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That Keto is so hot right now



  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Well, I'm doing keto for my epilepsy. My seizures have gone from weekly to every 2 months despite being on the same medications. I don't have any weight to lose. I wouldn't call it a craze and I will definitely stay on it. It's either that or end up back in the hospital with temporary partial paralysis again after grandmal seizures. Hmm... Such a hard decision lol. :D

    its not a craze when it comes to seizures,Insulin resistance,PCOS and diabetes. its proven to help those things. but it is a craze for weight loss because weight loss was not the original use for the ketogenic way of eating. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19049574

    Amen! I follow Keto. Because of high A1C. It seems to work well for me.

    Now, mind you - as you so aptly stated - if I eat too many calories (this salad dressing saturation is becoming a thing for me!) then the scales yell at me in the morning. So, Keto is not some magic pill that allows you to do whatever the heck you want to do. Calories In vs. Calories Out is still "the magic pill" (I used that term here because it seems to me in today's world that everyone wants some magic pill.....so, let's package things the way that will appeal to them...I mean, I keep on telling people that I am smarter than I look!!!).

    I wish many keto followers like you saw it this way. Every time I read people talk about keto, it's usually in the form "I tried CICO and it didn't work for me, keto made me lose weight". You kind of roll your eyes when you hear something so cringe worthy. It's great to hear that it helped someone, it's just the stuff that comes out of their mouth about keto is what makes me cringe because of the information they say about it is just wrong and it spreads the myth that keto is magical for weight loss to new followers who they spread the bad information to everyone else.
  • LiftHeavyThings27105
    LiftHeavyThings27105 Posts: 2,086 Member
    fb47 wrote: »
    Well, I'm doing keto for my epilepsy. My seizures have gone from weekly to every 2 months despite being on the same medications. I don't have any weight to lose. I wouldn't call it a craze and I will definitely stay on it. It's either that or end up back in the hospital with temporary partial paralysis again after grandmal seizures. Hmm... Such a hard decision lol. :D

    its not a craze when it comes to seizures,Insulin resistance,PCOS and diabetes. its proven to help those things. but it is a craze for weight loss because weight loss was not the original use for the ketogenic way of eating. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19049574

    Amen! I follow Keto. Because of high A1C. It seems to work well for me.

    Now, mind you - as you so aptly stated - if I eat too many calories (this salad dressing saturation is becoming a thing for me!) then the scales yell at me in the morning. So, Keto is not some magic pill that allows you to do whatever the heck you want to do. Calories In vs. Calories Out is still "the magic pill" (I used that term here because it seems to me in today's world that everyone wants some magic pill.....so, let's package things the way that will appeal to them...I mean, I keep on telling people that I am smarter than I look!!!).

    I wish many keto followers like you saw it this way. Every time I read people talk about keto, it's usually in the form "I tried CICO and it didn't work for me, keto made me lose weight". You kind of roll your eyes when you hear something so cringe worthy. It's great to hear that it helped someone, it's just the stuff that comes out of their mouth about keto is what makes me cringe because of the information they say about it is just wrong and it spreads the myth that keto is magical for weight loss to new followers who they spread the bad information to everyone else.

    Yes, sir! If I might be terribly honest (I have a problem doing that.....or so I am told) then I would say that people want an excuse. Ownership does not seem to be part of people's makeup any longer. Or, personal responsibility | accountability.

    There is nothing magical about any "diet". It is simply a way of eating that helps you maintain a caloric deficit (or, a caloric surplus....or, maintenance for that matter). Nothing more and nothing less. It seems to me that most want some magic solution...."take this green pill for 40 days and you will lose 40 pounds....no diet or exercise required" (now, that was an actual thing here in Winston-Salem, NC some two years ago....). Come on! Put in the work. Put in the effort. Why does everyone seem to want to take a shortcut on EVERYTHING?

    Anyway, appreciate your kind words. I try to educate people who follow Keto (and those that do not). There is a ton of garbage out there (just like with everything else). :-(
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    All these fad diets I find to be annoying. I understand there are diets out there that are beneficial and make sense for some people (like, oh I don't know, DASH? Or something?) But most of the time people are following these diets just because it's the new "thing" and they want to make weight loss more complicated than it needs to be. I actually deleted my facebook app to remove the temptation because it's such a time-suck, but there is SOOO much diet and weight loss woo on there, I almost roll my eyes so hard I can see my brain.
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited July 2018
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    fb47 wrote: »
    Well, I'm doing keto for my epilepsy. My seizures have gone from weekly to every 2 months despite being on the same medications. I don't have any weight to lose. I wouldn't call it a craze and I will definitely stay on it. It's either that or end up back in the hospital with temporary partial paralysis again after grandmal seizures. Hmm... Such a hard decision lol. :D

    its not a craze when it comes to seizures,Insulin resistance,PCOS and diabetes. its proven to help those things. but it is a craze for weight loss because weight loss was not the original use for the ketogenic way of eating. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19049574

    Amen! I follow Keto. Because of high A1C. It seems to work well for me.

    Now, mind you - as you so aptly stated - if I eat too many calories (this salad dressing saturation is becoming a thing for me!) then the scales yell at me in the morning. So, Keto is not some magic pill that allows you to do whatever the heck you want to do. Calories In vs. Calories Out is still "the magic pill" (I used that term here because it seems to me in today's world that everyone wants some magic pill.....so, let's package things the way that will appeal to them...I mean, I keep on telling people that I am smarter than I look!!!).

