Is it possible to see results with light weights ?



  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    Building muscle is through progressive overload and forced adaptation.

    When your body builds muscle it is it's way of adapting to a stimulus. *repetitions causing micro tears.* to prevent those tears your body repairs and builds more muscle to combat that stimulus. Which is why you progressively add more weight to prevent your body from fully adapting.

    Yes light weights will work *if they provide sufficient stimulus to cause damage and result in cellular regrowth and repair*

    You will always feel pressure when using a loaded movement. Its part of the game. You have to learn to go through the movement properly and at the right speed. Were you trying to perform the movement fast and jerky?

    For 10lbs question. You said you are 134lbs. How many times a day do your legs move that 134lbs from point A to point B? Hundreds if not thousands of times. So it will be unlikely to see any results from such a light weight. I would suggest getting a trainer to teach you the movements and follow a true hypertrophy program. Not something you threw together with some crayons and glue.

    I am new to powerlifting but I trained to compete in physique for several years. You are going to need volume, intensity, overload, and calories if you want to see results and continue to make progress.

    To answer your question about just starting weights
    Bench 95lb max now 245lb
    Squat 115 now 345
    Deadlift 195 now 441
    Overhead press 75 now 155
    Just cause bicep curl 15lbsx8 now 40lbsx8

    I started at 153 and am now 183. My numbers are crap for weight due to chasing the volume game for so long when I was going for ascetics. And recently made the switch to powerlifting.

    Good luck and be prepared to hold back vomit nearly every day for the rest of your body building career.

    why would someone have to hold back vomit? no one should be working hard enough to vomit. as for starting weights not everyone can start out at a high number like you did. especially if form isnt correct and you dont have the strentght to lift that heavy. some of us have to start lower and work our way up which is the safe thing to do.

    And also. If you read the entire post by the OP. They ASKED what our starting weights were. So I gave them followed by my current. It was not a "nut up or shut up post." It was meant to be informative. Same with putting her current weight lifted into context compared to what her body already does every day. You took it as a dig. But it wasn't. It was a straight forward post backed by years of work and scientifically backed information. Refer to doctor Brad schoenfelds research if you doubt me.

    I apologize if my post was taken out of context. The vomit part was meant to be a joke. But yes. At the end of the day when you hzvdnt reached your calorie goal it does feel like you're stuffing bricks into an already full box.

    I once again apologize if it was received different than intended
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    I’ll vouch for how freaking gross and nauseous a real bulk makes me feel. If it wasn’t for calorie dense liquid help I’d want to vomit on a daily basis... nah, I usually feel that way anyways. For some folks forcing more than maintenance every single day becomes very unpleasant. ;)
  • prathyushmr
    prathyushmr Posts: 1 Member
    Yes can .
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    whats your point that I have never bulked? no not yet I havent and I wont push myself to the point of puking whether its with eating or exercise. I have eaten way over my maintenance many times in the past 5 years(not bulking) and never even came close to puking and one day I had over 5000 calories. thats way past my maintenance of 1900+ could I do it everyday? maybe but not that I would want to either.
    But then Im not looking to be a power lifter,body builder or anything of the sort either. Im just planning on building muscle which Im doing in a recomp for now which is what I want and need to be doing and its working, then bulk later on down the road.I do know how its done and what is required to do so.

    if I have to force myself to feel unpleaseant and sick then forget it

    Okay. And that's your choice. For those of us who choose to do what we need to do. In regards to bulking, know exactly how hard that push at the end of the day can be just to get those last 500 calories in. It's the hardest part about gaining muscle.

    My point was that you made a statement based off of my post that was incorrect and not even regarding the same subject matter. That's all.
  • pbryd
    pbryd Posts: 364 Member
    If 20lb is causing you back pain on a variety of exercises then might it be possible you have a pre existing injury or condition?

