Such a disappointment!

A place opened up selling hand made brownies. I was so excited! I have a crazy sweet tooth. Planned my weekly calories around trying them. Got them today and they are....Ok.

I am sad I wasted calories on them. I have become really fussy about what I spend calories on and will gladly pay a premium for quality.

Ah well...moving on....



  • Fursian
    Fursian Posts: 526 Member
    edited July 2018
    aw, I totally get it.

    Every time I go to my local ASDA Walmart, their sweet bakery section has me "giving them the thrice over", only to be "giving them the cab fare in the morning" if y'know what I mean.. those goods look the part fo sho, but do not deliver right to your door (brain), mhmm. I've sadly just learnt to walk on by knowing what they're all about.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    Most baked sweets are not worth it to me. The average baked dessert is way too sweet for my liking and with too many calories. I prefer light and fluffy stuff like mousse or tiramisu but those are calorie bombs too so I eat them rarely.
  • GOT_Obsessed
    GOT_Obsessed Posts: 817 Member
    That really sucks. It happened to me with a cinnamon bun. I was very disappointed in it.
  • snemberton
    snemberton Posts: 175 Member
    A pasta dish did that to me once. I used to love eating it, so I decided to splurge on night when we were out. It was ok, but not nearly as yummy as I remembered. Completely not worth the crazy calories for it. Should have gone with my new favorite that was half the calories and a mixed drink instead.
  • OHammykins
    OHammykins Posts: 97 Member
    That's such a pain!!
    I went out for dinner last night and like you I planned my calories around it and yeah... It was only ok... I could have prepared something similar at home myself with fewer calories, better macros and more flavour!!
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    I think we've all been there, it's the worst when you are counting cals... happened to me last time with an ice-cream :(
  • Panini911
    Panini911 Posts: 2,325 Member
    I hear you. I am super picky about what I waste my calories for. This past weekend was suppper hot and a few occasions i was offered ice cream. The funny part is one situation (after run club) they even commented how I said I run to eat ice cream :P I do but I am picky on what ice cream I eat, not just any "ice cream treat" :P

    On the plus side, sometimes I am so picky on choosing the right reward, I put it off! NONE of the options seems perfect enough so...why bother. I often make my own (which can be tricky as I need to dump the surplus at work or with friends ASAP).

    At the end of my 10k run training I plan to pick up the worse Dairy Queen treat as a reward (I haven't had any and that will likely be my only real ice cream splurge of the summer). It's annoying as I walk by the DQ 6x a week going to and from the run club! My preferred ice cream is the worse - the one with like brownies and nuts in it. no "fitting" that in a 1300 calorie day (unless I eat ONLY that)

    in the meantime I fit in low cal ice cream and a cold treat using just fruit (yonanas)
  • snemberton
    snemberton Posts: 175 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Why would anyone eat more than a bite or two of something they didn't feel was worth the calories? It is my primary food restriction. I will grant you it can be a PITA at times. I once threw away some fried chicken and ended up getting tuna out of the cupboard because of it but I will not waste my calories. The more expensive something is the more it needs to satisfy. I think I am up to 8 different instances of things in my 6 months that I have refused to eat.

    I think back to all the times I ate calorie bombs while gaining weight that I didn't fully enjoy that I now have to work back off and it annoys me greatly. Cold, overcooked, odd flavor, disappointing flavor... sent back or trashed.
    In my case, it wasn't bad, just not as deliciously tasty as it used to be. We were at a restaurant and there really wasn't anything wrong with the meal. I didn't eat the entire serving (at all of the chicken and about half of the pasta), but sending it back would have felt wrong. I just now know that it isn't really something worth that many calories. I'm also finding that it isn't just that particular pasta dish. Creamy pasta sauces just aren't quite as yummy as they were a while back. I will need to test that out with Panera Mac and Cheese at some point, as it also was a favorite in the past.

  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    h1udd wrote: »
    I am so glad its not just me that suffers from this .. Cakes, crisps, sweets I save up for them .. go on a splurge and am just left feeling empty afterwards as they are nothing like I remember them.

    Anyone got a theory to why this happens .... is it just a case of building up expectation ... or has something changed physically and a bunch of sugar stuck together with fat just doesnt appeal. .. OR does your body just like what it gets most of and if your diet is now more Greek yogurt than Pastries then the Greek yog tastes nicer ?

    I think we adapt to the food we eat and what we drink. I have heard people my entire life that gave up sugary sodas that have said that later when they tried one again it was cloyingly sweet. I experienced this myself when I was in my 20's and gave up sweetened tea. I think the same is true for spicy foods and different types of meat. If you eat spicy long enough I think it becomes normal and you don't get the same fire mouth you would if you tried something spicy with a diet of mostly bland foods.

    It makes sense of you think of different cultures and cuisines. If you were raised eating insects (which are not as bad as they sound) it would be normal and you might even crave them at times.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    snemberton wrote: »
    In my case, it wasn't bad, just not as deliciously tasty as it used to be. We were at a restaurant and there really wasn't anything wrong with the meal. I didn't eat the entire serving (at all of the chicken and about half of the pasta), but sending it back would have felt wrong. I just now know that it isn't really something worth that many calories. I'm also finding that it isn't just that particular pasta dish. Creamy pasta sauces just aren't quite as yummy as they were a while back. I will need to test that out with Panera Mac and Cheese at some point, as it also was a favorite in the past.

    We each have to figure out what is acceptable and what is not in those situations. If the calories were high enough I might have ordered something else and insisted on paying for both. If they weren't too bad, like you, I might have picked at the dish and ate something else when I got home.