    MFP SW 195 ~ Goals: #1 = 150 / #2 = 145 [normal BMI] / #3 = maintain 140 - 145 / no goal dates ~ I get there when I get there
    Thrilled with my 2/15/18 annual physical: BP 110/68, pulse 64 and BMI 26.14 :star:
    Ecstatic with my 5/15/18 annual workplace Health Risk Assessment: waist smallest since 2007 and BMI 25.6 :star:

    My digital scale only has 1/2# increments, and I'm too cheap to buy a fancier scale. Weigh first thing in morning / comments reflect prior day.
    Previous round EW 152.5 LW 152.5
    R20 SW 166.0 10/20/17 (my round 1)
    R20 EW 166.5 LW 164.5
    R21 EW 164.0 LW 163.0
    R22 EW 162.0 LW 162.0
    R23 EW 162.0 LW 162.0 = included parade day & Thanksgiving (no food/drink logged)
    R24 EW 159.5 LW 159.5 = walked Jingle Bell 5K in 44:37 & pace 14:22 / first time in 10 years my weight is 1-5-anything!
    R25 EW 160.0 LW 158.0
    R26 EW 161.0 LW 157.5 = included Christmas (no food/drink logged) & several gatherings
    R27 EW 159.0 LW 159.0 = included New Year's Eve (no food/drink logged)
    R28 EW 157.0 LW 157.0 = walked Frenzy on the Fox 5K in 47:26 & pace 15:19 / temp 10F & NNW 12 mph wind ~ fun!
    R29 EW 156.5 LW 156.5
    R30 EW 153.5 LW 153.5 = sick 4 days
    R31 EW 154.0 LW 152.0 = recuperation during entire round / annual physical 2/15/18 BP 110/68, pulse 64 and BMI 26.14
    R32 EW 155.0 LW 153.0 = oops / still lower than before sick
    R33 EW 153.5 LW 153.0
    R34 EW 154.5 LW 152.5 = Mexican restaurant day before end of round / high sodium
    R35 EW 152.5 LW 152.5
    R36 EW 154.5 LW 152.5 = included Easter (no food/drink logged) / snacked on Easter candy during week / walked Badger State Brewing 10K in 1:30:28.82 & pace 14:35 / snow+rain+wind ~ yahoo!
    R37 EW 155.5 LW 153.5 = Easter candy + eating during 2-day record-setting blizzard in APRIL :p
    R38 EW 152.5 LW 152.5
    R39 EW 154.0 LW 152.0 = last 3 days, changed MFP setting to 1/2# loss per week ~ more net calories :D
    R40 EW 153.0 LW 152.5
    R41 EW 154.0 LW 152.5 = net calories green 3 days ~ oops
    R42 EW 152.5 LW 152.5 = included Girls Day Out 6/1/18 (no food/drink logged)
    Round 42 (previous round)
    05/28 = Memorial Day ~ 153.0 Net calories -83, sodium -774, sugar -35 (fruits & veggies, yogurt, 4 Hershey miniatures), fiber & protein excellent & 12c water. Walked dog 3.36 mi 1:02:14 before church (hot & humid again ~ 3rd day record high temp). Fitbit 13,075 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 & 29 floors. (Sunday)

    Just looked up my annual workplace Health Risk Assessment results, and so excited! Changes from 6/2/17 to 5/15/18:
    • BMI: 30.7 to 25.6 :star:
    • waist at belly button: 33 to 30.5
    • LDL: 150 to 109
    • HDL: 68 to 84
    • cholesterol ratio: 3.5 to 2.5
    • glucose: 102 to 86
    My blood pressure remains in the good range. All excellent reminders that the scale is only one number related to health.