    If you're completely new to training, the squat and deadlift can be a challenging technical movement. They are not magical lifts, so there is nothing wrong with replacing them with the leg press and seated rows.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    10 lbs is what my husband uses for his wrist strengthening exercises... and he has a wrist injury. I'm going to second @pbryd and ask, if you feel pressure in your back with that little weight, do you have a pre existing injury? Have you had someone look at your back?

    I started completely out of shape and very obese, and at first I did the 100 squat challenge, until I was able to do 100 bodyweight squats, before adding any weight at all. My initial test for the challenge I was able to do fewer than 10 bodyweight squats. Doing bodyweight for a period of time might be a good idea for you, to get a starting foundation for strength. When I started adding weight, I started with 60 lbs.

    Properly executed squats you shouldn't primarily feel as a back exercise. If you are "tacoing" or folding forward when you lift, there are different ways of holding the bar which may be helpful. Or try dumbbell squats with a weight held in each hand.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    whats your point that I have never bulked? no not yet I havent and I wont push myself to the point of puking whether its with eating or exercise. I have eaten way over my maintenance many times in the past 5 years(not bulking) and never even came close to puking and one day I had over 5000 calories. thats way past my maintenance of 1900+ could I do it everyday? maybe but not that I would want to either.
    But then Im not looking to be a power lifter,body builder or anything of the sort either. Im just planning on building muscle which Im doing in a recomp for now which is what I want and need to be doing and its working, then bulk later on down the road.I do know how its done and what is required to do so.

    if I have to force myself to feel unpleaseant and sick then forget it

    Okay. And that's your choice. For those of us who choose to do what we need to do. In regards to bulking, know exactly how hard that push at the end of the day can be just to get those last 500 calories in. It's the hardest part about gaining muscle.

    My point was that you made a statement based off of my post that was incorrect and not even regarding the same subject matter. That's all.

    you said "Good luck and be prepared to hold back vomit nearly every day for the rest of your body building career" so to me that implies that you need to work hard enough that you feel you might vomit. how was that incorrect you stated it? you should have said it may be hard for you to get your calories in. but then again,what you may need calorie wise to bulk doesnt mean its going to be the same for another. so while for some it may be hard to get that last 500 calories in its not going to be that way for another.

    IMO you made a blanket statement. I wont have any issues eating over my maintenance though because my maintenance is low for one. and I can eat big volumes of food and not feel like vomiting. as for the subject matter what you stated was brought up,I was just saying that not everyone has to work that hard to gain muscle,it may be enough for a person wanting to lift weights to not want to lift weights if they think they have to work hard enough or eat enough calories to make them want to puke to accomplish building muscle. when they dont have to.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    Tell me what did your intake that day consist of?
    Chocolate, fruity mixed drinks, and pizza. Obviously thats how you bulk properly. /sarcasm.

    Seriously though, you don't expect people that have never bulked (Muscle, not fat) in their life to understand a clean bulk and how much food it really takes to get there, do you?

    Lets put this in perspective. If you want to eat 3000 calories a day CLEANLY of rice and chicken (Not even counting low cal, high volume veggies), you would need to eat ~2800 grams of chicken, or 15 Cups of rice, or some combination of the two. Lets say half and half, you need 7.5 cups of rice and 1400 grams (over 3 lbs) of chicken.

    Thats a LOT of food to eat in a day. Now consider that some bulks are over 5k calories and the comment about stuffing yourself makes a hell of a lot more sense
  • taco_inspector
    taco_inspector Posts: 7,223 Member
    Progressive overload is key but once you get to a point where you’re pushing 25+ reps it becomes more endurance training

    What is progressive overload? And how can I tell if I’m completing that while working out?

    Progressive overload is a concept by which you "make the training more difficult" (layman's terms). There are lots of ways to achieve this:

    1. put more weight on the bar (either each session or each week)
    2. do more reps at the same weight
    3. decrease the rest period between sets

    There is a link in MFP somewhere (as I have said before, I can never find these links) and I am pretty sure that Bret Contreras has a "what is progressive overload" article somewhere. I will find that and post the link. His detail will far surpass mine....

