30 Pounds and Counting! (Closed Group)



  • rmjj5
    rmjj5 Posts: 55
    Great job Alexandra - .5 of the thighs is amazing - all your hard work is paying off!!
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Just posted a new progress pic! Check it out!
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Good job Missyfit!!

    AFM got on the scale this morning and it didnt turn on. I asked my husband when the last time he weighed himself was and said yesterday and then the scale died. He failed to tell me last night so I guess I will go buy a new one and let you ladies know what i am at tomorrow. Grrrr i wanted to know today!!!

    Also joined a group that has me walking/running 15 miles a week! This is a perfect goal because if I walk/run 5 days a week I should meet this goal and that way I dont have an excuse to try to get out of a run!

    ha...don't you LOVE when the hubs forgets to tell you something "important"?? At least it gave you another day to lose some more right?!? Run babay ruuuunnn!!
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    hey guys! glad to hear you're all doing well. i've been working out with a friend who is pretty much a fitness genius and i'm feeling better, but not sure if the scale will react much this sunday (i'm pretty sore and i KNOW i'm building muscle, so i might be retaining some water... we'll see!). i'm still gonna weigh myself but i'm gonna put a little more stock into my measurements. anyway, my goals for this week have been/will be to drink LOTS of water and to get enough protein in for muscle recovery.
    i'll check in again when i weigh!

    wow! You got a fitness genius friend! I wish I had one...Keep it up! It'll come off :-)
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Sounds awesome ladies!

    I only lost .6 lbs this week, and .5 inch off my thighs. I wasn't expecting to lose much though because I didn't work out for like 4 days in a row.

    This weeks goal=WORK MY *kitten* OFF! Literally.

    I saw the pics! WOW!! I can defintely see a difference in the waist and arms and legs...all over! Looking more toned than fluffy. Keep it up! Werk yer butt off!
  • deevo
    deevo Posts: 276 Member
    Everyone is doing a fantastic job. It has been a bit rough this week for me. TOM , eating and drinking wise. I also picked up extra shifts at my second job so I did not get to work out as much as needed. I am happy to say that by my Thur weigh ins it seems like a lot of bloating and water weight has gone back away..*phew* But a question for everyone.

    How much weight on average do you gain during TOM??

    I gained 4 lbs in 2 days! I was so upset because it takes me a whole month to loose 4lbs! Is this normal?! At least it came back off again, but now that I weigh myself regular and eat healthy I felt like complete crap for 3 days and couldn't even wear some clothes I was just starting to fit back into.

    LW 191.4
    CW 190.6
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Everyone is doing a fantastic job. It has been a bit rough this week for me. TOM , eating and drinking wise. I also picked up extra shifts at my second job so I did not get to work out as much as needed. I am happy to say that by my Thur weigh ins it seems like a lot of bloating and water weight has gone back away..*phew* But a question for everyone.

    How much weight on average do you gain during TOM??

    I gained 4 lbs in 2 days! I was so upset because it takes me a whole month to loose 4lbs! Is this normal?! At least it came back off again, but now that I weigh myself regular and eat healthy I felt like complete crap for 3 days and couldn't even wear some clothes I was just starting to fit back into.

    LW 191.4
    CW 190.6

    I hate TOM! I can gain about 3-5 lbs but it goes away. I bloat but take pamprin for that, it makes the bloatedness stay away. I think all women except the perky ones feel like crap when Tom comes visiting with Aunt Flo ::laughs::
  • cdevine10
    cdevine10 Posts: 102 Member
    Got a battery for the scale ( hubby said it was just the battery) and I lost 2 pounds this week!! Feeling really good that I have finally found what my body needs to get this weight off!

    Anyways, got to go run!
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    Got a battery for the scale ( hubby said it was just the battery) and I lost 2 pounds this week!! Feeling really good that I have finally found what my body needs to get this weight off!

    Anyways, got to go run!

    whoohoooo!!Awesome!! Keep it up!
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Got a battery for the scale ( hubby said it was just the battery) and I lost 2 pounds this week!! Feeling really good that I have finally found what my body needs to get this weight off!

    Anyways, got to go run!

    Yayayay! Awesome. Just don't weigh yourself too much like me :)

    As for my TOM, I usually gain like 4 lbs ish. Just drink tonnnnsss of water. Like more than normal. It's not a permanent gain.

    I did my progress pics yesterday, I'm going to post for you guys :) Here they are! (I had to do some censoring on Day 1 due to me only having a thong! Hhahah :D)

    I can def see a difference in my back and tummy. :)
  • rmjj5
    rmjj5 Posts: 55
    Got a battery for the scale ( hubby said it was just the battery) and I lost 2 pounds this week!! Feeling really good that I have finally found what my body needs to get this weight off!

    Anyways, got to go run!

    Amazing job!!

    I am up .8 this week which to me is not so bad as I was up over 2 from Sunday! back on track this week.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Uh.. hey guys.. I miss you.. I feel like we should re-post and let others join cause the rest disappeared!!
  • rmjj5
    rmjj5 Posts: 55
    I agree. More people = more support and encouragement.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    Sounds good, I posted another topic :)
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    haha!!! They sure did. :laugh: We need more people!!

    I didn't do too bad today....until I made those stupidly yummy honey walnut mini pies. Thank God I'm still under my calories for today. haha! Looking forward to weigh in on Wednesday! I hope to lighten up by then.
  • I will join! I am 5'7 and have lost 25lbs so far, but have another 25-30 left. I have been stuck at 188/187 for 3 weeks. I took last week off (still counted but was over most days), went up to 189, but back down to 188. I try and work out 2 times a week (but its been hard this summer, working like crazy). Anyone got any tips. The first 15 came off SO quick.... and now I am stuck.

    I haven't weighted this weight since 2006/2007 but I want to be down at least another 25lbs. I would LOVE to be 50lbs less, but its hard work..... HELP!
  • Hi ladies, My name is Christina, I am 26, 5'7", and about 160 pounds. I want to lose 30 pounds by March of next year because I am getting married to the love of my life. I started at 178, got down to 153, but sadly gained 7 pounds over the summer. I've been really bad with my diet and have not been going to the gym. I feel like finding this group that describes my goal perfectly is a sign. You've inspired me to get back on it !!! :) Looking forward to chatting with you ladies.
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Asylin. I'm a married 28 year old with one son, and although I have a great support system at home I would love to be part of this group to get support from people going through the same thing as me. I am 5'7" and currently weigh 182. My goal weight is 130. I don't really have a certain event or time I would like to lose the weight by, but if I had to choose I would say maybe December 20th because that is my son's 5th birthday and he's the reason I'm doing this. I only started one week ago today and have lost 3 pounds so far. I'm extremely excited about getting healthy again, and I hope everyone (including myself) acheives their goal!!
  • JenBrown0210
    JenBrown0210 Posts: 985 Member
    Hey can I join? I have lost 40 pounds and have 10 to 20 more to go! My goal is around 135 to 145 depending on how I look and feel!
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    It's nice to meet you ladies! There should be intros on the first page or so if you're interested in me or any of the other girls. I believe there are only about 4 of us right now, so it's nice to have a bigger support system! I usually weigh in on Wednesdays so I will let you know my progress as of then, and I will also come up with a weekly challenge for us! Glad to have you here! :)