August Challenge Team 7 Drop It 'Cause We're Hot(Closed Grou



  • jadery24
    jadery24 Posts: 53
    Hey guys! Checking in with my stats for week two!
    I weighed in at 201, so no loss (frankly I'm really glad I didn't gain!)
    4/7 days under calorie goal
    7/7 days drank 64 oz of water
    All challenges were completed!

    Glad to say that after a rocky week, today I feel like I'm getting back on track! I'll go ahead and pledge 300 sit-ups for the challenge (75 each day mon-thurs) I'll do my best to complete all the challenges, but on Friday move back to school! And for a week after that I'll be at the bar from 7-5 every day riding and doing chores for my Equestrian Team's annual "boot camp." Like I said, I'll do my best to complete the challenges, but I might not get them all in. On the other hand, I should have no problem staying under my calories!!
  • jadery24
    jadery24 Posts: 53
    and by bar I meant barn haha!
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Drop it ‘Cause we’re hot
    Let’s give it all we got.
    Healthly diet and exercise
    Will take us to the proper size.
    So, let’s tie on those running shoes,
    And spread the news of what we lose.

    Drop it 'Cause we're hot
    We've exercised a lot.
    Our former challenges were met,
    And exciting new goals have been set
    So, give those tired muscles a shake,
    A give your best for the team's sake.

    Drop it ‘Cause we’re hot
    We give it our best shot.
    Being fit is not a hobby,
    Give a shout to RickyBobby.
    In Week One he lead the charge,
    For taking us to small from large.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Drop it ‘Cause we’re hot
    Let’s give it all we got.
    Healthly diet and exercise
    Will take us to the proper size.
    So, let’s tie on those running shoes,
    And spread the news of what we lose.

    Drop it 'Cause we're hot
    We've exercised a lot.
    Our former challenges were met,
    And exciting new goals have been set
    So, give those tired muscles a shake,
    A give your best for the team's sake.

    Drop it ‘Cause we’re hot
    We give it our best shot.
    Being fit is not a hobby,
    Give a shout to RickyBobby.
    In Week One he lead the charge,
    For taking us to small from large.

    This is what I'm talking about!

    I have decided to break up the thread, I agree that it may make it easier. I will post in the morning what the topic will be called. Probably something like "Drop It 'Cause We're Hot week 3". anyways I will post here what it is called, you can either plug it into the search or go to my profile and get to it from there. For any of you who are not on my "friend's list" I urge you to do so, it just makes it easier to be on the same page.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Couldn't wait!
    This is what the new topic is called:
    Drop It 'Cause We're Hot - Week 3 (closed group)

    This is only for week 3! Any posts regarding week 2 should continue to be posted on this thread. I will continue to check this as long as it is updated. I encourage you to bump the new thread so you may find it in your "my topics" tab.
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi all! Well, I weighed in at 168.5 so I believe that's 1.5 down from last week. I stayed under calories and met the water challenge every day. As far as other challenges I was only able to meet day 1 and day 2 challenges (plus I did the 50 crunches from day 3) before I was restricted. :(

    Way to go on the 100 miles!! Awesome job!! You are all doing so great.

    Love the poem Makaluzny!!! :):):) Wish those smileys worked!!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Hi all! Well, I weighed in at 168.5 so I believe that's 1.5 down from last week. I stayed under calories and met the water challenge every day. As far as other challenges I was only able to meet day 1 and day 2 challenges (plus I did the 50 crunches from day 3) before I was restricted. :(

    Way to go on the 100 miles!! Awesome job!! You are all doing so great.

    Love the poem Makaluzny!!! :):):) Wish those smileys worked!!

    Congrats on getting into the 160's! It's always a big deal when you break into a new "decade".

    I can't remember if I posted my stats or not so if this is a repeat I apologize.