    Thanks so much, this is really helpful and I’m going to look over these links now!

    Here are a few "local" links that may also be of interest:

    Discussion about quite a few weight programs, most (if not all) of which incorporate some form of progressive overload:

    Presentation and discussion on changing your body composition while keeping your weight stable (neither gaining nor losing):

    Also, for my part, I would concur with the folks that are asking about pre-existing injuries and/or insufficient recovery from prior workouts/exertions. As mentioned, starting is a good thing, and weight can come as your body is comfortable working with more (and more) up to the limit of your goals and/or physical limitations. There is nothing wrong with beginning with no additional weight load; your next step is always forward / up from there :)

    Lifting programs and the strategies surrounding them are like religions to some people (as can be seen here), but I believe that most folks can agree that lifting something following proper form in a practiced and planned manner/program will be key to sustainable progress... So, starting is good; continuing is good; watching form will help you profit from your efforts while avoiding undesired injuries.
  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    jessef593 wrote: »
    whats your point that I have never bulked? no not yet I havent and I wont push myself to the point of puking whether its with eating or exercise. I have eaten way over my maintenance many times in the past 5 years(not bulking) and never even came close to puking and one day I had over 5000 calories. thats way past my maintenance of 1900+ could I do it everyday? maybe but not that I would want to either.
    But then Im not looking to be a power lifter,body builder or anything of the sort either. Im just planning on building muscle which Im doing in a recomp for now which is what I want and need to be doing and its working, then bulk later on down the road.I do know how its done and what is required to do so.

    if I have to force myself to feel unpleaseant and sick then forget it

    Okay. And that's your choice. For those of us who choose to do what we need to do. In regards to bulking, know exactly how hard that push at the end of the day can be just to get those last 500 calories in. It's the hardest part about gaining muscle.

    My point was that you made a statement based off of my post that was incorrect and not even regarding the same subject matter. That's all.

    you said "Good luck and be prepared to hold back vomit nearly every day for the rest of your body building career" so to me that implies that you need to work hard enough that you feel you might vomit. how was that incorrect you stated it? you should have said it may be hard for you to get your calories in. but then again,what you may need calorie wise to bulk doesnt mean its going to be the same for another. so while for some it may be hard to get that last 500 calories in its not going to be that way for another.

    IMO you made a blanket statement. I wont have any issues eating over my maintenance though because my maintenance is low for one. and I can eat big volumes of food and not feel like vomiting. as for the subject matter what you stated was brought up,I was just saying that not everyone has to work that hard to gain muscle,it may be enough for a person wanting to lift weights to not want to lift weights if they think they have to work hard enough or eat enough calories to make them want to puke to accomplish building muscle. when they dont have to.

    Why are you taking this personally? I was not directed towards you in anyway. So what if it was a blanket statement. There was no Ill intent behind it or discrimination. Yet here you are taking it into your own hands to feel has though you need to be offended.

    I offered sound advice for the OP and all you have done is attempt to tear apart a statement in regard to being so full you feel like you're going to burst. Why dont you trying being constructive and aid the OP? Good for you if you are naturally able to stuff food into your stomach. You say 5000 calories. Tell me what did your intake that day consist of?

    And building muscle is not easy for anyone except for the 1% genetically gifted and the drug enhanced. For the general population it is not easy. If it is so easy why haven't you marketed your techniques and become a sponsored athlete?