    05/29: 156.0 Expected... early supper at Chinese buffet (hubby's choice) + I guesstimated best I could + late snacking (not logged) = net calories RED, sodium VERY RED, sugar red, fiber & protein excellent & 15c water. Walked dog after rain showers ended / temp rose 9 degrees during walk ~ another record-tying high temp day / 4.29 mi 1:14:43 pace 17:25. Fitbit 14,882 steps, 250+ steps 12/14 & 50 floors.
    05/30: 154.0 Walked dog before work / 3.4 mi 1:01:39. Fitbit 16,090 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 47 floors. Net calories green (yay), sodium -515, sugar -18 (power muffin, 4 Hershey miniatures), fiber & protein good & 14c water.
    05/31: 153.0 Weight machine & circuit training before work. Fitbit 8,193 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 35 floors. Net calories -110, sodium -573, sugar -12 (power muffin, oatmeal squares, banana, greek yogurt), fiber & protein excellent & 14c water.
    06/01: 153.0 "Rest" day but walked dog after work around neighborhood ~ 3 neighbors thought our 6yo dog was puppy / 2.14 mi 41:21. Fitbit 12,226 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 41 floors. Net calories -25, sodium -623, sugar -4, fiber little low, protein ok & 14c water.
    06/02: 153.0 Friday 6/1 was annual Girls Day Out w/ mom (81yo), aunt (70yo), sister & SIL ~ we've done this since 2005. Day was filled with family <3, shopping, pedicures and, of course, eating! Fabulous lunch, everyone else had paninis but I had fusilli with shrimp, artichoke hearts, white wine & sun-dried tomatoes ~ so good! We always have an afternoon break for dessert & this year we had pie break. I indulged in caramel apple pie ~ yum! Before leaving home for day, I walked dog 3.07 mi 53:19 and ate mango overnights oats (yum & filling) for breakfast. Fitbit 14,217 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 20 floors. No logging of food or drink + no regrets! It was a day to enjoy.
    06/03: 153.5 Farmers market / walked dog 3.24 mi 55:51. Moved 3,196# (I did the math) of retaining wall blocks (17# each), with hubby of course, from pallet in driveway, around garage, through back gate, across backyard, up berm and placed along 85' back fence. I started by carrying one in each hand (indents in blocks) but when pallet was > 1/2 empty I couldn't do two anymore, and only carried one at a time. Took us 3 hours total & I weeded berm as we went. My workouts are paying off ~ my arms weren't too sore, just my hand grip and lower back from lots of bending ~ took Aleve after and felt fine next day. Fitbit 20,258 steps, 250+ steps 9/14 & 65 floors. Net calories green (yay), sodium VERY RED, sugar, fiber & protein good, 14c water.
    06/04: 154.5 Rest day (Sun.) / Fitbit 7,796 steps, 250+ steps 10/14 & 21 floors. Lunch at church for new members welcome / voters meeting ~ not great choices available. Net calories -582, sodium green (yay), sugar -31 (cake, banana, veggies in skillet meal), fiber & protein excellent & 11c water (low for me).
    06/05:153.0 Walked dog before work / 3.4 mi 59:22. Fitbit 15,439 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 39 floors. Net calories & sugar green (YAY), sodium -393, fiber & protein excellent & 14c water.
    06/06: 152.5 Rest day (unplanned ~ alarm clock malfunctioned) / Fitbit 8,647 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 32 floors. Net calories -147, sodium -370, sugar -25 (fruits & veggies, Oregon herb bread, rhubarb crisp), fiber & protein excellent & 14c water. Good ending to this round except for clock issues.

    06/07: 153.0 Oops... ate well, closed MFP diary, then evening snack attack of mixed nuts ~ which I logged this morning. 14c water. Walked dog before work / 3.42 mi 1:00:10. Fitbit 16,627 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 42 floors.
    06/08: 152.0 Net calories -10, sugar -11 (rhubarb crisp, fruits & veggies, popeye bread, Siggi's yogurt), sodium -119, protein good, fiber excellent & 14c water. Walked dog before work / 3.59 mi 1:02:17 pace 17:20. Fitbit 15,891 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 47 floors.
    06/09: 152.5 Pre-10K all you can eat spaghetti supper / net calories est. -377, sodium -697, sugar -18, fiber & protein excellent & 12c water. Walked dog before work / 3.5 mi 59:16. Fitbit 16,330 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 40 floors.

    6/9 Walked in my 22nd Bellin Run 10K ~ my first one was 1992 ~ I love this event! Official time 1:28:12 :star: split time 45:03 (2nd half I was 2 min. faster than 1st 5K) and ave. pace 14:12. Woohoo! My goal was < 1:30. Finished 81 of 206 F60-64 / 3,350 of 5,298 females / 6,670 of 9,353 overall. Happy me!

