60 Minutes per Month Plank Challenge - July 2018!



  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,380 Member
    Goal For July: 45 mins (assumes both that I will be increasing per day before the end, and the occasional rest day)

    7/12 2 mins
    7/13 1:45, pause, 0:20
    7/14 1:30, pause, 0:40

    7/15 1:35 (hours later) 1:35
    7/16 3:10 (in bits and pieces over 45 minutes)
    7/17 1:35 (hours later) 1:35
    7/18 1:35 (hours later) 1:35
    7/19 1:35 (partial rest day)
    7/20 1:35 (partial rest day)
    7/21 rest day

    7/22 1:45 (hours later) 1:45
    7/23 1:45
    7/24 rest day
    7/25 1:45
    7/26 1:45 (hours later) 1:45
    7/27 rest day
    7/28 1:50 (hours later) 1:50

    7/29 1:50 (hours later) 1:50
    7/30 1:50 (hours later) 1:50
    7/31 1:50 (hours later) 1:50

    (cumulative done / to do) 45:00 / 0: :D<3<3B) 00

    S U C C E S S !!!!! I MET THE EXTENDED GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • RedneckDentist
    RedneckDentist Posts: 73 Member
    07/29 rest day
    07/30 4min (2) 120s mixed
    07/31 rest day
    Goal; Open Total 66 minutes

    so, now i know roughly what i can do. im gonna push it to 80 minutes for Aug.