    Seriously get off my back. I honestly feel like its because I'm a white bald Male that you are coming at me so hard.

    actually you are assuming I am taking it personally and I am not. Im also not offended so another assumption. for me to list what I ate that day I would have to go back into my diary several months to see what it was. but I can tell you a lot of it was protein from meat, carbs and some fat as I have to do low fat due to a health issue. There are days I have over 3000 calories. I have logged as well.

    yesterday I had like 2500. not counting the items I didnt log after closing my diary so closer to 2800 calories. at 140 lbs before I got fat(im not fat now Im only 35 lbs more than I was back then not that it matters) I could eat a whole medium pizza mself,and still eat would eat off and on the rest of the day and back then I didnt gain weight eating a lot. But thats me.

    as for building muscle never once did I say it was easy,if I did please show me where?. you being a bald white dude has nothing to do with anything, you say get off your back because you feel Im coming at you? but youre saying I said this or that when no where it my statements did I say any of those things,
    so I dont know if you are mixing me up with someone else or reading into something thats not there,maybe its a comprehension issue not sure. Im sure as heck not an athlete,never claimed I was. and remember you came at me first just because I stated something you did say and said that it wasnt needed to be done that way.

    you are the one that got bent out of shape and now think Im attacking you because of your looks? sorry but Im not racist how you look or the color you are makes no difference to me. if it were anyone else Id say the same thing. I dont discriminate sorry.

    I also was construtctive and told the op that it was fine to start out with light weights and to work her weight up because she asked if it would work with light weights. so I did contribute to helping. But whatever bro you go on thinking whatever it is you want to.

    "Not everyone has to work that hard to gain muscle" right there.

    And I went at you after you assumed my comment about wanting to puke had anything to do with training and even after correcting you. You're still under the impression that's what I meant.

    It is 100% okay to start out with light weights. At no point did I say it wasnt. Buuut if you reread my original post it stated. That in order to force adaptation you need to subject your body to a stimulus that it is not already adapted to. My comparison being lifting 10lbs opposed to the OPs legs carrying their full weight daily. Meaning it would be unlikely that such a light weight would be a sufficient stimulus for any real changes.

    Also what about your dig about me starting at higher weights and saying the OP had to do the same. Or did you retract that statement after realizing it was in response to the OP asking what weights we started at? You made a dig. And were wrong. Accept it. And I don't care how much food you can eat. Just because one person can survive a bullet to the head doesn't mean we all can. I provide fact based information. You are going off of personal anecdotal experience, which is great. But when being applied to the vast majority. Its rarely the most optimal.
  • mutantspicy
    mutantspicy Posts: 624 Member
    For me putting on muscle mass is simple. Lift weights, eat steak, drink beer. Eat all the food. If you want to cut weight, continue to work your *kitten* off but go mostly vegetarian with a protein supplement because you have eat tons of food to get a couple hundred calories plus the extra carbs for energy.
    That worked when I was a young buck, now I have to watch what I eat otherwise I have problems with the poop shoot. Still tho that general premise works. There is no reason to make things so complicated you end up with anger issues. Clean Bulk is dumb. Just build muscle and take it easy man.
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    jessef593 wrote: »
    jessef593 wrote: »
    jessef593 wrote: »
    whats your point that I have never bulked? no not yet I havent and I wont push myself to the point of puking whether its with eating or exercise. I have eaten way over my maintenance many times in the past 5 years(not bulking) and never even came close to puking and one day I had over 5000 calories. thats way past my maintenance of 1900+ could I do it everyday? maybe but not that I would want to either.
    But then Im not looking to be a power lifter,body builder or anything of the sort either. Im just planning on building muscle which Im doing in a recomp for now which is what I want and need to be doing and its working, then bulk later on down the road.I do know how its done and what is required to do so.

    if I have to force myself to feel unpleaseant and sick then forget it

    Okay. And that's your choice. For those of us who choose to do what we need to do. In regards to bulking, know exactly how hard that push at the end of the day can be just to get those last 500 calories in. It's the hardest part about gaining muscle.

    My point was that you made a statement based off of my post that was incorrect and not even regarding the same subject matter. That's all.

    you said "Good luck and be prepared to hold back vomit nearly every day for the rest of your body building career" so to me that implies that you need to work hard enough that you feel you might vomit. how was that incorrect you stated it? you should have said it may be hard for you to get your calories in. but then again,what you may need calorie wise to bulk doesnt mean its going to be the same for another. so while for some it may be hard to get that last 500 calories in its not going to be that way for another.

