2 Protein shakes a day, and normal meal at night. Advice please.

alanmcj68 Posts: 68 Member
I made a decision that I needed to change things. 10 weeks ago I started at 300 lbs, and I'm now at 245 lbs. From a food point of view, I am having 2 USN or Phd shakes per day, and then a normal meal in the evening. I make up any calorie deficit with seeds and nuts. I am not feeling hungry, and not suffering from any energy loss, in fact, probably the opposite, and I have this week started weight training.
My question is- In light of the fact that I have no cravings, is this a safe way to lose weight, as I read some conflicting reports? I am aiming to lose another 55 lbs.


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    How many calories are you actually eating?
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,988 Member
    What's in the "conflicting reports" that concerns you.l? IMO, if it works, for you I'd just stick w/it.
  • alanmcj68
    alanmcj68 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm eating at least 1500 calories. Sometimes more. Have lost 10.5 lbs in the last month, so did lose a big chunk at the beginning. I'm on my feet most of the day, working in my restaurant kitchen,. I just stopped eating the wrong things, and am now content with the protein shakes. Only now and again do I have a snack during the day.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    alanmcj68 wrote: »
    I'm eating at least 1500 calories. Sometimes more. Have lost 10.5 lbs in the last month, so did lose a big chunk at the beginning. I'm on my feet most of the day, working in my restaurant kitchen,. I just stopped eating the wrong things, and am now content with the protein shakes. Only now and again do I have a snack during the day.

    1,500 is the minimum recommended for men in most circumstances. Since you're on your feet all day, you may want to consider eating more. I was (accidentally) eating too little when I began MFP and I felt absolutely great until I didn't -- my energy dropped, I was hungry all the time, my sleep began suffering. As soon as I increased my calories, I felt better. Pay close attention to how you feel so you'll be ready if your body begins shouting for more food.

    Your weight loss probably won't continue to be this rapid. If it does, please consider eating more. You want to try to retain as much muscle as you can while losing fat and your body will struggle with that if you're undereating.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    alanmcj68 wrote: »
    I'm eating at least 1500 calories. Sometimes more. Have lost 10.5 lbs in the last month, so did lose a big chunk at the beginning. I'm on my feet most of the day, working in my restaurant kitchen,. I just stopped eating the wrong things, and am now content with the protein shakes. Only now and again do I have a snack during the day.

    Eat man!!! Eat! I don't know your stats completely, but remember, their is life after weight loss! Develops the skills for maintenance now! I had to get a crash course!
  • alanmcj68
    alanmcj68 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys. I will take it on board. After many attempts, my head is in the right place for it. but I want to do it right. I have had 2 herniated discs in my lumber spine for 24 years, so I am limited with what cardio as I can do.
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited July 2018
    alanmcj68 wrote: »
    I'm eating at least 1500 calories. Sometimes more. Have lost 10.5 lbs in the last month, so did lose a big chunk at the beginning. I'm on my feet most of the day, working in my restaurant kitchen,. I just stopped eating the wrong things, and am now content with the protein shakes. Only now and again do I have a snack during the day.

    I'll add to the voices of other people here and say eat more food. I also work and walk all day at work, I do no cardio and yet when I need to lose weight at a reasonable rate, I usually require no less than 2400 calories. Sure it's fun to lose a *kitten* ton of weight fast, but losing more than 1% of your bodyweight on a weekly basis is just destroying any muscles you have....basically you're not doing your health any favors.
  • keeler521
    keeler521 Posts: 24 Member
    edited July 2018
    I would definitely up your intake some and put some hard yummy foods in your belly :)
    I typically resort to protein shakes if I am just scrambling to find something to fill the calorie void, otherwise, I much prefer foods when its time to eat. 1-2 whole eggs mixed with 3 servings of egg whites helps me a lot, followed with some cottage cheese (w/ powdered peanut butter mix) is usually my breakfast. More protein (40+ grams) and nutrients than I would get from a liquid that is designed to digest quickly, leaving me searching for more just a short time later.

    However ... my wife got me hooked on the MFP Green Goddess Smoothie, holy smokes that is an awesome shake!
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    edited July 2018
    alanmcj68 wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice guys. I will take it on board. After many attempts, my head is in the right place for it. but I want to do it right. I have had 2 herniated discs in my lumber spine for 24 years, so I am limited with what cardio as I can do.

    I also have 2 - at L3/L4 and L5/S1 as well as spinal stenosis at L3/L4. This is from an MRI and seeing a spinal specialist. He had me do PT and there they taught me some cross body exercises to strengthen the muscles right over it. I also have to try to remember (getting better at it) to hinge at the hips and keep my back straight instead of arching and hunching. I paddle a slow rec SUP 5-8 miles 2 or 3 times a week, walk 6 or 8 miles at ~4.5 mph.

    This keeps me in good shape, but eating less than I burn made me lose the weight I needed to. I failed at a 2 shake + meal plan (the one on TV a lot) when I tried to switch to maintenance. That can be tricky when you are going to switch to a different way of eating than you used while losing; watch the scale closely when you do that.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    alanmcj68 wrote: »
    Thanks for the advice guys. I will take it on board. After many attempts, my head is in the right place for it. but I want to do it right. I have had 2 herniated discs in my lumber spine for 24 years, so I am limited with what cardio as I can do.

    What about swimming? Great full body workout, provides resistance, and not hard on the body.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    1st: congratulations on your success!!!

    You found something that works for you, that's awesome. If you feel that your current diet can be sustained long term, and you're healthy, why change it? (If it ain't broke, don't fix it).

    Now, if you feel that two shakes + meal is not going to be sustainable long term for you, start weeding out one shake at a time. Even just slowly replacing 1 of the shakes per week is progress towards a sustainable eating habit. I know a lot of people that do a protien/nutrition shake for breakfast every day as thier normal habit as they are time crunched in the morning. Because that's thier normal, it's just fine. Everyone is different, so find something that will work for you long term.
  • sschauer513
    sschauer513 Posts: 313 Member
    I've done and still do 2 shakes a day with protein bar snack and regular meal have for about 2 years down 120+lbs so it works but as my exercise went up I have to increase my food intake I do about 2400 calories a day now vs 1500. Snack on a lot of fruit and fiberous stuff. I've been in medical weight loss so had a doctor checking everything and no issues. With your injuries I'd just go slow if your going to start lifting some weight up the protein and will have to up the calories if want to gain any muscle.
  • alanmcj68
    alanmcj68 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks guys,,,, yesterday was a pretty normal day for me. 2 meal replacement shakes, a few different minerals & vitamins, steak, lots of veggies and green tea and 4 litres of water. Total calories for the day was 1850.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    alanmcj68 wrote: »
    Thanks guys,,,, yesterday was a pretty normal day for me. 2 meal replacement shakes, a few different minerals & vitamins, steak, lots of veggies and green tea and 4 litres of water. Total calories for the day was 1850.

    what was your net calories?
  • alanmcj68
    alanmcj68 Posts: 68 Member
    1390 net calories
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    I went from 340 to 240 in 1 year.

    Never used a shake.

    Just ate food I liked in moderation.

    Went to the gym 4-5 days a week.

    Don’t over think things.