I can't control myself

nadiamartinez785 Posts: 5 Member
edited July 2018 in Getting Started
This is very embarrassing for me... But I need help I know no one can truly help me except for myself but advice is truly appreciated I have no idea what I am doing I have no motivation no inspiration no hope I can't even look at myself in the mirror I have let myself go I have never been a skinny person but this time I have really done it I'm 5-6 22 years old and weigh 280 pounds I feel like nothing I will ever do will ever change it I feel disgusting I'm so ashamed to even go walking outside my anxiety is so severe it's crippling I can't get my eating in control I feel sick and disgusting and I know people feel the same when they look at me I don't even know what to say anymore maybe someone will read this and give me a shot


  • nadiamartinez785
    nadiamartinez785 Posts: 5 Member
    That makes sense
  • nadiamartinez785
    nadiamartinez785 Posts: 5 Member
    Now that the problem is out in the open, start by recording the food you eat. I have the same amount of weight to lose as you. You have to break the goals down into smaller goals. You can do this, if you want to make a change. Good luck.

    Thank you it feels nice knowing I'm not the only one ..and that there is someone else out there in the world fighting the same battle what do you do to keep yourself going?
  • Kim_S_G
    Kim_S_G Posts: 120 Member
    There are hundreds of us on here. A lot of us have been where you are. Feeling disgusted about ourselves.

    BUT and it's a big BUT. Hating yourself will not help anything.

    Look at yourself as a work in progress not disgusting, not hopeless, just at a point in your life where you are going to take charge and change.

    Go to the success stories forum and take a look at all the people who have lost weight sucessfully. You can read their stories, find out how they did it and take that information and apply it to yourself.

    Count your calories, weigh and measure your food and log it honestly and keep to your calorie goal.

    You will lose weight, be patient, don't get disheartened if it isn't as fast as you would like. Trust the process it will come off if you stick with it.

    It definitely wont come off if you give up the first time you have a bad day.

    This is a great place to find friends, tips, recipes and sound advice about nutrition and fitness.

    Welcome to MFP

    I second this.
  • JenWoo77
    JenWoo77 Posts: 9 Member
    I have about 70 lbs to lose. I'm a very upbeat person, very positve, bubbly, but hate how I look. I have no motivation to go to the gym when I need to. I just started the Ketogenic way of life and hoping I have the success as my co-workers did. It's hard. It's all a mental have. Put positive quotes up. Do exercises with cans of food or milk jugs full of water. You got this. You can do it.
  • nadiamartinez785
    nadiamartinez785 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you💜
  • nadiamartinez785
    nadiamartinez785 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow thank you all ..for taking the time.. you truley made a difference 💘i will take all of your advice ..god bless
  • twinkit
    twinkit Posts: 16 Member
    I started at 236 in January. Lost 25 pounds and then maintained for two months while walking 5 days 1 of those months and eating whatever. I started walking 10 minutes one way and 10 minutes back. 6 weeks later I can walk 40-50 minutes 5 days a week. It really motivated me to get my eating back on track. I am 210 now with a long way to go. Even did a cardio circuit class last week. So baby steps. 10 min one way 10 minutes back. Its about a mile. Also, I didn't shoot for 1200 calories a day in the beginning. I am still at 1400 and eating some exercise calories and losing now that both food and exercise are on target. I started at 1800 calories and just cut out alcohol in the beginning. Mechanics, consistency then intensity. Hit the bullseye by going for small changes. Good luck and best wishes.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    See a professional about the anxiety. I suffer from anxiety as well and professional help was the solution. Next if you are struggling to control your eating, get all the junk food out of the house and commit to logging all your food.
  • arbuckle57
    arbuckle57 Posts: 10 Member
    sounds like me, at the beginning of the year i had 100 lbs to loose, iv lost 55 so far. I found out the calories my body should have by this site and try and eat with it. Iv cut sodas snacks and carbs. Instead i have bought a smaller plate to eat off, so my mind thinks its getting the same. I eat loads veg, no more meat a day than the palm of my hand. In the morning have porridge or eggs or something similar no more than 400 cals. No sugar, look out for sucrose, lactose cane sugar on items anything 'ose as its sugar disguised. I can't tell you how much i hated myself, hiding in long cardigans and tents. I was on meds as i was so low. Slowly you get you back. Don't worry if you have an eating frenzy one day, just start again the next day. We all do it. Basically never diet just eat properly. message if you want support i'll add you. We could support each other, two wanderers on our way to slimsville haha
  • ChubbyRose84
    ChubbyRose84 Posts: 48 Member

    Eating enough protein and sauteed or roasted veggies can help. Especially the protein.

    You don't have to workout in public, you can workout in private. There's tons of workout videos you can buy on Amazon. There's TONS of fitness channels on YouTube. Jessica Smith, Lucy Wyndham-Read, FitnessBlender, HASfit, etc.
  • ruffneckred
    ruffneckred Posts: 69 Member
    Hi, great thread. I also suffer from social anxiety, just dread taking a walk, especially by myself. Just feel all the eyeballs, especially nosy neighbors watching and judging. I have found some relief in a website called 7cups, deals with mental health issues of all kinds. I get inspiration on MFP, when I see others liking my entry in log for the day, i guess I just don't want to disappoint them. Good luck, have a great day.
  • KonaKat
    KonaKat Posts: 3,411 Member
    You are your biggest enemy and I am not saying that to be nasty. The average person on the outside world is so wrapped up in their own problems that when they see you, it is a momentary registering for them. Our mind and what we believe plays a big role, more than what others do. Anyone losing weight will have challenges and those vary from person to person. Start by setting a goal of losing 5 pounds; don't look at the big picture as it can get overwhelming. Want to walk? Do it inside the house until you reach a comfort level for going outside. Each day is a new day. Just tell yourself that today I will eat less and walk in house. You can do it for one day, Then that one day's success leads to another day...and it is just a day in itself. Don't look at the time it will take to lose the weight. Focus upon one day at a time, exercise any way you can, and log your food....one day at a time.