Skinny Fat Tummy NO MATTER WHAT?!!?!

Hey guys I am new to my fitness pal, but I have always used a calorie and exercise tracker. I am coming to you guys today with an issue that involves my biggest insecurity ! I am skinny fat, specifically in my stomach area. I always make sure I get in my calories for the day, and try to keep all my foods as whole and pure as possible. I rarely have cheat days, and when I do its usually a meal and not an entire day.... I exercise frequently, 3-5x a week. When possible I go to the gym to do lifting and weight training, but because its a half hour from my house between work and juggling life its very hard to get there. So most my workouts are at home HIIT training. I have been at it for almost a year now and I've seen minimal change in my biggest problem area :( you can see my abs underneath so clearly when I flex, but there is such a thick layer of fat that simply wont burn. I will put a picture in the post of a front and side view. Does anyone have ANY advice to get rid of this? I feel like I am never going to be satisfied with my progress if I cant get rid of this area


  • Davidsdottir
    Davidsdottir Posts: 1,285 Member
    I don't think it's as bad as you think it is. In fact, I don't think it looks bad at all.

    What's your height and weight, what's your TDEE, and how many calories are you eating?
  • Davidsdottir
    Davidsdottir Posts: 1,285 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    What are your stats? You don't look fat or skinny fat but rather lacking the muscle base to be more defined.

    Lifting consistently and muscle building will help your body composition.. most likely based on your photos you will actually need to gain weight. But your stats (height, weight etc) will be more helpful in determining your next steps.

  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    What are your stats? You don't look fat or skinny fat but rather lacking the muscle base to be more defined.

    Lifting consistently and muscle building will help your body composition.. most likely based on your photos you will actually need to gain weight. But your stats (height, weight etc) will be more helpful in determining your next steps.


  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    @Gainsngrub - from a man's perspective, I truly do not think that you look bad at all. But, that does not matter. What matters is what you think. The two ladies asking the same question are gonna be able to really help you.

    General comments - nutrition will really help. Get that right, first and foremost. As the ladies suggested, find your caloric maintenance (or, more betterer, your TDEE) and determine what you are currently consuming (in the way of calories) and adjust accordingly (if necessary). I also agree that a good, solid resistance training program will help (shoot, it helps EVERYONE). Progressive overload is key. The two ladies can fill you in there.

    So, solid nutrition and consistent resistance training will do you wonders. That is really the key.

    For example, I used to do power lifting. But, because I can sometimes be a bit bullheaded and super competitive, I kept on hurting myself (doing deadlifts and squats at 85% of 1RM all the stinking time is maybe not the best program.....even for a kick *kitten* 51yo dude like me! LOL!), when I was out of the gym (which happened several times for at least a month each time) I lost a lot of strength and tone. Point there....consistency is key. Like they say, life is 95% showing up. You don't show up, no gains!

    Cardio is not the answer. If I might be so bold as to make that statement. It can indeed be a tool to help you, but it alone is not the answer. And you are know are the perfect example (you stated that you have not made any changes at all in the last year).

    If you can make nutrition and resistance training a priority then things will take a decided turn for the better (with 'better' being defined by you!)......

    I wish you the best of fortune. You got this. And these two ladies will help you a ton!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I don't want to sound daft, but are you holding your stomach in? If not, why not? That makes a huge difference!
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    I don't want to sound daft, but are you holding your stomach in? If not, why not? That makes a huge difference!

    Because you shouldn't have to perform a stomach vacuum throughout the entirety of the day just to feel comfortable with yourself.

    OP I'm going to go with the two very experienced woman have to say and build more muscle. I'm on mobile otherwise I would post a picture of when I was extremely lean with no muscle compared to now when I have a significantly higher total lean mass and a higher body fat percentage. Despite the extra fat mass my abs actually look significantly more defined and pronounced.

    So I would highly recommend taking the plunge and either going for a traditional bulk or take it very slow and recomp. either way you will need to ensure that you follow a resistance training program. A true professionally built one over a home made one. Thats the turning point of saying yours serious about wanting to change opposed to actually taking it seriously through your actions.

    I will also second that you look great already! And that you shouldn't get yourself down by what you don't have rather being yourself up by what you do have.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    What are your stats? You don't look fat or skinny fat but rather lacking the muscle base to be more defined.

    Lifting consistently and muscle building will help your body composition.. most likely based on your photos you will actually need to gain weight. But your stats (height, weight etc) will be more helpful in determining your next steps.

    Pretty much this...

    I don't think you look skinny fat at all, but if you want that more "toned" look, you need to hit the weight room or otherwise do some kind of progressive resistance work. You don't have to spend a ton of time in the gym...full body programs are typically 3x per week and there are some 2x per week programs as well. I'm running a fairly basic barbell program at the moment due to time restraints...takes me about 30-40 minutes and I'm in and out.

    Things like HIIT and whatnot are cardiovascular isn't really going to do much for body composition. To change your body composition, you have to do resistance training. If you can't get to the gym, look into You are Your Own Gym and do body weight.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    I don't want to sound daft, but are you holding your stomach in? If not, why not? That makes a huge difference!

    Because you shouldn't have to perform a stomach vacuum throughout the entirety of the day just to feel comfortable with yourself.

