Snacks at work to munch on!



  • OHammykins
    OHammykins Posts: 97 Member
    Kay_180 wrote: »
    Something I did, which is kind of weird but it worked, was put up a poster on my office wall that said "0 days since a candy incident" and then marked off every day that I managed to not eat any. And then set myself different goals - a month, 100 days, etc.
    I love this idea!! Not weird at all, very clever :-D

    I love having little snacks throughout the day, sometimes a "proper" meal is too much food in one sitting for me. I like to pack little boxes of preportioned snacks like grapes, strawberries, sliced pears/apples & nuts to snack on during the day. Things that are small and slow to eat work best.

  • rosileem
    rosileem Posts: 31 Member
    @bpetrosky literally made me lol on the bus :D

    @apullum I second beef jerky it’s my all time favourite snack! I love the list. I know for snacking I need to remember if I’m being calorie wise and it’s within my day amount, I’m good
  • skelterhelter
    skelterhelter Posts: 803 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    I think what the OP meant to ask was how to avoid all the temptation for treats at work. And it's hard. I work in a library where there are frequent catered staff meetings, as well as tons of cakes, cookies, chocolate, and chips in the break room. It's super tough not to give in, and a lot of the time I will give in to a brownie. I just stop at one and make sure I bring my own snacks to tide me over.

    Most individuals working an office job can get by quite well with a breakfast before work, a normal lunch and dinner after work. No need to graze, eat stuff to "tide one over", or eat stuff just because it's there.

    Well, I'm happy for you! I, however, do not have willpower of steel in the face of brownies.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Hello @KiwiGirl91 I also graze at work. My plan is to have a small snack 2 hours after arriving to work, a very small lunch 2 hours later, and a small snack 2 hours before leaving. I often decline the free stuff that occasionally appears, and sometimes I adjust my plan to have the free stuff which appeared rather than my 3 small snacks.

    It's just a matter of having a plan and sticking to it.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    Kay_180 wrote: »
    Hey there! I have the same problem! My co-worker has a BUCKET OF FREE CANDY outside her office door. I walk past the candy bucket like 20 times a day. Even if I ignore the candy 95 times out of a 100, I'm still eating it 5 times a week that I don't need to.
    Something I did, which is kind of weird but it worked, was put up a poster on my office wall that said "0 days since a candy incident" and then marked off every day that I managed to not eat any. And then set myself different goals - a month, 100 days, etc.
    Alternative snacks - I have almonds, which are good for me because I like them but I don't like them enough to chew through them mindlessly. Microwave popcorn is also good. I also have mints at my desk and I've found it's helpful to have a mint after I've eaten something to help send a signal to my brain that I'm done with eating that thing now.

    our office has this exact same thing, a HUGE BUCKET OF first I was like omg..and dove in. THEN I simply stopped...and I refuse to look at it, think about it..or eat it...somedays its like torture but im good about not indulging. look around at those of us who are...IT KILLS THE DESIRE QUICK.

  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    At my work they always have snacks. Chips, popcorn, cookies, candies. Its terrible. I bring my own snacks so I can avoid those. I have a couple protein shakes every day during my 10 hour shift. I try to remind myself of my macro goals. Im always under on protein and way over on carbs. DO not eat carbs, here drink your protien shake. I tell myself this a lot
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    Any fruit
    Carrots with hummus or ranch dip
    Celery with peanut butter
    Small amount of nuts
    Turkey or beef jerky
    Protein or granola bar