    I wish many keto followers like you saw it this way. Every time I read people talk about keto, it's usually in the form "I tried CICO and it didn't work for me, keto made me lose weight". You kind of roll your eyes when you hear something so cringe worthy. It's great to hear that it helped someone, it's just the stuff that comes out of their mouth about keto is what makes me cringe because of the information they say about it is just wrong and it spreads the myth that keto is magical for weight loss to new followers who they spread the bad information to everyone else.

    In any case, giving people more information usually is helpful, especially if done without comments that make the poster defensive. (Not saying you do this but it is not unusual on MFP for a new and excited keto'er to feel like they are being mocked or taken down a peg. I think they are less likely to hear the message in that case.)
    Most of the time when you pinpoint the actual reason, they're the ones usually refuting science. People in general (not keto) don't like to be told that they're wrong even when evidence proves it. It's human nature I guess.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Well, I'm doing keto for my epilepsy. My seizures have gone from weekly to every 2 months despite being on the same medications. I don't have any weight to lose. I wouldn't call it a craze and I will definitely stay on it. It's either that or end up back in the hospital with temporary partial paralysis again after grandmal seizures. Hmm... Such a hard decision lol. :D

    its not a craze when it comes to seizures,Insulin resistance,PCOS and diabetes. its proven to help those things. but it is a craze for weight loss because weight loss was not the original use for the ketogenic way of eating. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19049574

    Amen! I follow Keto. Because of high A1C. It seems to work well for me.

    Now, mind you - as you so aptly stated - if I eat too many calories (this salad dressing saturation is becoming a thing for me!) then the scales yell at me in the morning. So, Keto is not some magic pill that allows you to do whatever the heck you want to do. Calories In vs. Calories Out is still "the magic pill" (I used that term here because it seems to me in today's world that everyone wants some magic pill.....so, let's package things the way that will appeal to them...I mean, I keep on telling people that I am smarter than I look!!!).

    but if you gain weight overnight. its not fat or actual weight its just a fluctuation either due to sodium,waste or what have you. yes keto has also been showed to help those with their A1C. its good if keto helps with a health condition. heck any way of eating that helps a health condition is great. for me its low fat,low cholesterol and high fiber.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    fb47 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    fb47 wrote: »
    Well, I'm doing keto for my epilepsy. My seizures have gone from weekly to every 2 months despite being on the same medications. I don't have any weight to lose. I wouldn't call it a craze and I will definitely stay on it. It's either that or end up back in the hospital with temporary partial paralysis again after grandmal seizures. Hmm... Such a hard decision lol. :D

    its not a craze when it comes to seizures,Insulin resistance,PCOS and diabetes. its proven to help those things. but it is a craze for weight loss because weight loss was not the original use for the ketogenic way of eating. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19049574

    Amen! I follow Keto. Because of high A1C. It seems to work well for me.

    Now, mind you - as you so aptly stated - if I eat too many calories (this salad dressing saturation is becoming a thing for me!) then the scales yell at me in the morning. So, Keto is not some magic pill that allows you to do whatever the heck you want to do. Calories In vs. Calories Out is still "the magic pill" (I used that term here because it seems to me in today's world that everyone wants some magic pill.....so, let's package things the way that will appeal to them...I mean, I keep on telling people that I am smarter than I look!!!).

    I wish many keto followers like you saw it this way. Every time I read people talk about keto, it's usually in the form "I tried CICO and it didn't work for me, keto made me lose weight". You kind of roll your eyes when you hear something so cringe worthy. It's great to hear that it helped someone, it's just the stuff that comes out of their mouth about keto is what makes me cringe because of the information they say about it is just wrong and it spreads the myth that keto is magical for weight loss to new followers who they spread the bad information to everyone else.

    In any case, giving people more information usually is helpful, especially if done without comments that make the poster defensive. (Not saying you do this but it is not unusual on MFP for a new and excited keto'er to feel like they are being mocked or taken down a peg. I think they are less likely to hear the message in that case.)
    Most of the time when you pinpoint the actual reason, they're the ones usually refuting science. People in general (not keto) don't like to be told that they're wrong even when evidence proves it. It's human nature I guess.

    True. People do dislike being wrong. I do believe that how someone is corrected makes a big difference though. Probably the teacher in me coming out.
  • New2ket0
    New2ket0 Posts: 345 Member
    I have noticed
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    I have a comment about keto. It's legit and I'd really like to hear from those in the know. I'm not one to pick on keto or ketoers. To each their own and I think people should talk about whatever eating style they want to talk about here, including elimination diets.

    But when I first signed up on MFP 4+ years ago, keto was generally defined as 50 grams of carb a day or less. Over the years the keto definition has dropped about 10 grams of carb from the daily total every year.

    Currently keto folk seem to define keto as 15 grams of carb a day. That's a far cry from 50 grams of carb a day. I've tried it and it feels completely different. It's the difference between eating two servings of fruit and two servings of non starchy vegetable a day to pretty much only having one serving of vegetable a day with no fruit at all or getting the 15 grams from small portions of dairy and nuts only.

    I predict keto will eventually be defined as 5 grams of carb a day.

    Why do the carb counts that supposedly define what is keto keep dropping?

    My snarky answer would be that each of the diet gurus has to put his/her spin on it and thus the numbers differ... but I also know posters on these boards who reliably maintain ketosis at around 50g (or slightly more) of carbs a day with an active lifestyle and posters who have trouble when they get that high of a carb count, so it really is down to the individual and how their body responds to the process. From my understanding of the research the majority of people can reliably maintain ketosis at 20g of carbs and that may also be the reason for the drop in values.
  • annaskiski
    annaskiski Posts: 1,212 Member
    I'm guessing that some people are talking about total carbs, and others net carbs maybe?