    I thought holding in your stomach (in the quoted post) means keeping your core tight while exercising, not for 24/7.
  • tomorrowperfume
    tomorrowperfume Posts: 67 Member
    I think you look good.

    Since you're not digging your look, you need to build muscle, lose fat, or both. Unfortunately body shape is something you can't really change, so if your body likes to hold onto fat in the belly then that's going to be the biggest part of you for the foreseeable future. Do you have an example of what your end goal might be? Just a smaller belly, or do you want to see a six-pack, too?

    Also, your bra is super cute but it looks like it doesn't fit well. When you've got a minute, try getting a bra fitting and try on a bra that really fits. It definitely changed my life for the better.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    RaeBeeBaby wrote: »
    zyxst wrote: »
    jessef593 wrote: »
    I don't want to sound daft, but are you holding your stomach in? If not, why not? That makes a huge difference!

    Because you shouldn't have to perform a stomach vacuum throughout the entirety of the day just to feel comfortable with yourself.

    I thought holding in your stomach (in the quoted post) means keeping your core tight while exercising, not for 24/7.

    Actually, if you do this consistently throughout the day it becomes second nature. Not a vanity thing, per se, but it's like paying attention to whether you have good posture or not. Suck in your tummy and put your shoulders back - it strengthens your spine and abs and makes you look better, too. Much better than slouching and letting it all hang out.

    ETA: I think OP looks great! But as a previous poster said, it's all in the self perception.

    Yes, this is what I was going to say. I try to keep my abs tight all the time, particularly while sitting at a desk all day. It keeps me mindful of my posture and helps strengthen the core.
  • BrianJohnson2015
    BrianJohnson2015 Posts: 68 Member
    People store body fat in different places. Unless you completely shred and are super strict it isn’t going anywhere. Most guys store it in their gut do to testosterone lvls (hence why roided dudes have big bellys even if shredded) and women usually in there hips because of estrogen and hormone levels. Maybe something to think about. It’s probably achievable but your going to have to make it number 1 priority
  • RadishEater
    RadishEater Posts: 470 Member
    Gainsngrub wrote: »
    Hey guys I am new to my fitness pal, but I have always used a calorie and exercise tracker. I am coming to you guys today with an issue that involves my biggest insecurity ! I am skinny fat, specifically in my stomach area. I always make sure I get in my calories for the day, and try to keep all my foods as whole and pure as possible. I rarely have cheat days, and when I do its usually a meal and not an entire day.... I exercise frequently, 3-5x a week. When possible I go to the gym to do lifting and weight training, but because its a half hour from my house between work and juggling life its very hard to get there. So most my workouts are at home HIIT training. I have been at it for almost a year now and I've seen minimal change in my biggest problem area :( you can see my abs underneath so clearly when I flex, but there is such a thick layer of fat that simply wont burn. I will put a picture in the post of a front and side view. Does anyone have ANY advice to get rid of this? I feel like I am never going to be satisfied with my progress if I cant get rid of this area

    This is so weird!!! I have that bra and also we have very similar body shapes, eerily similar. It's like I'm looking a pic of myself especially since I was wearing that bra earlier today too. I too would love to get rid of that stomach layer.

    Everywhere else I'm happy with, but that stomach layer just bugs me. I think partially it is do to how I am built cause even if I had the fat layer gone I still think my stomach would stick out more than normal. I don't have the mental strength to do bulk/cut right now so I'm just aiming for a long slow recomp.
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    I call mine cheese fry abs.

    It would require losing a lot of body fat percentage, and I don't have the desire to do such a major cut right now.
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    It's all in your head. You look good, but the problem is your weight training, you said it yourself, you're not consistent, that probably answered your own question.
  • FitSeachely
    FitSeachely Posts: 74 Member
    I am no expert and only speak from experience. I used to be skinny fat. My problem was bad posture and weak core muscle which was made worst by typical 6 pack abs exercises because it made my belly bigger. I had to start by strengthening my obliques and transverse abdominals first. The difference was mind blowing.
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    edited June 2018
    I am no expert and only speak from experience. I used to be skinny fat. My problem was bad posture and weak core muscle which was made worst by typical 6 pack abs exercises because it made my belly bigger. I had to start by strengthening my obliques and transverse abdominals first. The difference was mind blowing.

    Same. While I have fat on my stomach sure, the appearance is so much different with better posture. I've been trying to do core exercises in my workout regime and I do notice a marked difference in how my stomach appears even through I haven't lost much for inches in my stomach area so far. I'm still pretty new at it and have a ways to go though.

    OP- I personally think you look fine. What I see is maybe relaxed muscles but not fat. It would be good as others have suggested to incorporate strength training to get the look you may desire. You don't even need a gym. Body weight workouts and things like Pilates or yoga can be very effective in building strength, and improving posture.

    ETA: Just in case you've been perusing Instagram and Pinterest for fitness inspiration just know while these ladies might be fit, they are looking their best while they model. Things like camera angle, body positioning, lighting, and whether they have eaten or not all have impact on what their photos look like. I'm posting a link because I feel it's important. (Ignore the Keto adverts though unless you're into that sort of thing.) In the world of social media, every one is posting their best angle & not what they look like on a daily basis. Just remember that, and don't be down on yourself. :)