My Father Won't Stop Commenting On My Weight



  • witchgalraye
    witchgalraye Posts: 32 Member
    New2ket0 wrote: »
    You could just agree with everything he says and do what you are happy with 😉

    Soon enough you will learn men like to think they know everything and they are right.
    Truth is they’re only right because we let them think that 😉
    then you can use that to wrap them around your finger, my girls have their dad and grandad wrapped around their wee fingers. Don’t let your inner rebellious teenager take over , it won’t work.
    Your a woman and you can be strong minded just use it wisely to forge your own path in life 👍

    Yes! I've done some of this but I can't help but wish I didn't have to do this, ya know? I wish with all my heart we could just communicate, not manipulate.
  • witchgalraye
    witchgalraye Posts: 32 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    You want to totally freak him out? Tell him he’s been such a great model you are going to see men just like him. Men who will constantly criticize you and point out all your weak points. And you know what? You’ll just take it because the men are just being honest.

    Just kidding.

    You are a princess. You deserve the best. Enjoy your beautiful self now and celebrate the svelte woman you will become.

    Share no food choices or dietary successes with good old dad. Save your money and move out when you can.

    LOL! Thank you!
  • witchgalraye
    witchgalraye Posts: 32 Member
    dsboohead wrote: »
    I'm a mom and grandma and if I was your mom....I would have to clobber his controlling a**!
    Now I feel better! By the way...looking at your are a gorgeous young lady and do not forget that!

    OH my mother has made her dislike for his behavior VERY known. He continues to do it though.
  • witchgalraye
    witchgalraye Posts: 32 Member
    robertw486 wrote: »

    Essentially, my father won't stop commenting on my body's weight gain over the past couple years. First off, it comes from a good place, I know that, but it's becoming ... mentally disheartening and overall hurtful.[/] I've actually gained weight almost to spite him at times which blows my mind. I'm only 19 years old, so maybe it's that rebellious teenager within me that also makes me feel weird losing weight because it's what he wants. I want to do it for me, but his comments are so frequent and hurtful in their wording that my head is so jumbled and confused by who I'm really losing weight for.

    I want it to be for me. I want to feel good in my body, but do I think being thinner will make me feel good or am I just trying to shut up my father?

    Whenever I try a new diet he always says it's the wrong one and tries to be my dietitian even though when I've done what he's wanted I've gained weight (despite his methods making him lose weight). I fear getting excited about this eating plan I'm currently on because I know hell guilt me out of doing it because it's not his way. I don't do unhealthy diets. I do research before I try something new. I've even seen a dietitian and he's told me what she requested I do was wrong.

    Yes, we've had multiple interventions. He won't change. So I'm left to having a mental battle with myself and was wondering if anyone had any tips for easing this. I'll be happy when I can move out, that's all I can say right now.

    I'm going to be the one that goes against the grain a bit here. But let me also say that I happen to be a father with a 19 year old daughter that I love and care about very much.

    Gather your thoughts, think it through, and pick a time when he has not recently said anything hurtful about your diet. And then calmly and firmly explain to him how you feel about his comments, especially the bolded. If he is anything other than a miserable control freak, it's probably going to sting a bit. I honestly think most parents want to be good parents, it's just that the kids often won't be assertive at the appropriate time to help them with their mistakes. And make sure he knows you aren't going to try anything that might be dangerous or have long term health consequences, but that YOU have to figure it out YOURSELF and do it for YOU, since that is how most adults deal with their life issues.

    Sometimes the most well intended things get screwed up, and parents try whatever pressure they think might work. But I can tell you I'd be absolutely devastated if my daughter ever told me that I was doing something that caused her mental stress on the level you are speaking of.

    You're a young adult, and often "adulting" is a two way street. There is nothing wrong with being firm with your father if he is being hurtful. Foster the type of relationship you want to have with him.

    If he is in fact just a miserable control freak, continue on with the ideas of distancing him from that type of information while you work on the long term plans of moving out.