    Challenges completed!
    26 out of 15 miles pledged towards the 100 challenge.
    recipe posted
    challenge start weight 141
    week 1 weight 139.4
    week 2 weight 138.4

    You are all really great! Keep up the hard work!
  • Lopez84
    Lopez84 Posts: 10
    100 miles Team Challenge

    sass30 - 4 miles
    jadery24 - 7 miles
    themommie-5 miles
    mkaluzny - 6
    sass30 - 2
    bhurley1424 - 1
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 3 on treadmill
    sass30 - 1
    zukekitty- 1
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 4
    bhurley1424 - 1
    zukekitty - 1
    mkaluzny - 1
    themommie- 2
    sass30 - 4
    mkaluzny - 3
    spurradic - 2
    seballard09 - 2
    mkaluzny - 2
    sass30 - 4
    fitwatch - 4
    BethanyCee- - 15
    sass30 - 5
    bhurley1424 - 1
    lopez84 - 4
    mkaluzny - 1
    spurradic - 5
    fitwatch - 6
    sass30 - 6
    Lopez84 - 4

    TOTAL MILES 117!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    hi everyone,
    I am back from camping, we had a wonderful time. Lots of hiking and swimming. My mom met us there and then took the kids home so that me and my hubby can celebrate our anniversary. YEAH. No kids for 4 days, what shall we do? We took our puppy camping and this morning as we were getting ready to leave he was running around the table and knocked over my sons fishing pool and ran and somehow got the fish hook caught on the top of his mouth. He was yelping but we got him to calm down and he allowed me to open his mouth and keep it open while my hubby used some side snipes(a type of wire cutters used for fishing) to cut the bottom of the hook and get it out. Talk about a trusting puppy and a traumatic experience. My daughter was crying hysterically and I felt horrible. But we looked and looked and cannot even see where it was and he seems to be fine. I will be keeping a really close eye on him for a few days though.

    I did pretty good eating wise so I hope with all the exercising the scale shows a loss this next week.......Hope everyone had a good uneventful weekend......
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    100 miles Team Challenge

    sass30 - 4 miles
    jadery24 - 7 miles
    themommie-5 miles
    mkaluzny - 6
    sass30 - 2
    bhurley1424 - 1
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 3 on treadmill
    sass30 - 1
    zukekitty- 1
    spurradic - 4
    mkaluzny - 4
    bhurley1424 - 1
    zukekitty - 1
    mkaluzny - 1
    themommie- 2
    sass30 - 4
    mkaluzny - 3
    spurradic - 2
    seballard09 - 2
    mkaluzny - 2
    sass30 - 4
    fitwatch - 4
    BethanyCee- - 15
    sass30 - 5
    bhurley1424 - 1
    lopez84 - 4
    mkaluzny - 1
    spurradic - 5
    fitwatch - 6
    sass30 - 6
    Lopez84 - 4
    themommie -5

    TOTAL MILES 122!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    drank all my water.....completed
    under calories everyday....completed
    challenges......all but day 5 completed
    pledged 8 miles completed 12 miles
    weigh in 178.9
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Okay, just so I am not labeled as a whiner. I know I said I was disappointed at not losing any weight this past week, but there is good news for me. I did loss an inch off my waist and hips over the past two weeks. I guess I should concentrate on overall health rather than what the scale tells me.
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    I am waiting for week 2 stats from 3 people, you know who you are, don't make me call you out! You have until 1pm my time, 11am MFP time. Don't let your team down.
  • fitwatch
    fitwatch Posts: 61
    Results for week 2. I have not been posting results here because the I assume that the captain and team want to see the weekly result. They are posted in my blog:

    Also, I provide updates when things are completed in my blog and then send a link to the team captain on Sunday or Monday to report the previous week's results. If anyone sees this particular entry, would you please follow the link to my blog and find the results to week 2 and make comments if you can suggest improvements?

    PS-Can someone let me know what week three directions are? I can't seem to find for instance today's challenge.
  • Challenge complete, water intake complete, under calories complete, ready for a new day Oh Yeah !!, Have a good night, God Bless You All !!
This discussion has been closed.