    06/10: 153.0 Net calories -599, sodium -1133, sugar -59, fiber & protein good, 14c water. Farmers market after race + errands with hubby in afternoon + Denny's for supper. Fitbit 22,461 steps, 250+ steps 13/14 & 80 floors.
    06/11: 153.5 Net calories -13, sodium -684, sugar -19, fiber excellent, protein little low & 12c water. Walked dog after church / 4.07 mi 1:09:38. Spent 2hrs filling planters. Fitbit 17,543 steps / 250+ steps 11/14 & 25 floors.
    06/12: 155.5 Rest day / sedentary with all-day planning meeting + 1.5hr drive-time. Best-guessed food at meeting then horrible evening snacking & gave up on logging food. 12c water. Fitbit 4,600 steps / 250+ steps 7/14 & 10 floors.
    06/13: 154.0 Weight machine & circuit training before work. Fitbit 8,324 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 31 floors. Net calories -1 (wow), sodium -339, sugar -15 (fruit & veggies, popeye bread, Hershey minis, rhubarb crisp), fiber & protein good & 12c water.
    06/14: 153.5 Walked dog before work / 3.5 mi 1:01:27. Fitbit 15,713 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 37 floors. Net calories green, sodium -457, sugar -13 (fruit & veggies, popeye bread, rhubarb crisp), protein low, fiber good & 12c water.
    06/15: 153.0 Walked dog before work / 3.3 mi 57:02. Fitbit 16,484 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 38 floors. Net calories & sodium green (yay), sugar -8, fiber & protein excellent & 12c water.
    06/16: 152.0 Net calories -17, sodium -626, sugar -1, protein little low, fiber good & 13c water.
    Walked dog before work / 3.55 mi 1:01:16. Fitbit 16,485 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 (boom!) & 42 floors. 6/16 = family combo bday party ~ not logging food or drink + no regrets!

    Today ~ Smile ~ Laugh ~ Be Kind ~ <3 ~ Eat Well ~ Be Active
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    In for my fourteenth round

    I'm 37 years old from UK and 5'11

    Pre challenge loss 24.00lbs

    R21 SW 274.50 EW 268.00 (-6.50)
    R22 SW 268.00 EW 267.50 (-0.50)
    R23 SW 267.50 EW 264.75 (-2.75)
    R24 SW 264.50 EW 264.75 (+0.25)
    R25 SW 264.75 EW 268.50 (+4.00)
    R26 SW 269.25 EW 268.50 (-0.75)
    R27 SW 269.25 EW 262.50 (-7.25)
    R28 SW 262.50 EW 255.75 (-6.75)
    R29 SW 255.75 EW 254.50 (-0.75)
    R30 SW 254.50 EW 249.50 (-5.00)
    R31 SW 249.50 EW 247.50 (-2.00)
    R32 SW 247.50 EW 252.25 (+4.75)
    R33 SW 252.75 EW 242.75 (-9.50)
    R34 SW 242.75 EW 236.25 (-6.50)
    R35 SW 236.25 EW 235.75 (-0.50)
    R36 SW 235.75 EW 233.50 (-2.25)
    R37 SW 233.50 EW 230.00 (-3.50)
    R38 SW 230.00 EW 228.50 (-1.50)
    R39 SW 228.50 EW 229.50 (+1.00)
    R40 SW 229.50 EW 223.50 (-6.00)
    R41 SW 223.50 EW 229.50 (+6.00)
    R42 SW 229.50 EW 231.75 (+2.25)

    Loss to date (measured start of round) - 66.75lbs
    GW end of round - 222.00lbs (been same goal for last 2 rounds but due to hols I put on! Not reducing goal; this is so frustrating I need to find a way of coping with summer and lots of social events

