Weight loss



  • Jd5597
    Jd5597 Posts: 14 Member
    Sure Markyrocks added you bro :)
  • bbarnett98
    bbarnett98 Posts: 2 Member
    From a guys perspective, I’ve lost 63.5 lbs without exercise or tracking carbs since September last year. It’s all about calories in versus calories out. Good luck on your weight loss!
  • Jd5597
    Jd5597 Posts: 14 Member
    I tried to do that in past but never been successful but this time I am hoping for the best and believe I can lose weight and will ever be looking good in any sort of clothes :) Well done Bbarnett!! You lost quite a lot of weight incredible. In my case I do night shift so perhaps that is the reason I am not easily losing weight as you know night routine is v bad because in day time I sleep and in night time I stay awake at work.
  • danielpatrik
    danielpatrik Posts: 1 Member
    Jd5597 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone,

    I have recently joined this community. I hope if someone can help me with my query. I am 97kg haven't got a very active lifestyle as I am doing sitting job at night so most of the time I remain seated that too in night shift and when I go home, I catch up with my sleep. Although, I am trying to do bit of exercise at work like Ski-Steps and Jumping Jack. I really want to loss weight so can someone tell me that how many calories do I need in a day and from which how much Protein, Fats and Carbs do I need to take? I literally have no idea that what to do in order to lose weight and consuming the right diet. I must appreciate for a piece of advice.

    Kind Regards,

    Weight loss is time consuming process. Following the perfect weight loss diet plan and practicing regular exercise are the vital factors in weight loss. Along with these drinking of plenty of water and taking proper and sound sleep is also associated with it.
  • rikkejohnsenrij
    rikkejohnsenrij Posts: 510 Member
    I found that an easy way to excercise without it feeling like a chore, is to put on a good audiobook, and go for a walk. I have made an agreement with myself only to listen to the books while walking (or running, or riding my bike) and since I really love the books, it's a nice incentive to get moving
  • Jd5597
    Jd5597 Posts: 14 Member
    edited July 2018
    The only problem I am having now is I don't know how to calculate the calories and how would I know that how much calories I am consuming each day specially whenever I make homemade food then how would I know that how many calories are inside the food? Ok fair enough, if we buy some thing from the shop all the details are on packet but what to do about the homemade food. I try to eat homemade food as compare to get food from outside. I need to take 1820 calories per day according to the MFP plan. I am hoping to see some positive results :)
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Jd5597 wrote: »
    The only problem I am having now is I don't know how to calculate the calories and how would I know that how much calories I am consuming each day specially whenever I make homemade food then how would I know that how many calories are inside the food? Ok fair enough, if we buy some thing from the shop all the details are on packet but what to do about the homemade food. I try to eat homemade food as compare to get food from outside. I need to take 1820 calories per day according to the MFP plan. I am hoping to see some positive results :)

    You can use the Recipe Builder on this site to calculate the calories in the food you make for yourself.
  • Jd5597
    Jd5597 Posts: 14 Member
    That will be helpful. Thanks for the suggestion :)
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,022 Member
    Jd5597 wrote: »
    That will be helpful. Thanks for the suggestion :)

    Alsos, the USDA nutrient database can be helpful for checking calories on whole foods that don't have package nutrition labels.