    IMO you made a blanket statement. I wont have any issues eating over my maintenance though because my maintenance is low for one. and I can eat big volumes of food and not feel like vomiting. as for the subject matter what you stated was brought up,I was just saying that not everyone has to work that hard to gain muscle,it may be enough for a person wanting to lift weights to not want to lift weights if they think they have to work hard enough or eat enough calories to make them want to puke to accomplish building muscle. when they dont have to.

    Why are you taking this personally? I was not directed towards you in anyway. So what if it was a blanket statement. There was no Ill intent behind it or discrimination. Yet here you are taking it into your own hands to feel has though you need to be offended.

    I offered sound advice for the OP and all you have done is attempt to tear apart a statement in regard to being so full you feel like you're going to burst. Why dont you trying being constructive and aid the OP? Good for you if you are naturally able to stuff food into your stomach. You say 5000 calories. Tell me what did your intake that day consist of?

    And building muscle is not easy for anyone except for the 1% genetically gifted and the drug enhanced. For the general population it is not easy. If it is so easy why haven't you marketed your techniques and become a sponsored athlete?

    Seriously get off my back. I honestly feel like its because I'm a white bald Male that you are coming at me so hard.

    actually you are assuming I am taking it personally and I am not. Im also not offended so another assumption. for me to list what I ate that day I would have to go back into my diary several months to see what it was. but I can tell you a lot of it was protein from meat, carbs and some fat as I have to do low fat due to a health issue. There are days I have over 3000 calories. I have logged as well.

    yesterday I had like 2500. not counting the items I didnt log after closing my diary so closer to 2800 calories. at 140 lbs before I got fat(im not fat now Im only 35 lbs more than I was back then not that it matters) I could eat a whole medium pizza mself,and still eat would eat off and on the rest of the day and back then I didnt gain weight eating a lot. But thats me.

    as for building muscle never once did I say it was easy,if I did please show me where?. you being a bald white dude has nothing to do with anything, you say get off your back because you feel Im coming at you? but youre saying I said this or that when no where it my statements did I say any of those things,
    so I dont know if you are mixing me up with someone else or reading into something thats not there,maybe its a comprehension issue not sure. Im sure as heck not an athlete,never claimed I was. and remember you came at me first just because I stated something you did say and said that it wasnt needed to be done that way.

    you are the one that got bent out of shape and now think Im attacking you because of your looks? sorry but Im not racist how you look or the color you are makes no difference to me. if it were anyone else Id say the same thing. I dont discriminate sorry.

    I also was construtctive and told the op that it was fine to start out with light weights and to work her weight up because she asked if it would work with light weights. so I did contribute to helping. But whatever bro you go on thinking whatever it is you want to.

    "Not everyone has to work that hard to gain muscle" right there.

    And I went at you after you assumed my comment about wanting to puke had anything to do with training and even after correcting you. You're still under the impression that's what I meant.

    It is 100% okay to start out with light weights. At no point did I say it wasnt. Buuut if you reread my original post it stated. That in order to force adaptation you need to subject your body to a stimulus that it is not already adapted to. My comparison being lifting 10lbs opposed to the OPs legs carrying their full weight daily. Meaning it would be unlikely that such a light weight would be a sufficient stimulus for any real changes.

    Also what about your dig about me starting at higher weights and saying the OP had to do the same. Or did you retract that statement after realizing it was in response to the OP asking what weights we started at? You made a dig. And were wrong. Accept it. And I don't care how much food you can eat. Just because one person can survive a bullet to the head doesn't mean we all can. I provide fact based information. You are going off of personal anecdotal experience, which is great. But when being applied to the vast majority. Its rarely the most optimal.

    Which is why I think we addressed you initially. Now you’re just being hypocritical cause what you stated is subjective....just sayin....
    And fact based info? Where were your references/ citations to those “facts”?