If i add something to water does it still count?



  • You have my statement exactly! It does grow on you I have been told by many others and I love it now. :smile:
  • I count it. I hate plain water and discovered water flavoring packets at the grocery store. Now I drink a ton of water. I gave up pop and cut way back on coffee. they have some great flavors and I love em.
  • It still counts:) I've become fond of the SOBE Life Water, they are very good with lots of different flavors. Also this might sound strange but I bought a water bottle that has a straw and found it much easier to drink my water this way. Don't know why but before I struggled to get in even 6 glasses a day and now I will drink at least 9 nearly everyday:)

    Ditto. WalMart has a really cool thermal/insulated water container with a built in straw thing...it is really neat. I toss it in the freezer with water in it for a couple hours before heading to the gym. It stays really cold and I have consumed wayyyyy more water since I got this bottle.
  • bullmastifflover
    bullmastifflover Posts: 128 Member
    Target use to carry this awesome water bottle. My husband broke it so I had to order a new one directly from the manufacturer. It's 24oz (not too big) and has a straw that pops out the top...looks great in black.

  • cytrus
    cytrus Posts: 25 Member
    first thing in the morning I drink 32 oz of h2o with 1/2 a lemon squeezed in it. then I carry 2 voss water bottles around to get in the last 6 cups. I occasionally drink tea on top of that, but i rarely sweeten it anyway. I don't use the crystal lite type things because I can't stand the aspartame taste.
  • Levedi
    Levedi Posts: 290 Member
    Remember that the 8 glasses a day is just a general guideline anyway. If you drink a lot of caffeine or other diuretics you may need more water to replace what you're losing. If you live in a very dry or hot climate you may need extra water to replace what you sweated away. (You may also need more minerals. Lots of sweating depletes your electrolytes, not just your water.) If you're a tiny person you may need less. If you eat foods with lots of liquid you may need to drink less - soup is water based after all. Fruit has liquid in it too.

    Basically, stay hydrated. If you're thirsty, drink something. If you get headaches when you exercise, try hydrating more before hand and during. If you want flavor, go for it.
  • There is no way that put things in water would make it not count anymore.. When the water hits your stomach it mixes with everything in it.. if that where the case the moment you drank it, it would no longer count! lol
  • k_a_blacks1109
    k_a_blacks1109 Posts: 1 Member
    Why does it always have to be GO BIG OR GO HOME? If you're not drinking 10 glasses of plain water a day, you're not drinking enough. And if you drink ANY flavored water, then you're not really drinking water?? Huh?? Lol. That's craziness! In my opinion, everything in moderation. But water is still water. Even with Crsytal Light packets. I don't want to drink JUST plain water every day. I like flavor. So I use those a couple of times a day. But you also need to drink some plain water too, in order to have a balance.

    As far as how much? We consume water when we eat our veggies and fruit. So I think just the regular 8 - 8 oz glasses of water a day should be enough. Unless you get thirsty, or are working out. Then you should drink more water, because your body sweats it out. But I don't believe in drinking half your body weight in water ounces, like other articles have mentioned......unless you want to drown your organs (if that's even possible lol). Especially if you're a big girl like me. I would have to consume 10 BOTTLES of water a day to reach that. No way in hell that's gonna happen, unless I want to spend every 5 minutes in the bathroom. And I work a desk job.

    BOTTOM LINE......You know your body better than anyone on this forum. Pay attention to how you feel when you drink certain things, and when you drink certain amounts. Your body will tell you if it's right or wrong. If the flavor packets are making you more thirsty, or making you feel terrible.....then don't drink them. Try something else. What works for everyone else, may not necessarily work for you. :)