New to this... Strength training? Help. Advice. Etc

So clearly I have struggled with my weight off and on since my oldest was born (11) and with every fad diet tried, and failed, endless running, walking, treadmill, stair climbing ... I one day asked my boyfriend to show me what he does at the gym and modify for me as I am less experienced and well not as strong at this point. From weight lifting, squats with weights, leg presses, back exercises I am hooked. But he can't hold my hand everyday so.... what are your favorite machines, weight lifting exercises that really make you get up and go? I want to be strong above all else.


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    I do squats, bench press, ohp(when my shoulder isn't hurt), deadlifts, glute bridge or hip thrusts, rows or pullups. I base it loosely on 5x5 but at this point do what I want. I would suggest starting with a program and follow it before just winging it on your own. Stronglifts and starting strength are good beginning programs.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I use dumbbells and other equipment in my basement. One thing that figures in many of my exercises is a stability ball. (And when I'm resting between sets, I sit on it too, on the theory that it doesn't hurt and could help.)

    I do front and side squats, lunges, bent leg lifts, lateral lifts (on the ball), push-ups "with a touch", chest presses on the ball, front-and-side shoulder raises, Ys & Ts on the ball, Biceps 21s, Biceps curls on the ball, triceps kickbacks, triceps extensions on the ball, waist side crunches, deadbugs, deep abs ball transfers, and planks with kneebends.

    My routine came out of a book (Strength Training for Women by Joan Pagano), which included three sample workouts of different difficulty levels. What I found over time was that in some cases, I didn't want to move to the more advanced exercise, or I didn't like it, so I used a different one, etc. And since I wanted to start off newer exercises at lower weights until I got the form down, I didn't want to give up the old ones at the higher weights. So there's now some duplication (Front and side shoulder raises work the same muscles as Ys & Ts on the ball, for example). I figure, as long as my body is okay with the extras, the rest of me is, too.
  • jls1leather
    jls1leather Posts: 68 Member
    Range if motion is more important than the weight used. For weight loss even more than general conditioning, full body exercises are best, this that use multiple muscles. Not easier, but the more muscles you have working, the more calories burned. This is what makes this beginner progs popular - squats, deadlifts, bench press and rows all compound movements using multiple muscles. If you aren't used to strength training, you might consider swapping GOBLET squats instead of bar back squats until you get the movement right.
  • Strongfitmama100412
    Strongfitmama100412 Posts: 90 Member
    I would recommend getting a book "the new rules for lifting for women"

    I have been lifting/working out since high school now Im 43. I am a certified fitness instructor for over 12 years.

    At the gym go to some group fitness classes that are a muscle class.

    Its actually great to have your boyfriend your workout partner. Makes you go and vise versa.

    Some gyms have deals for personal trainers. If you sign up you get so many days with trainer etc. Or do it for a month. They can write up a plan for you. is a great site. They have all kinds of exercises how tos.

    Muscle and fitness hers is another great website too

    Good luck and have fun!
  • mutantspicy
    mutantspicy Posts: 624 Member
    Good Luck! Have patience and Fun! Strength Training and Body building is a total joy for me. I find Cardio to be boring, except for hiking and adventuring with my dog. One thing I will say is do a lot of up front research consider what you want to do in the weight room. But then pick a plan and stick to it for at least 4 month before deciding to change. Honestly, the thing most people do wrong is make it complicated, its not supposed to be complicated.
  • refugeefromkekistan
    refugeefromkekistan Posts: 48 Member
    I want to be strong above all else.

    Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength are ideal to get going. Watch some videos on form and practice with bodyweight and bare bar.