How do you control yourself?

With food? I’m always in the negatives.


  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    You mean that little voice inside your head that tells you what not to do? After a while, I have expectations of what it's likely to say, and I just get into various habits. I extremely rarely suffer from overeating guilt (maybe once every year or two) so I have to rely on other strategies.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    Oh, I forgot one strategy. Keep food out of sight. If I can't see it, I'm not forced to think about it. Cans of tuna are fine, but fruit, biscuits etc I always keep hidden away from view.
  • BecMarty14
    BecMarty14 Posts: 351 Member
    Sometimes I drink a cup of water and contemplate. Also, I make myself do some kind of exercise at the end of the day to compensate if I am over. Yoga, a brisk walk etc.
  • alicia163425
    alicia163425 Posts: 80 Member
    Take a walk if I get snacky

    I also use the thought process from Beck’s Diet Solution and put myself in the mindset of “no choice” when I am thinking about eating something I shouldn’t.
    I keep a list of my whys for weight loss near me.
  • onevtcent018
    onevtcent018 Posts: 11 Member
    It took me 20 years to stop allowing food to control me. I look at everything I eat as fuel now. No longer is it a reward, a way to relax or something I convince myself that I deserve. Because I’ve joined a bunch of classes and am now a “regular” at the gym, I am too afraid of eating something crappy, because it’ll make me feel like crap & I won’t want to work out. Fitness has become an absolute passion (and it’s fun because I’ve met so many other “regulars”) and that’s what drives me to fuel properly. This has been working about 8 months now, but man it took a LOOONG time to change my mindset!
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    In don't want to be 400 lbs again. That's enough, but I also will give myself some flexibility.
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    If I don't see cookies, chocolate etc. I don't think about it. Recently a half jar of delicious coffee / chocolate filled sugar waffle things happened to sit o the table - but not for long. Totally delicious, but I don't make it a habit...
  • makkimakki2018
    makkimakki2018 Posts: 414 Member
    1. Fill the fridge with food that needs to be prepared in order to eat (no instant stuff).
    2. Weigh your food.
    3. Log what you will consume before eating.
    4. Drink water if you're still hungry.
  • allison8668
    allison8668 Posts: 885 Member
    I try to eat foods that give me a satisfied feeling - for me, it's usually higher protein foods. This isn't to say that once in a while I don't get into a carb craving mode. But overall this strategy has helped me stay on track.
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    Interesting answers. I've never been compulsive with food so it's interesting to see how others cope with that.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,047 Member
    For me it took time.

    In the beginning of my time of weight loss I had trouble with this but in time I decided I really wanted to be at a healthy weight more than I wanted _______.

    Once I got to that weight, it was even more awesome than I had ever imagined - so it's been relatively easy to reprogram my thoughts toward all the great things people have already mentioned in your thread here.

    Keep going. Do what it takes. It's worth it.
  • laban1ca
    laban1ca Posts: 59 Member
    I've been logging my entire day ahead of time, sometimes the night before. Dinner is usually my weak point because I don't do the cooking. We have a discussion the night before and I put it in ahead of time so I know what I can eat the rest of the day. I also don't give up anything so I don't have any crazy cravings. If I want ice cream I find a way to make it fit in for the day. My boyfriend thinks I'm silly but I'm perfectly happy to pass on vegetables at dinner in favor of ice cream for desert. :smile:
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    As others have said, pre-logging helps for me. I log my entire day before breakfast. Then if someone brings doughnuts (or whatever) into the office, I can look at my log and see if I want to make that doughnut fit into my day. I'll likely have to forgo my nightly dessert, which I don't like doing, so I'll usually pass on the doughnut. But...not always.
  • bblue656
    bblue656 Posts: 159 Member
    1. Fill the fridge with food that needs to be prepared in order to eat (no instant stuff).

    This is basically my fridge! And one of the biggest reasons i've lost 103lbs.

  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    bblue656 wrote: »
    1. Fill the fridge with food that needs to be prepared in order to eat (no instant stuff).

    This is basically my fridge! And one of the biggest reasons i've lost 103lbs.

    This would be very bad for me. I have many foods that need to be prepared, but I also need to have foods that I can just grab or toss together in seconds and eat, or else I'll be tempted to order in more often than I would like or to pick up a candy bar at the nearby corner store if I'm too busy or too tired to deal with food preparation.

    I always keep canned things, instant ramen, instant grains, pudding cups, boiled eggs, various sandwich spreads...etc for busy/stressful/lazy days.