Satisfying A Sweet Tooth



  • Hi...Try not to buy any chips..and make it a point to not let them in your house if you can. Instead buy only a small single serving size package when you get a craving for them so you won't be tempted to eat more and keep lots of 98 percent fat free popcorn in your cupboard handy. As far as your sweet tooth goes..I have one probably worse than anyone. The more sugar we eat the more we in order to stop the cravings you need to try to stop eating it initially and eat more fiber...and think of fruits as your new candy..and sometimes allow yourself candy..I have had a horrible week though but for the most part I generally live by this and it doesn't help when the boss has a Huge candy dish.
  • TheBottomlessPit
    TheBottomlessPit Posts: 12 Member
    I absolutely can't get enough of Skinny Topcorn ( The sweet and salt one is SO GOOD. You feel like you are stuffing your face, but a whole bag is only 123 cals!! Can't recommend it enough :-D
  • I find that I haven't really had a sweet tooth because I make a "cookie". Its a Peppridge farms deli flat (100 calories) and spread a Tbs of Nutella (taste like chocolate with a hint of hazelnut, only 100 calories) on it, and I put mine in the fridge but I'm sure it would taste just as good warm.
  • cedarhurst2006
    cedarhurst2006 Posts: 378 Member
    For the serious sweet tooth.............

    I'll have some almond butter mixed with dark chocolate chips or

    Mix the ice cream of a sugar free fudgicle with peanut butter and sugar free cool whip for a nice frozen treat!
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    tablespoon of peanut butter dipped in a 60cal choc. pudding cup.
  • brie13
    brie13 Posts: 5
    Cocoa roasted almonds are absolutely delicious! They are always the cure for my sweet tooth. I also like mixing some Greek yogurt with a chocolate protein powder and adding a tablespoon of peanut butter on the top, and maybe a little bit of Stevia if it's too bitter. It's pretty calorie dense (mine usually runs around 350 calories) but it's packed with protein depending on the powder you use (the whole thing is about 60 grams: I use EAS 100% whey/Chobani 0% plain Greek yogurt) and really fills me up. I'm not hungry for about 4 hours after I eat something like that!

    Like many others have mentioned, a few squares of dark chocolate can't hurt, and the RIGHT kinds of dark chocolate (shy away from the Hershey's or Nestle brand that they add additional sugar to) is actually full of antioxidants that can be good for you. Check out the organic section of your grocery store and see what kinds of chocolates they have, I just discovered mine had a lot!

    Try Skinny Cow ice creams and even some of the Weight Watchers candies too. They are fine in moderation. Not sure if you're near a retailer, but Arctic Zero ice cream is delicious and only 150 calories a pint in many different flavors (be careful of the sugar though).

    When I have a sweet tooth but am already at my calorie goal for the day, I chew gum. Extra makes delicious sugar free gums that taste like desserts (well, not literally :laugh: ) If that doesn't work, I'll brush my teeth. It really kicks away the cravings, IMO.

    Best of luck!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I have discovered Nutella for my chocolate cravings. One tablespoon (which is a lot of Nutella) has only 5 calories and 1 carb. It might help your craving for sweets too. Hope it helps. x
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Nutella is actually 100 calories per tablespoon, with 11 grams of carbs of which 10.5 grams of that is sugar. A normal serving is 2 tablespoons, so double those numbers. It might be good for an occasional treat, but it's really not all that good for you.

    You might try Greek yogurt mixed with a low calorie sweetener. I've used a few grams of sugar free jello mixes in different fruit flavors as well as sugar free pudding mix. The pudding mix makes it almost mousse-like.

    For crunchy and salty, I'll second the Sensible Portions Veggie Straws. 38 of them to an ounce, they are awesome. Use some Greek yogurt flavored with granulated garlic and onion as a dip and it's filling and tasty.
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    I only get a sweet tooth at night and for me its got to have chocolate or I'm not interested. Recently, I have been into Hershey's sugar free chocolate syrup. I really like 1/2 a banana cut up, layed out on a plate, and drisseled in chocolate. Or, 1 or 2 tbsp of peanut butter with chocolate syrup. This I eat out of the smallest bowl I own with a baby spoon so it lasts longer.

    I prefer regular choc syrup but geez, 100cal for 2tbsp is more than I want. I'm thinking of experimenting making my own. Cocoa+corn syrup=choc syrup. Any ideas?
  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    i go for 2 squares of Lindt 70% dark choc- it's enough like a sweet snack to satisfy the craving, and extremely good for you! Plus it's so rich you might not be tempted to finish the pack ;)

    Mmmmm, love that too. I usually go for the 85% but only bc then it's not sweet enough for hubby to steal ;)
  • brie13, thanks for the reco! Do you use any other EAS products? ~Jon @EAS
  • rocketpants
    rocketpants Posts: 419 Member
    I have a square of dove chocolate (40 calories) every night for desert. I would far rather have a smaller serving of a qulaity desert than a large serving of diet crap.

    I read somewhere that the brain only really enjoys the first 3 bites of desert, after that the reward response / satisfaction is greatly diminished.