10lbs in a month???



  • ek724q
    ek724q Posts: 95 Member
    Week One weight: 224.6
    Week one lost: 225.4 :(
    Total for Lost: +0.8

    Unfortantly I did not lose any weight but gained. I don't know why, I am still trying to figure that out. I have been eatting my calories and not over eatting them and working out 13 days now straight. Any suggestions as what to get this turned around with would be awesome. Thanks
  • jschm947
    jschm947 Posts: 84 Member
    How much water are you drinking? I feel when I drink A LOT of water it helps so much. I have bigger losses when I do! (or at least that is what I've noticed since I started really trying). Maybe try that??? Hope it helps!!!! You CAN do this!!!
  • 1nsands
    1nsands Posts: 27
    I did actually weigh in on Wednesday, but just found the post...

    Week 1 - lost 1.4 pounds

    Total lost - 1.4 pounds
  • 1nsands
    1nsands Posts: 27
    Drinking a lot of water is a good suggestion. But my husband worked out for 100 consecutive days... and ate right... and lost 5 pounds. He started taking days off, and in the following 6 months lost 40 pounds. He is at his low adult weight and now could not possibly lose another pound.

    Days of rest are important too... and what you're eating, and what you're doing for exercise as well how much.

    You can do this, you WILL lose weight...
  • ek724q
    ek724q Posts: 95 Member
    I am working out as much as I can, no less than 2 miles or a video of something else, like pilates, zumba, slim in 6, turbo jam. any of these. I some times do more than one in a day. I have worked out for 15 days in a row, no day with rest. I have been eatting right. for a little bit I was not eatting enough calories, now i am getting between 1200 and 1400 a day. Water at least 8 glasses if not more. and only water except for yest I actually drank a diet dr pepper. Back to water and working out as much as I can. Today ate well until supper I had to make up for my 700+ calories I had not eatten yet so I splurged still under 1400. I hope it starts to go down fast again. At least 2 pounds by Wednesday would be nice.
  • OnCmommy
    OnCmommy Posts: 40
    I am so in! That's what I've been trying to do since the beginning of this month, 4 down already :)
  • jschm947
    jschm947 Posts: 84 Member
    Well.... unfortunately not good news this morning on the scale.

    Week 2 Loss: +.2 :(
    Total Loss: 2.5

    Going camping this weekend so we will see how well I can resist the snacks on the beach and by the pool! Hoping to redeem myself from this week!!!
  • rainyday99
    SW: 233 on 7/27/11
    1st GW: 223 on 8/31/11
    2nd GW: 213 9/30/11
    3rd GW: 203 10/31/11

    Trying to get into "One" derland before thanks giving... :)

    Week one weigh in 231 - down 2 lbs
    Week two weigh in 227.8 - down 3 lbs total loss so far ... almost 5 lbs :) half way there
  • abeks
    abeks Posts: 68 Member
    Week 2 loss: 2 lbs.
    Total loss: 5lbs

    I think I was extremely lazy and tired this past week :frown:
  • ek724q
    ek724q Posts: 95 Member
    Week 2 loss: 1.4 from last week
    total from first week loss: 0.6pounds, Slow start, hopefully it will start to move.
  • 1nsands
    1nsands Posts: 27
    Week 2:

    Weight loss week 2: 2.8 pounds

    Total Weight loss: 4.2 pounds

    Seriously... 2 of those pounds came off like magic. I was 2.4 pounds heavier yesterday... and last night I went for a walk, and ended up running for 10 minutes straight... which is the first time I've done that in about 9 years! I had a major breakthrough... I'm super excited.

    Good job everyone!
  • Caro239
    Caro239 Posts: 46 Member
    Week 2

    Starting weight - 159lb - 27/07/11

    Week one - 156lb - 03/08/11 (3lb loss) :)
    Week two - 155lb - 10/08/11 (1lb loss) - Total loss 4lb

    Goal weight - 149lb - 31/08/11

    Next Goal - 140lb - 30/09/11
  • LCardo24
    LCardo24 Posts: 56
    Whoops! Late to weigh in

    Week 2

    Start Weight- 143

    Week 2 Weight- 141.4 lbs
    Weight Loss Week 2- 0.6 lbs
    Total weight loss- 1.6 lbs

    This is not going well for me. Need to try harder! Hoping week 3 is better
  • rainyday99
    SW: 233 on 7/27/11
    1st GW: 223 on 8/31/11
    2nd GW: 213 9/30/11
    3rd GW: 203 10/31/11

    Trying to get into "One" derland before thanks giving... :)

    Week one weigh in 231 - down 2 lbs
    Week two weigh in 227.8 - down 3 lbs total loss so far ... almost 5 lbs :) half way there
    Week three weight in 228 - up a little :( ... time to refocus!!
  • jschm947
    jschm947 Posts: 84 Member
    Week 3
    SW 185
    CW 181.1
    Loss 1.7 Total Loss 3.9
  • tmiller81
    That is awesome, I weigh my self every day too! Actually 3 times a day! First thing in the morning, when i get home after work or before supper and then right before i go to bed. I know that sounds wierd, but it has worked for me, I can monitor each day what I can and cannot eat. I have lost 25 lbs this way last year, only gained back 5 and now I want to loose 10 more lbs. People say I am crazy but it works for me!
  • LCardo24
    LCardo24 Posts: 56
    Week 3! Still not knocking it out of the park, but trending in the right direction:

    Start weight: 143
    Week 3 Weight: 140
    Week 3 Loss: 1.4 lb
    Total Loss: 3 lb
    Goal Weight (8/31): 133
  • ek724q
    ek724q Posts: 95 Member
    week 3 weight 225
    Total + 0.6 from first week
    Oh Well!
  • Caro239
    Caro239 Posts: 46 Member
    Week 3

    Starting weight - 159lb - 27/07/11

    Week one - 156lb - 03/08/11 (3lb loss) :)
    Week two - 155lb - 10/08/11 (1lb loss)
    Week three - 154lb - 17/08/11 (1lb loss) - Total loss 5lb
    Goal weight - 149lb - 31/08/11
  • jschm947
    jschm947 Posts: 84 Member
    WEEK 4

    SW: 185
    CW: 179.6 OUT OF THE 180's!!!!!!!!!!!
    Loss: 1.5 Total Loss 5.4

    Don't know Ill hit 10 but Ill try REALLY hard this week :)