walking/mapping app

Hi everyone. I'm an avid hiker, I do at least 5 miles a day (at least in this heat, I'm in FL), and for the past 14 months I've been using the MapMyWalk app. But as of Monday, the app no longer works... or rather, works intermittently. It no longer pauses when I pause. It pauses for no apparent reason, and refuses to resume. Yesterday, with a beautiful bright blue clear sky and full bars, it paused 27 times in the first .13 miles of our hike. Once I finally got it to remain active, it actually lost mileage on me. I've been hiking this particular trail for over 3 years, I know all of the mileage markers by the .5 mile increment, and the app lost between .1 and .3 miles for each .5 mile walked. So... my question for y'all. What walking apps do you use? I know not everyone is using MapMyWalk! I need something that gives me mileage, times, calories burned, and definitely need the map function, for those times I go off trail and get a bit...umm... turned around? Voice would be nice, to announce mileage... and I once saw someone post that their app also gave them weather which would be sweet! Eagerly awaiting your input! :#


  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    I use mapmyride, which is ultimately same thing for cycling. Funny, but yesterday on my ride it went crazy in a very similar way, starting and stopping randomly, then just quit altogether, messed with my music, didn't record last 15 miles of my ride at all. I'm in Florida too, not sure if that's the factor, lol. Today it acted normal, but i updated it last night. Maybe try to update. Usually when apps start doing weird things it's time to update.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    Apparently AllTrails has this function but I don’t really know as I’ve never used it. Might look into it though
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    thanks, I will @hesn92!. And yes, @icemom011, that's what MapMyWalk is doing, Monday it actually shut my phone down. But there's no update on Google for it for me. I thought they did an auto update and messed it up!
  • katwhitlatch
    katwhitlatch Posts: 2 Member
    I really like Nike run club for mapping my walks (though I do live in an urban area so I'm not sure how well it will stand up for hiking). It gives a calorie estimate at the end of your walk/run/etc and I haven't had an issue with it not restarting yet. It's preset to Km but you can change it to miles in the settings too. I would recommend looking into it :)
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    Oh thanks @katwhitlatch, I definitely will! (Still no update available for me on MapMyWalk. *deep sigh*)
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Runkeeper has settings for many different activities, despite having “run” in the name. It does all the things you’re looking for.
  • Spencerport
    Spencerport Posts: 270 Member
    Have you tried deleting MapMyWalk from your phone? I'd recommend deleting the app, restart the phone, then download the app again. I had to do this with MapMyFitness a couple of months ago as it started behaving exactly like your issue. By deleting the app, restarting the phone, reinstalling the app seemed to fix my problem.
  • DoubleUbea
    DoubleUbea Posts: 1,115 Member
    I don't use this but Google has an app that is compatible with MFP.
    https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.fitness&hl=en_US I am sure there is an iphone version as well.
  • oocdc2
    oocdc2 Posts: 1,361 Member
    I've been using Strava for a couple of years now, only because it has a more accurate calorie burned count than MapMyRun, if you want to try a new app. Otherwise, the advice of reinstalling and/or updating the app is sound.
  • ATXami
    ATXami Posts: 1 Member
    I am so glad you posted this. I had the same issue with Map My Walk yesterday, 7/19. Will try the above suggestion.
  • Roobyzooby
    Roobyzooby Posts: 189 Member
    My husband had the exact same issue with map my walk recently. I was walking and using mine right along side him with no issues what so ever...he deleted and reinstalled the app and so far all has been fine with it.
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    Oh everyone, thank you SO much!!! First I'll try uninstalling/reinstalling, simply because I'm so used to this app... if that doesn't work, I'll try some of the other apps suggested. In fact, I might try them anyway, just to compare! :*<3
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    oocdc2 wrote: »
    I've been using Strava for a couple of years now, only because it has a more accurate calorie burned count than MapMyRun, if you want to try a new app. Otherwise, the advice of reinstalling and/or updating the app is sound.