    Good luck for this round guys!!! xx

    06/06 - 231.75
    06/07 - 230.50 decent day yesterday with diet and excercise
    06/08 - 230.75 again good day diet and exercise this is annoying me now
    06/11 - 234.50 had a fab weekend away and boy does it show, got 2 wholes weeks of nothing planned now so hopefully get back on track
    06/12 - 231.25 yesterday was good food day but no gym I was way to tired from weekend, plus can't go tonight as doctors appointment huh
    06/13 - 228.25 another good day food wise no gym due to appointment but will defo get there tonight
    06/14 - 226.50 good day food wise, good evening in gym but water was not so great must be better with water intake today
    06/15 - 224.75 I think I'm finally beginning to pull it back again (hopefully!!)
    06/16 - 223.5 feeling good :)
  • UTMom81
    UTMom81 Posts: 1,379 Member
    Historical SW (January 2017): 193
    Recent SW: 187.6 (Sunday after Thanksgiving)
    Challenge SW: 181.8
    R25 AVE = 180.36
    R26 (Christmas!) AVE = 179.23
    R27 AVE = 176.1
    R28 AVE = 172.1
    R29 AVE= 169.3 (EW = 170.2)
    R30 AVE= 167.3 (EW = 166.6)
    R31 AVE= 166 (EW = 166.4)
    R32 AVE=163.9 (EW = 162)
    R33 AVE = 160.6. (EW = 159.8)
    R34 AVE = 160.2 (EW = 160)
    R35 AVE = 157.2 (EW = 156.2)
    R36 AVE = 156.3 (EW = 156.6) Kitchen Remodel
    R37 AVE = 155.4 (EW = 156.6) Kitchen Remodel
    R38 AVE = 153.9 (EW = 152.6)
    R39 AVE = 152.6 (EW = 152.6)
    R40 AVE = 153.5 (EW = 153.2)
    R41 AVE = 152.7 (EW = 153.8)
    R42 AVE = 152.0 (EW = 151.6)
    Goal for Round 43 = 148

    6/07 = 148.6
    6/08 = 148.2
    6/09 = 149.2
    6/10 = 147.8
    6/11 = 146.8 Lots of walks the last few days. 23K steps yesterday
    6/12 = 148.8
    6/13 =
    6/14 =
    6/15 =147.4
    6/16 =147.6

    I had been stuck in or around 152 for about 6 week or more. During this go round, I took the No Junk Food Challenge and participated in some step challenges with friends on Fitbit. Did the trick to get me off that plateau. I may be down to a new one, but at least my BMI is "Normal" now--for the first time in my adult life, I think.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    I'm back


    6/08 206.8
    6/11 207.3 eek!
    6/12 205.7
    6/13 204.9 water, water
    6/14 204.8
    6/15 203.9 God I love the satisfaction that comes with the first week back on track. I know this is mostly flushing the system, and it is fleeting, but the numbers are so gratifying.
    6/16 203.8 ending number

  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    Round 38: SW 159 (-8.5#) 10/10 :)
    Round 39: SW 150.5 (-0 #) 7/10 :)
    Round 40: SW 150.5 (-1.5#) 8/10 :)
    Round 41: SW 149.0 (-2) 7/10 :)
    Round 42: SW 147.0 (+1.5) 3/10 :)
    Round 43: SW 148.5 (+1) 7/10 :)

    Need: Healthy BMI
    Goal: Lose 15 pounds (UGW 132)
    Time: September 1, 2018 (1 lb per week)- 13 weeks to go.

    Nutrition: Maintaining my WFPBNO diet while eating at a calorie deficit (<1300kCal).
    - No manmade sugar;
    - No yeast aka bread and alcohol;
    - No oil aka nuts, chips, cheese, meat.

    - 30 minutes of exercise;
    - 10k steps;
    - Lifting Heavy 2 to 3 times per week.

    Sleep: Eliminating screens in the bedroom

    Obstacles to overcome during round: Dinner with Hubs on the 9. Setting up an exercise schedule/routine that I can live with.

    6/06- 148.5. Morning workout (21d Fix). Lunch walk. Got into some snacks towards bedtime but I was still within calorie goals. Retail therapy with the girl after dinner. Minimum screens at bedtime. Good day. :)
    6/07- 149.0 Slept in today. Exercise is going to be difficult. My cold is kicking my butt…. Biked for an hour yesterday. Food was good. Up a bit later than I wanted, but that’s okay. Spent time connecting with my husband. Nice night. :)
    6/08- 150. Likely water retention from the peanuts I had before bed time. Not stressing over it. Did I exercise? I can't remember. I'm taking a :) as I know I battled various cravings.
    6/09- OMG! I worked like a madwoman on Saturday. 10k steps before noon. 30m exercise. Food wasn't there as I had dinner out with a few drinks.
    6/10- No exercise. Good day of setting things up for the weekend. :)
    6/11- 153. Not worrying about this. Yes, it's high. But that generally happens after a weekend where I've had a couple of drinks. Morning workout. Walked at lunch. A bit off last night with my food choices. I was So very hungry. And I got into chocolate. Operation declutter is underway.
    6/12- No weigh in today. No exercise this morning. Crappy night of sleep. Got to fit in some time at the gym lifting. But it doesn’t look promising today. Ended up walking to the ballpark- But decided to do #1 workout of C25K. Pretty good eating day. :)
    6/13-150. Morning workout followed by some extra biking. Going to be a full day of exercise as I am planning on walking at lunch and the lawn needs to be mowed. Also want to work in the garden; and lift. I need to quit my job so that I can get it all in!!! Went out for lunch yesterday and ate too much. Ended up lifting last night. And eating…. All logged. Because of the chips at lunch, the day is not considered to be “good”.
    6/14- No weigh in again today, didn’t want to face the number. Also slept in. Tonight will be a full with some sort of exercise. Walk at lunch; Bike ride after dinner. Food was on plan. Read before bed. First good day in a while. :)
    6/15- 150. 45m The Body Project. Food was good. Life is falling into a good routine. :)
    6/16- 149.5. 30m Jill. Stayed away from alcohol (not a typical weekend). YAY! Food was descent. :)
  • puddlegoober
    puddlegoober Posts: 291 Member
    edited June 2018
    I'm fully back on Keto, and it kinda feels like I never left. I haven't had an official weigh-in below 190, but I have seen it on my scale, and I'm really excited. The end of last round was fantastic (~5lbs in 3 days), and it looks like it "stuck." Going on vacation next Tuesday for 1 week (and with my in-law side of the family... 10 people... in a van), and I'm really happy that I got back on Keto before this. It's just not THAT hard to maintain, and it gives me an extra reason (for them) to stay away from things I've always wanted to stay away from.

