Mum nursing breastfeding and weightlost



  • cvetankamihajloska
    cvetankamihajloska Posts: 25 Member
    This period is very hard for me. Big problems at home and at work . Without help from anyone without friends and money . And depresion stress all the time and 100 kilos at me ...... Just my two pretty kids are only happines for this life ....but i hope it will be better . Better days hope to come......
  • k8eekins
    k8eekins Posts: 2,264 Member
    You don't have to change what you're eating. How are you cooking your meals? You know - oils, salt, some cooking pastes, sauces, condiments, .... Would you care to share a sample of your day? What you ate? Your target calories and any caloric adjustments post exercise if any? Cooking methods?

    The difficulties you're encountering right now as a woman, a mother and a wife - as the heart of your family, unfortunately is reflective of how some men - who are fathers and are husbands are feeling too, with "It is hard being a man these days" sentiment.

    For yourself and your wellbeing, in the now - you deserve to drop weight from 220 lbs (+/-). As difficult as it is - stay focused yet conscientious about mandatory intake to feed your baby.
  • cvetankamihajloska
    cvetankamihajloska Posts: 25 Member
    My food day was bread cocoa cream. Icecream . Irish nescaffe. Bread with cheese . Bread with chocolate cream . Bread with meat. And last sunflower seedss
  • cvetankamihajloska
    cvetankamihajloska Posts: 25 Member
    I dont know what to do. Nutricionist sugesst me fruits vegetable with rice or potato or legumates or meat and dinners a half of it or yoghurt with seeds. One friend sugest me keto diet without carb but i dont belive that i can do it. I looooove chocolate icecream and everything sweet i enjoy in it. So i'm not in a state for keto diet. Also chrono diet which is very popular i try it wasn't for me. So these days i'm na far awey from loosing 50lbs ....
  • cvetankamihajloska
    cvetankamihajloska Posts: 25 Member
    Bravo for tonight for me. i want something sweet 3 at work there are chocolates and chokobisqut mmmm but i don't eat . My dinner was milk with flips. My princess breastfeeding is very interesting right now its more like game there is legs hands everything and she sometimes dont like nothing or sometimes want 1hour to play . Little sweet honey
  • cvetankamihajloska
    cvetankamihajloska Posts: 25 Member
    Again night at work. Again i was brave. Hungry a lot but i drink 1 soup from vegetables and 1 tea for opstipation and everything was ok So i lie down happy tonight by the food
  • cvetankamihajloska
    cvetankamihajloska Posts: 25 Member
    edited June 2018
    Today i have 1 banana coffe
    1 croasan for brekfast
    Meat with patotes cheese tomato and little bread for lunch
    Dinner milk 250ml
    😂and 97.5 kg tonight ......
  • ZaraFlora
    ZaraFlora Posts: 22 Member
    Nursing helps me lose so many weight 2 years ago.
    Just enjoy your food but control the calories. 🤗
  • cvetankamihajloska
    cvetankamihajloska Posts: 25 Member
    Hello my diet friends.
    Today was't bad for food. Brekfast soup with curcuma and bread and was very very ugly. 2 eggs boild.
    Lunch meat salad and tomatoes souce
    Dinner Nescafe.
    And I want to shere with you that today is my birthday ☺🎂🍰🎉🎁
    32 years 98 kg 2 kids 7 years experience at work at the moment with zero 0 money at my card.
    I have so many hopes but just 2 wish
    My lovely kids to be healthy and live and happy
    And to find a new job with my university degree.
  • cvetankamihajloska
    cvetankamihajloska Posts: 25 Member
    This day was not good for food but very nice birthday .
  • cvetankamihajloska
    cvetankamihajloska Posts: 25 Member
    I feel little shy today. I cant help myself. Today walking in the city and feel like everyone look at me and tought watch the fatty young women. How she can do this to herself ? Look at other momy with baby and have 60kg and i with 98 that is prove that is't resposanbe my babyies its just my fatty *kitten*
  • cvetankamihajloska
    cvetankamihajloska Posts: 25 Member
    Im so sorry just more 2 months to nursing but my weight no chance to change. too obsesion with food. I. Love chocolates i engoy in sweets soo no caracter to say no stop i cant resist so probably will life like ugly fat woman for my sorry.
  • resplendencesana83
    resplendencesana83 Posts: 18 Member
    bf burns almost 25 cals per trying to keep my goal less than 1200cal per day but my baby isnt happy about it whom im breastfeeding although not exclusively.any tips to maintain a good milk flow n still eat less calories?? chicken/beef broth is one thing.any other??
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    bf burns almost 25 cals per trying to keep my goal less than 1200cal per day but my baby isnt happy about it whom im breastfeeding although not exclusively.any tips to maintain a good milk flow n still eat less calories?? chicken/beef broth is one thing.any other??


    Oatmeal and there are all sorts of suppliments, most have fenugreek and brewers yeast in them. None of those worked for me, and fenugreek made me stink! The only things that made a difference for me was not cutting calories too low and making sure I got plenty of water. My supply was super dependent on water intake, which makes sense.

    1200 is a super low calorie goal for a breastfeeding woman unless you are a very small lady.

    consider reading the second half of this to help you sort out goals:

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    bf burns almost 25 cals per trying to keep my goal less than 1200cal per day but my baby isnt happy about it whom im breastfeeding although not exclusively.any tips to maintain a good milk flow n still eat less calories?? chicken/beef broth is one thing.any other??

    Why are you trying to eat less than 1200 cals? What are your stats?
  • katphi1618
    katphi1618 Posts: 120 Member
    bf burns almost 25 cals per trying to keep my goal less than 1200cal per day but my baby isnt happy about it whom im breastfeeding although not exclusively.any tips to maintain a good milk flow n still eat less calories?? chicken/beef broth is one thing.any other??


    Oatmeal and there are all sorts of suppliments, most have fenugreek and brewers yeast in them. None of those worked for me, and fenugreek made me stink! The only things that made a difference for me was not cutting calories too low and making sure I got plenty of water. My supply was super dependent on water intake, which makes sense.

    1200 is a super low calorie goal for a breastfeeding woman unless you are a very small lady.

    consider reading the second half of this to help you sort out goals:

    Fenugreek made me smell like maple syrup. Love it!
  • resplendencesana83
    resplendencesana83 Posts: 18 Member
    bf burns almost 25 cals per trying to keep my goal less than 1200cal per day but my baby isnt happy about it whom im breastfeeding although not exclusively.any tips to maintain a good milk flow n still eat less calories?? chicken/beef broth is one thing.any other??

    Why are you trying to eat less than 1200 cals? What are your stats?

    im super overweight i gained alot of weight pp idk how but mostly by eating fatty n carb rich food while i stayed at 200lb and my bmi i should be 110lb.. i try to burn 200-500 cal daily its been a month now and i have only lost 2lb :/