    @oocdc2 , do you have an Apple phone? I tried Strava and it's not working at all on my phone, my rides don't record at all, although it should be a better app. On the calorie subject concerning Map My Walk/ ride/run, i find it gives me double value for the burned calories. For an accurate estimate it needs to be slashed in half. Fitbit count supports that too. MapMyride is way too generous on calories.
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    UPDATE: deleted and re-downloaded MMW. No joy, it still pauses when it wants to, and doesn't pause when I do. Because it pauses when it feels like it, .68 miles was turned into .4, at which point I turned on Bartal. Bartal is pretty accurate, but no maps, and the routes (via Google) just delivers a blank page. SMH And no, @icemom011, I'm an android kinda gal. As for the calorie burns... all of my apps look like they go over on calories earned, however, if I just use the time hiking and let MFP do the calories, it comes out within 10 calories, often with MFP the higher one. Eh, I don't eat my exercise calories, I just want to really know what I'm putting in, exercise-wise!
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    poisonesse wrote: »
    UPDATE: deleted and re-downloaded MMW. No joy, it still pauses when it wants to, and doesn't pause when I do. Because it pauses when it feels like it, .68 miles was turned into .4, at which point I turned on Bartal. Bartal is pretty accurate, but no maps, and the routes (via Google) just delivers a blank page. SMH And no, @icemom011, I'm an android kinda gal. As for the calorie burns... all of my apps look like they go over on calories earned, however, if I just use the time hiking and let MFP do the calories, it comes out within 10 calories, often with MFP the higher one. Eh, I don't eat my exercise calories, I just want to really know what I'm putting in, exercise-wise!

    Same here, just want to know what are the accurate (is that an oxymoron in this case?) numbers for exercise. On a positive note, my MapMy whatever app works fine again, maybe try again, restart your phone, do the usual steps and hopefully it will behave again?
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    Thanks @icemom011, I'll have to try that... today I used Bartal and just stayed on the trails I'm well accustomed to... and found out that Bartal won't run in the background. If you answer a text, phone call, or try to take a pic, it stops the app without even allowing you to save what you've done so far! Geesh, all I want is an exercise app that works... smh (and must admit, I NEVER shut my phone down, so that might very well be the problem. DOH!)
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    UPDATE 2: Shutting my phone down worked, the app now runs almost correctly. I noticed a few peeps in my feed saying they were getting too high of a calorie count on their burn... using my FitBit and by hiking a trail I know like the back of my hand, I found that the problem isn't the calorie burn, it's the distance covered. MMW has the pause feature down pat now, it's taking good count of the time of my hike... however, it took what should have been a 5.87 mile hike and reported it as a 6.4 mile hike. And that's where the extra calories must be coming into play. At least, that's all I can think of! lol But for now, it seems to be the best app I can find. Not saying it's the best one out there, not saying it's accurate... just saying it's the best I've found so far. I will still be searching for that perfect hiking app. ;)
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    edited July 2018
    Yeah!!! @poisonesse , awesome, glad it worked. I find that it gives me double the calories for same activity as Fitbit. I have charge2, so it uses heart rate. For instance, today i did 32 mile bike ride. Fitbit gave me 914 calories for it, and MM Ride 1800 calories. See what i mean? I have correct stats in both apps. So I don't believe this 1800 burn, but I don't really eat any back, but rather use it to help me gauge my maintenance. I mean, i think that Fitbit is more accurate because it's based on heart rate?
  • poisonesse
    poisonesse Posts: 572 Member
    Sorry, it still doesn't work. I just walked the 'hood today, just to test it, and used my FitBit to make sure. It just logged a 3.28 mile walk as 4.7 miles, increased my walking speed from 3.7-4 MPH up to 4.5 MPH... this old babe don't DO 4.5 MPH unless I'm jogging, which I wasn't. Because it increased the mileage, it also increased the speed at which I walked, which increased the calorie burn into what I would normally burn in a 5.5-6 mile hike. The ONLY thing it got right was the time I walked... oh, and the map was right, so if I had gotten lost in my tiny 'hood I could have backtracked my way home again... SMH. I can't even report it as MMW sends you to the MMF app, and it wouldn't accept my log-in info. So that's it for me, I'll find an app that works. And if any of you are finding that your MM exercise app seems to be giving you a bit more calories that you're used to? That's not the only thing it's adding, check your mileage and speed, too! ;)
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    Sorry and good luck. My mileage and spend are accurate though, as i use cycling computer for tracking it