    I was really hoping someone like you would comment on this post! I like hearing both sides! I may attempt this as my one last try.
  • afence23
    afence23 Posts: 9 Member
    1. Eating healthy and exercising is never a bad thing.
    2. Parents push their kids even though they may not always use the perfect method or words.
    3. Your Dads love is not contingent on how you look or what you weigh. Try not to equate the two.
    4. You dont need to detail all of your weight loss plans with your parents.
    5. Whether or not you are losing weight for you or your dad or your future children or an alien on mars doesnt really matter...just that you have started, youre researching, and your looking towards a healthy goal.
    6. You got this.
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    Great advice to just keep it all to yourself, share nothing and move on. Best of luck to you!!!!
  • jeannemarie333
    jeannemarie333 Posts: 214 Member
    Ask him to stop, tell him you will not respond if he brings it up again and you will walk away. Then if he brings it up again, ignore him, walk away. The best way to stop a behavior is to ignore it. Good luck!!! I completely understand.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Ask him to stop, tell him you will not respond if he brings it up again and you will walk away. Then if he brings it up again, ignore him, walk away. The best way to stop a behavior is to ignore it. Good luck!!! I completely understand.

    Zombie thread...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    mholl15 wrote: »
    Well, he's your dad, he gets the pass to say whatever, especially if he's still supporting you. Most elders mean no harm with how they deliver tough words of motivation. They know no other way and I'm sure he only wants what's best for you. It seems like it's taking a toll on your life. I wonder why you haven't uploaded a pic. Most of the users here on MFP are pretty nice and inspirational. Maybe you should upload a pic and start feeling better about a lot of things. IDK, just my 2 cents

    OP hasnt been in the forums since September
  • mholl15
    mholl15 Posts: 139 Member
    mholl15 wrote: »
    Well, he's your dad, he gets the pass to say whatever, especially if he's still supporting you. Most elders mean no harm with how they deliver tough words of motivation. They know no other way and I'm sure he only wants what's best for you. It seems like it's taking a toll on your life. I wonder why you haven't uploaded a pic. Most of the users here on MFP are pretty nice and inspirational. Maybe you should upload a pic and start feeling better about a lot of things. IDK, just my 2 cents

    OP hasnt been in the forums since September

  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,075 Member
    mholl15 wrote: »
    mholl15 wrote: »
    Well, he's your dad, he gets the pass to say whatever, especially if he's still supporting you. Most elders mean no harm with how they deliver tough words of motivation. They know no other way and I'm sure he only wants what's best for you. It seems like it's taking a toll on your life. I wonder why you haven't uploaded a pic. Most of the users here on MFP are pretty nice and inspirational. Maybe you should upload a pic and start feeling better about a lot of things. IDK, just my 2 cents

    OP hasnt been in the forums since September


    OP = "Original Poster" :)
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    Tell him one last time, "If you comment on my body/weight I'm going to leave because you are NOT HELPING me" then follow through. He starts in, get up and walk away even if it's just a walk around on the block. If you are visiting them (do you live with them?) then get in your car and leave. It will probably take a while because ME DAD=ME RIGHT, but hopefully he'll eventually shut up.
  • Numer1ca
    Numer1ca Posts: 284 Member
    So. . . I feel like my husband is kind of the same way. Which has made everything worse. And when he says things, I get the opposite results. I eat more and gain more weight.

    I have spoke till I’m blue in the face. Plus, I have depression, which he doesn’t understand.

    So, I now say. . .

    I don’t want to talk about it. Or
    You can’t talk to me that way.

    And I walk away.

    Boundaries are fine between husbands and wives and parents and children.

  • dblst10
    dblst10 Posts: 30 Member
    I feel for you and your tough situation! Don’t let it get you down. Tell him you are sad about his comments; he really does need to hear your very VALID feelings and remember: he CANT ARGUE ABOUT YOUR OWN FEELINGS: they’re yours! You own them! He’s clueless and hurting you. But remember: he never wakes up in the morning with the goal of making you sad. He’s just your clueless hurtful dad.