Guys married in their mid 40s.



  • bpg0972
    bpg0972 Posts: 32 Member
    I quit smoking back in 2004 but didn’t really gain any weight. My real concern is ending up like my father, overweight, T2, high BP and not at all motivated to do anything but sit around in retirement; passed away within 2 years of hanging up work. I saw myself slowly headed in that direction.
  • BarksatNothing
    BarksatNothing Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 47, a past user of this, (and I had success at it, too!) that has been dramatically reducing my carb intake as part of my current weight loss efforts. Retired from the USAF about 5 years ago, took a job that keeps me tethered to a desk and travelling most of the time. Being more sedentary, coupled with the horrible diet of a business traveler had given me a soft, *kitten* body that I am slowly kicking back into gear. Looking to add like-minded folks, so go ahead and add me. SW-276 CW-261 GW-230
  • BarksatNothing
    BarksatNothing Posts: 10 Member
    kitten body? That is not what I said!
  • bpg0972
    bpg0972 Posts: 32 Member
    kitten body? That is not what I said!

    Lmao . . . I’m trying to figure out what a “kitten” body is exactly.
  • markyrocks
    markyrocks Posts: 33 Member
    38, married 2 young kids

    Need to lose about 60lbs. Need help. Anyone wanna be my accountability partner?
  • AminUK
    AminUK Posts: 3 Member
    Father of two, now grown up, 59 - I hit 60 in just 20 weeks and so that's my current motivational strategy. I want to wear a nice suit for my party! Of course I want the health benefits that go with a healthier weight. I won't lie though - it's easier at the moment to think about how I'll look in celebration photos!

    5 ft 6 and weight 239 pounds. My goal weigh is 196, at least initially. I've been that level in the past and although it's still heavy it works well for me. When I reach 196 I'll set a new target. I guess my ultimate target is 168.

    I could blame a sedentary job and lifestyle for me excess weight, but the truth is I'm a glutton (or I was!).

    I like the feeling of having worked out after a gym session, but hate going to the gym and getting started. Right now I'm focusing on lots of walking every day. It's an activity I enjoy and I can commit to. We moved a month or so back and we're very close to the town centre so it's also convenient to walk. In fact we've probably saved 80% of our car fuel costs each month, just by walking everywhere. The car sits outside doing nothing most of the time now.

    As much as I'd like to build some decent muscle (and my body does respond well to pumping iron) I just don't have the mental motivation to be consistent at it. That leaves me with the walking and healthier eating to achieve the weight loss.

    Really no idea whether I'll look to build muscle as I get closer to or hit my first target weight. I'd like to think I will, but past experience suggests it's unlikely. The past does not equal the future, for sure, but it's sometimes a good guide to what is likely.

    I'm finding MFP's ability to cater for UK food nutrition values very useful. That has been an issue with some other apps, so MFP is making it much easier to be accurate about what I'm eating.
  • AminUK
    AminUK Posts: 3 Member
    edited August 2018
    Congrats on the drop in pant size! I'm looking for that kind of thing even more than the number on the scales. I have a lot of really nice clothing from when I was at my lightest and they don't go anywhere near me. The day I can start wearing them again (and still be able to breathe) is one I'm looking forward to.
    ....I've been at this about a month now and although haven't lost much on the scale I've definitely lost a pant size!

  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,537 Member
    Lets keep this up guys!
  • Canadian_Expat
    Canadian_Expat Posts: 17 Member
    This summer we have had a steady stream of friends and family visiting and it makes it tough. I'm keeping the exercising up but we tend to eat out more often which makes things more challenging. I feel like I'm winning just not gaining any weight... things should quiet down after next week though so hopefully be able to more accurately count the calories! Plus it's hot and beer is delicious.