Dairy fat is safe, and may help guard against strokes.

NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
The study, published today in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found no significant link between dairy fats and cause of death or, more specifically, heart disease and stroke – two of the country’s biggest killers often associated with a diet high in saturated fat. In fact, certain types of dairy fat may help guard against having a severe stroke, the researchers reported.

“Our findings not only support, but also significantly strengthen, the growing body of evidence which suggests that dairy fat, contrary to popular belief, does not increase risk of heart disease or overall mortality in older adults. In addition to not contributing to death, the results suggest that one fatty acid present in dairy may lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease, particularly from stroke,” said Marcia Otto, Ph.D., the study’s first and corresponding author and assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Human Genetics and Environmental Sciences at UTHealth School of Public Health.

The study evaluated how multiple biomarkers of fatty acid present in dairy fat related to heart disease and all-cause mortality over a 22-year period. This measurement methodology, as opposed to the more commonly used self-reported consumption, gave greater and more objective insight into the impact of long-term exposure to these fatty acids, according to the report.

Nearly 3,000 adults age 65 years and older were included in the study, which measured plasma levels of three different fatty acids found in dairy products at the beginning in 1992 and again at six and 13 years later.

None of the fatty acid types were significantly associated with total mortality. In fact one type was linked to lower cardiovascular disease deaths. People with higher fatty acid levels, suggesting higher consumption of whole-fat dairy products, had a 42 percent lower risk of dying from stroke.



  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    I didn't even know that was something some people believed.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    Dairy fat was my primary source of saturated fat and greatly reducing it seemed to have made an impact on my LDL, but there were other potential factors muddying up the water. So I am one of those people who believed that all saturated fats would potentially raise my cholesterol.
  • nooshi713
    nooshi713 Posts: 4,877 Member
    edited July 2018
    I believe there are many benefits to eating dairy. There may be some drawbacks as well but dairy is not the villain some people have made it out to be. I have read many studies on dairy over the years.
  • refugeefromkekistan
    refugeefromkekistan Posts: 48 Member
    edited July 2018
    People with higher fatty acid levels, suggesting higher consumption of whole-fat dairy products, had a 42 percent lower risk of dying from stroke.

    Incomplete study: They didn't disclose that 100% of those people are more fun at parties!
  • georgieamber2
    georgieamber2 Posts: 229 Member
    edited July 2018
    hahaha that's funny she's a vegan I didn't know;) drink your almond milk then...

    Oh no babes, that's awful I can't imagine how awful that must have been having a stroke.. i hope you're getting by and keep getting healthier everyday. 🙏🙏 xx