Anyone else have friends who suck?



  • caco_ethes
    caco_ethes Posts: 11,962 Member
    2VORNT2V wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    2VORNT2V wrote: »
    My friends don't suck, if one of them did I'd wife them up

    Uh huh, don’t velociraptors have cloacas?

    I'm in to claw play

    You’re adorable
  • 2VORNT2V
    2VORNT2V Posts: 596 Member
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    2VORNT2V wrote: »
    caco_ethes wrote: »
    2VORNT2V wrote: »
    My friends don't suck, if one of them did I'd wife them up

    Uh huh, don’t velociraptors have cloacas?

    I'm in to claw play

    You’re adorable

  • ChaelAZ
    ChaelAZ Posts: 2,240 Member
    Not since my FWB days...unfortunately.
  • R3d_butt3rfly
    R3d_butt3rfly Posts: 1,127 Member
    No... but I'm a pretty sucky friend.... so ive been told :'(
  • Mez79p
    Mez79p Posts: 33 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. I'm 39 single & have 4 friends & all single (3 are 39) too. 3(girls) of them have some sort of anxiety problems, they're always bailing on me. I'm lucky if I can get a chance to have an afternoon coffee with them on a Sunday afternoon if they don't get a panic attack. The other feels like he only wants to catchup when a blockbuster movie is out (so not too much catch up there.
    I found that going to the gym has helped me find new friends. Mind you it has been a slow process (about 2 years). I've slowly gotten to know these people found out we're all there with similar goals. We've finally gone on some charity events a couple of dinners and planning on going on some fun runs.
    Do you have any interests or hobbies or sports? Maybe by attending cooking/ language classes or crafts or even the gym for example, you might come across people with the same interests (well I at least you're both there doing the same activity ) & hopefully make new friends.

    I feel your pain, it can get pretty lonely flying solo.
  • mustacheU2Lift
    mustacheU2Lift Posts: 5,844 Member
    Im a sucky friend. But i warn people of that in advance.
  • adamfernandez4986
    adamfernandez4986 Posts: 12 Member
    Just put less effort into the planning and let them do it you set yourself up for failure if you try with flakes :/
  • bhadbahabi
    bhadbahabi Posts: 575 Member
    I just stopped trying with a friend like that. Now I have no friends but I essentially didn't have them to begin with if they never want to hang out and are only interested in talking about themselves.
  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    I haven't had friends in years. So yes they suck
  • Mazda_Mx5
    Mazda_Mx5 Posts: 722 Member
    Friends are funny .
    When you are with them you want to be alone .
    When you are alone you want to be with them .
  • Misty_1375
    Misty_1375 Posts: 759 Member
    Friends? What’s that?
  • go_cubs
    go_cubs Posts: 1,183 Member
    I have a friend that gives me grey hairs
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    edited June 2018
    I'm 41 and have a good core group of close girlfriends but I realize not everyone is lucky enough to have that. I will say it wasn't always so great. I found that my mid 20s through early 30s were a harder to time to maintain friendships as so many moved around for jobs, had babies/young kids, etc. I was always married with no kids and a career, but a lot of my friends were SAHMs and didn't get a lot of opportunities to take a night out so their friend time was mainly spent with fellow SAHMs. Since mid 30s it has seemed like most people had a calmer life overall with older kids and a little more time and money to go out and do things (nothing lavish like big trips, I just mean coffee anytime or the occasional concert, dinner, play, paint night, winery, etc).

    I would highly suggest trying out some new hobby/class/group to meet people. I know it may sound weird but even meeting people through mutual acquaintances on sites like facebook, Yelp, etc, can turn into new friendships. While my core group is mainly women who have known each other since our teens or college age, we have "taken on" several newer friends in the last 4-5 years (usually that one of us met through work or social media) and they fit in perfectly and add a lot to our get togethers. I think by late 30s into early 40s most of us are a lot more accepting of newcomers as long as they're "our type" and by that I mainly mean similar interests and politics...not some strict mean girls crap or anything. We are a wide range of women.

    EDITED TO ADD: I would absolutely write off people who flake. I can still have the occasional catch up conversation or maybe coffee one on one with a friend who is flaky but I'm not committing to "real plans" with anyone who has burned me more than 1-2 times in that area. Some old friends fell by the wayside as they found religion or drugs or whatever. Others just can't get their act together or remember which night to that's just too bad for them.
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,452 Member
    Nope, my real friends have my back always. They are the best.. Im grateful for them and make sure they know it.
  • slessofme
    slessofme Posts: 7,739 Member
    I have run into this a fair amount - I even have one friend that I call my "3rd times a charm" person. If something is planned, I know it won't actually happen until the 2nd time it's rescheduled. I just know that's the pattern and don't take the first 2 scheduled items too seriously.

    After my divorce I found a book club, which led me to a group of over 50 single ladies. I love hanging out with them. There is very little judgment, they're all much more social than I am and they plan things regularly. I found that I enjoy spending time/talking with them much more than other women my age.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Yeah, some. But I'm not seeing them or speaking with them now. I reached my limit of that one-sided Fairweather friend BS.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,793 Member
    I have a very tight group of friends. Most of them I ride with, served in the Marines with and/or share an affinity for good cigars. They are all people I can count on. If I could not, they would no longer be in my group of friends.

    And I am a person they can count on.
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    I have a few "friends" who are sliding into acquaintance territory. They aren't reliable, they dont' initiate anything, and I get tired of being the one to reach out. Not the type of friend I want. But I struggle to find new friends, though that's what I'd really like.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I don't have local friends who are not also friends with my dh at this point. We would generally be invited to do things as a family or couple. I have not been able to commit to or attend things many times because of my dd's issues so I guess I am the sucky friend but they have not sitting at home alone because of it. Dh sometimes goes to things alone if dd and I can not go. My social life is not awesome but it is not because other people are flaky or suck.
    As a family/couple we are not really interested in going out as much with friends as spending our free time together.

    My non-local friends I don't really make plans with. We communicate through facebook and such but don't really get together as they live far away now.

    Maybe time to expand your social circle to include more single people who want to socialize like you or change the type of plans you make.