    Age: 46
    Height 5’11”
    Historical SW (January 2015): 245 lbs
    Recent SW: 220.0 lbs (1/14/18)
    Ultimate GW: 179 lbs (and 12% body fat)

    R28 SW = 220.0 EW = 219.8 (-0.2) AW = 220.2 (+0.2)
    R29 SW = 219.8 EW = 214.0 (-5.8) AW = 215.9 (-4.3)
    R30 SW = 214.0 EW = 214.0 (-0.0) AW = 214.1 (-1.8)
    R31 SW = 214.0 EW = 209.2 (-4.8) AW = 211.3 (-2.8)
    R32 SW = 209.2 EW = 209.6 (+0.4) AW = 208.9 (-2.4)
    R33 SW = 209.6 EW = 207.4 (-2.2) AW = 208.2 (-0.7)
    R34 SW = 207.4 EW = 206.6 (-0.8) AW = 206.6 (-1.6)
    R35 SW = 206.6 EW = 204.2 (-2.4) AW = 204.1 (-2.5)
    R36 SW = 204.1 EW = 207.4 (+3.3) AW = 203.9 (-0.2)
    R37 SW = 207.4 EW = 202.0 (-5.4) AW = 203.5 (-0.4)
    R38 SW = 202.0 EW = 196.8 (-5.2) AW = 197.1 (-6.4)
    R39 SW = 196.8 EW = 194.2 (-2.6) AW = 195.8 (-1.3)
    R40 SW = 194.2 EW = 192.6 (-1.6) AW = 193.3 (-2.5)
    R41 SW = 192.6 EW = 194.0 (+1.4) AW = 193.7 (+0.4)
    R42 SW = 194.0 EW = 190.2 (-3.8) AW = 193.5 (-0.2) SBF% = 15.5 EBF% = 15.3 (-0.2), ABF% = 15.6 (+0.1)

    Total loss (since 1/14/18, but before this round): 29.8 lbs
    Average weight loss per round: 2.08 lbs

    R43 SW = 190.2, SBF% = 15.3
    Goals for this round: get below 189.9 and stay there; continue to monitor body fat percentage


    6/07 = 190.4 (+0.2), BF% = 15.3 (no change). I'm really happy to see this number, as I was not fully convinced that yesterday's weigh-in was accurate. I snacked a bit much yesterday, which led to me eating at about maintenance. I'm feeling super-positive right now. I have basketball and the weightlifting tonight. I think I'm eventually going to alternate my weightlifting and basketball days; I'm not sure it will make a difference health/fitness-wise, but it should improve the likelihood that I get my weightlifting in. At this point, when I have to sacrifice something (because of time), I just do legs at the gym, not upper body.

    6/08 = 191.2 (+0.8), BF% = 15.3. This is "one of those days." I played basketball last night, I had a healthy dinner, and I ate well yesterday; everything indicated that today should have been, at worst, maintaining my weight. Daily fluctuations; sometimes they make sense, sometimes they don't. But, given my current Zen state, I'm going to see this for what it is. Basketball was mediocre last night, but I didn't get hurt. I'm experiencing some ridiculous drama at work today (petty personal drama), and it has me in a bad mood.

