How can I get my husband to see he needs get healthy



  • thegymbunny
    thegymbunny Posts: 602 Member
    Men are pretty easy to talk into some sort of fitness routine.

    But when it comes to diet, if there is a trick... I don't know it.
  • kernowprincess
    kernowprincess Posts: 135 Member
    I sympathise with this. My Hubby is 6ft 2in and weighs about 280lbs. He really does not see how unhealthy this is. I have made some changes with my own diet i.e. lots of salad in the fridge and low fat (Nimble) bread, so he has lost about 28lbs in a couple of months but still insists on snacking. He will come home from work and make himself bread and butter as I am cooking. He also eats at work by joining with his mates and buying take out (usually curry).

    He recently had a blood test for a specific (non-weight) problem and the Doctor mentioned he may have fatty deposits around his liver and when I asked him if the Doctor mentioned his weight he denied anything was said.

    I think it is like smoking they will not change until they are ready. All you can do is put heathy choices in the cupboards and fridge and hope he gets the message.

    I found that arguing the point only drives him to eat more.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    It took a health crisis for my husband to wake up. When he was told he was diabetic and they wanted to put him on medicine he got serious in a way I have never seen before. He is down 60lbs now and is out of the diabetic range without ever going on medication.

    Has he had a complete checkup by a doctor recently? If his numbers aren't good maybe that would do it for him.
  • sgriddler
    sgriddler Posts: 22 Member
    You cant make him or nag him, as people have pointed out. Why dont you highlight to hin his short comings. Golf is merely a slow walk around an expensive park.
    I dont know how old your kids are, but you could try running and cycling with them. Men hate not being able to do things when other people are. If he struggles to keep up or join in, it might make him reconsider...
    How ever you manage it, Making him realise for himself, rather than telling is your best chance.....
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    You could also talk about how horney working out makes you! hehe And how hot it makes you to see him doing it! haha That might actually work!

  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    For my husband, it took ME changing MY life for him to jump on board. I changed my eating habits for about a few weeks. Then I joined he gym and started going 6 days a week and working with a trainer 2 of those days. I'm down almost 20 pounds and my husband just asked me put him on my membership and he is going to start working out with me tomorrow.

    He started eating a little healthier simply because I changed how I shop and cook. But he still stops for fast food for lunch at work. Hoping that once he starts working out with me next week he'll have the drive to really change how he eats.

    Good luck.

    God bless!
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    The description sounds like my Dad. The only thing is my Mum doesn't have the willpower to eat differently to him and so she gets dragged down with it. (Without the drink)
    I've tried to help but I'm just told 'not to worry' and 'get on with my own life' and I have. Now my Mum regrets not joining me in the beginning, I've made her realise how unhealthy they are but it's still impossible to convince my Dad, he thinks he has the best, most nutritional diet in the world.
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    You got a rolling pin? If so, go all Granny Clampett on his *kitten*.

    *teehee* *giggles*

    I wish I had the answer, but I don't. My hubby and I both were eating very unhealthy and gained a bunch of weight...but we both decided to do this together. Maybe you can make sure everything that you are fixing for him is as healthy as possible, that way he's only eating the junk he buys?

    Bottom line is this: losing weight is like quitting smoking. You won't do it until you're ready to, no matter how much someone begs you to do it, threatens you, berates you, and flat out wants you to.

    The only thing you CAN do is be there when he does wake up.

    Good luck!
  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    I have actually thought before about the doctor as I think a strong word from her might work but how would I get him to the doctor. In Ireland its so expensive you only go if you really sick and thankfully we never are!!! He had a medical in work a few years ago and all was good and I know he use's this in his mind as a benchmark but it was about 3 years ago!!
  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    You could also talk about how horney working out makes you! hehe And how hot it makes you to see him doing it! haha That might actually work!


    Also loving this suggestion and he might find it more appealling that the rolling pin over the head ha ha !!!!