How much did you eat before MFP?

BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
This could be a typical Friday for me:

Breakfast - Cheese and mushroom croissant with a medium cappuccino.
Lunch - Chicken burrito with all the trimmings.
Snack - Snickers bar, Wotsits and full-far Coke.
Dinner - Indian takeaway - poppadums with dip, onion bhajis, meat samosas, chicken curry, pilau rice, tarka dhal.
Drink - Bottle of red wine.

Rough estimate - 3600+ calories!

The wonder is not that I got so fat but that I didn't realise WHY I got so fat!


  • vlc1979
    vlc1979 Posts: 227
    The day before I started MFP:

    Breakfast: Huge heaping bowl of cereal w/ milk
    Lunch: 4 pieces of pizza
    Supper: Large glass of milk and something else unhealthy. Over 3,000 calories.

    Yep it is a wonder I didn;t stop and think "If you eat like this you will be 5 pounds fatter in 5 weeks"

    Seems so easy now..
  • I don't even remember anymore but I do like the bottle of red wine. ;) Red wine is my favorite. ;)
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I had no idea that the 'healthier' choices I thought I was making were in most cases just as bad, but sometimes worse than things I would usually eat. This site has really opened this world up for me. I considered myself someone who 'didn't eat that much' but once I started logging it all I was shocked at what I was putting in my body. No wonder I 'found' 30kgs in a few short years!
  • this is an awesome topic. Well my breakfast would include a big omelet with 4 eggs. 4 slice of white bread. 2 glasses of orange juice. 3 hotdogs and about 3 caprisun juices. I now see how I got the way I got by eating too much junk
  • kristiek7
    kristiek7 Posts: 198
    I was drinking sooooooooo much. I mean juices, pop..........I'm sure I was consuming a days worth of cals in liquids alone! As for food - loads of white breads, mayo, cheese, sugary cereals.........again I think my calories were about twice as much as what I'm doing now, and all 'empty'........
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I haven't actually counted up the calories but I started every day with crispy creme donut holes and cappucino from speedway. Then Burger King or worse for lunch (can you say Izzy's?) and since I'm single, supper might be a bag of chips or cookies & ice cream (unless my neighbor invites me to dinner) Wash it all down with coca cola - not diet and I only drank water for ... well hell, I didn't drink any water unless I could help it.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Oh man...I don't even know...I just know it was a lot! I used to pick up a breakfast sandwich and a 16 ounce red bull every single day on my way to work.
  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    Oh gosh.

    In high school...

    Breakfast - bacon cheese melt on a bagel
    Lunch - sandwich, cookies, juice (reasonable)
    Afternoon "snack"/second lunch - Chinese takeout or fries or a DQ Blizzard or an Iced Capp.
    Dinner - 2-3 servings of spaghetti, or a burger with all the trimmings, etc... lots of sauces, not a lot of nutrition!
  • runslikeagirl
    runslikeagirl Posts: 140 Member
    I ate fast food, frozen pizza, ice cream!! SONIC!!! I ate bad. Now I did a day in the life of my husband and he ate 5000 cal!! He's not, nor has ever been overweight. I don't know how hes not 500lbs!!! Just not fair!!!
  • This could be a typical Friday for me:

    Breakfast - Cheese and mushroom croissant with a medium cappuccino.
    Lunch - Chicken burrito with all the trimmings.
    Snack - Snickers bar, Wotsits and full-far Coke.
    Dinner - Indian takeaway - poppadums with dip, onion bhajis, meat samosas, chicken curry, pilau rice, tarka dhal.
    Drink - Bottle of red wine.

    Rough estimate - 3600+ calories!

    The wonder is not that I got so fat but that I didn't realise WHY I got so fat!

    i think i ate prettymuch the same as i do now , except now some stuff is now low fat, or quron etc. so
    pretty much the same stuff, just a bit healthier! ha :)
  • leonardk09
    leonardk09 Posts: 86 Member
    OH man, I used to eat anything and everything…

    Breakfast - Bagel with cream cheese, yogurt (pretty much the only thing I ate that was healthy, haha)
    Lunch - 2 grilled cheese sandwiches with ketchup, maybe some fries or soup on the side
    Dinner - Chicken Fingers, or Taco Salad with french fries
    Snacks - Chips, crackers, lots of fruit juice, cheese, candy, late night Mcdonald's Trip
  • TDBrims
    TDBrims Posts: 138
    Like others it wasn't so much the quantity of food more the huge calories in the food I was eating that was my downfall...I still eat as much now I just eat better choices :)
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    Well it's embarrassing to say but this was my typical day...

    Breakfast - Spaghetti, Macaroni, Burrito's, or Tacos (Any one of these usually, I'm a pasta lover thats why)
    Lunch - Sandwiches (probably 2 or 3), Chips/Dip, soda
    Dinner - Hamburgers, spaghetti, pastas...etc

    Then between all that mess I would have ice cream, cookies, candy, etc.

    See why its embarrassing lol:blushing:
  • littleali
    littleali Posts: 179 Member
    Before? I found a food diary from about 2 years ago...

    Breakfast: 1 Sandwich (2 slices of white bread with butter and vegemite) and a pack of crisps.
    Lunch: Big bowl of pasta with grated cheese and a chocolate fudge cake, plus another slice of white bread with butter.
    Dinner: A whole cheesey garlic pizza bread.
    Snacks: A couple of packets of crisps, 5-6 biscuits, chocolate.

  • earino
    earino Posts: 5
    I believe I was sitting at around 4500 -> 5500 calories per day.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    Wow. SO much... and all at night. I would skip breakfast, have a sandwich or full meal for lunch, and then just mindlessly snack in front of the TV. Pints of Ben and Jerry's in a sitting, an entire bowl of popcorn in peanut oil... peanut butter from the jar... you name it. It was mostly boredom. Once I started portion control and counting calories, things just started to make sense!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I lost most of my weight before joining MFP, but before starting a plan to get in shape, I ate the same as I do now on most days. There were a lot more pizza deliveries or rib cookouts on the weekend though, and I wasn't getting any type of regular exercise. Adding an hour of Zumba 6 days a week, cutting out the pizza and switching ribs for fish and chicken allowed me to get back to goal.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Breakfast - cup of tea

    Mid morning - cup of tea and an apple

    Lunch - peppermint tea and an apple or pizza if out (maybe twice a week)

    4pm - toast with butter, tea.

    Supper - big cooked meal, fajitas or pasta or risotto

    Evening - bag of chips or a couple of chocolates, a yoghurt and 2 apples

    Basically I'd not eat all day then over eat in the evenings. I also did very little exercise. I have never been a huge drinker day to day, more of a binge drinker when I go out, but since joining MFP I think I drink more wine over all, but a glass or 2 a couple of nights a week, not nothing for a month, then 2 bottles in one night.
  • bgeer34
    bgeer34 Posts: 135 Member
    I just figured out a typical 3 meal day for myself last year... this doesn't count snacks... and I am at 3585 calories for just the three meals... and I had at least 2, sometimes 3 or 4 snacks a day....

    I knew I ate bad... I wonder now how on earth I wasn't bigger than I was... so glad that stuff doesn't appeal to my taste buds anymore :)
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Better question, what didn't I eat?

    Gosh, my college eating habits aren't as bad, but in high-school I could down several packs a candy, pizza, fried catfish, bread, several drinks, my school lunch, and my breakfast at home. I was a secret eater, I got so big because I liked to eat and didn't really get full easily, but I hid it because it was shameful.