    6/09 = 190.2 (-1.0), BF% = 15.3. Basically A WHOOSH™. I ate well yesterday. I'm right in the edge of 189.x. Trying not to obsess about it. I play basketball in a little over an hour, and I'm going to stop at the gym. This could be the day. I'm going to eat very mindfully today. Going it for drinks tonight for a friend's birthday, so it's going to be tough. 2 drinks max, and they must be Keto-friendly.

    6/10 = 190.8 (+0.6), BF% = 15.3. Yesterday was a mixed bag. Basketball was great, eating, not so much. My wife was a horrible, insidious influence. I know my eating is my responsibility, but she was in rare form. I need to find a kind way to talk with her about this, because I can deal with temptation, but not sabotage from my wife.

    6/11 = 192.6 (+1.8), BF% = 15.5. I feel like this is "leftover" from my day before, because I was within calories, macros, and whatever. Maybe I had a "little" more bacon last night than I should have. I have been a little light on sleep the past few days, and I've also been a little light on water, and both of those could be affecting things. I'm playing basketball and going to the gym tonight. I'll keep trying to figure this out. Not going to let this get me down.

    6/12 = 191.0 (-1.6), BF% = 15.3. Total BWHOOSH™ (formerly known as BOUNCE BACK™). Finally a decent weigh-in after basketball last night. My knee felt loose/sore at basketball, though, so it wasn't all good news. I went to the gym before basketball last night, lifted weights (including legs), but I have to admit that I skipped the gym last Thursday and Saturday (but still played basketball). I know better. Thinking back, I'm pretty sure I know what's going on, as it's happened before. Part of me (hell, all of me) wants to be "normal" again, someone who isn't dealing with the aftereffects of reconstructive knee surgery 20 years ago, including pretty severe osteoarthritis. I would love to be able to play basketball and NOT need to lift weights every time I go in order to keep my reconstructed knee and associated leg in its best possible state (which still sucks). This experience, once again, reminds me that this day will never come. It's a little depressing, but this is old, old news. If I go to the gym regularly (one gym workout per one day of basketball), I generally feel much better. I'm recommitting to doing this. Again. On a happier note, I'm going on vacation for a week! I will not be weighing in again until Wednesday, 6/20. Anyone have any ideas regarding how I should "report" this in my history (SW, EW, AW, etc.)? *Edit* Last night I asked my wife to take the following phrase out of her vocabulary when it comes to me and food, "Maybe you can just have a little."

    6/13 = no weigh-in. Driving to Sedona this morning for a weeklong vacation with my in-laws (9 adults plus one 5-year-old and and infant). I got very little sleep last night. Our plan was to rent a huge can and drive together, but that fell apart last second, and we spent an extra 2 hours coming up with an alternative (renting a car and a Suburban). I'm exhausted, but excited about keeping to my Keto and trying to at least maintain my weight until I get back.

    6/14 = no weigh-in. I did pretty well yesterday when I was in control, but ordering pizza for dinner I couldn't do anything about. Just ate the toppings and threw away the bread. I different did my best, but I'm hoping for some better choices (opportunities) for food. Sedona is gorgeous.

    6/15 = no weigh-in. Really busy, with a late night.

    6/16 = no weigh-in. Got to Vegas last night. Went to the gym this morning. Weighed myself on a mechanical scale. If I trust it completely (which I don't), I'm about 6 lbs up. We'll see when I get home.
  • Chesirekate
    Chesirekate Posts: 72 Member
    Round 41:180
    Round 42: 179

    6/07: 179
    6/08: 179...keep reminding myself this will take time
    6/09 179...
    6/10 didn't weigh
    6/11didn't weigh
    6/12 didn't weigh
    6/13 181...ugh need to drink more water
    6/14 178....not sure what's going on here, but I'm not going to question
    6/15 178.8....holding onto it

  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 3,995 Member
    edited June 2018
    @sue_01, I have been meaning to comment on your posts. I think about something to say and then change my mind, then get sidetracked. You are one of the strongest women that I have ever encountered. All that you have been through with your health and you forge ahead to restore it. I imagine that your personality is very vibrant, it seems so through your words. When I think of you, I say a prayer for you for the Heavenly Father to restore your health and will ask that he put people in your life's path to help you with your recovery. :heart: