Re-learning to swim

I've taken up swimming again after a.... 15, maybe 16 year hiatus!

The first major goal is to be able to do 200m on my front, followed immediately by 100m on my back, and then 15m underwater.

Gone are my days of being able to do fifty lengths without batting an eyelid! I can barely do one! How embarrassing!

There are two problems at play here - technique and endurance. My endurance will slowly increase with time - so I'm not unduly concerned about that - what I need help with is technique!

My swimming is very difficult to watchinefficient just now - I'm moving water around me instead of moving around in the water! In other words - my technique is borked.

My first response was to try and get a hold of a swimming coach or an adult class... the adult classes start in october (too far away - I wanna swim now damnit! :P), the 1:1 coaches for the local swimming pool company (KA Leisure) are fully booked (I'm on their waiting list but they can't tell me how long that waiting list actually is...) - I can't find any independent coaches (and I'm not sure KA Leisure allows outside coaching at their pools anyway... they might have changed that though).

So for now, I'm on my ownsome! Might as well make the most of it!

So - to summarise, I need to teach myself to swim again! Breastroke, backstroke, and crawl - I guess would be a good place to start!

Does anybody have any tips? Would buying a kickboard/pull buoy be useful for isolating arm/leg movements - worth grabbing one?

Many thanks folks :D


  • skinnyrev2b
    skinnyrev2b Posts: 400 Member
    I've valued lessons - but I hear you on the availability of them. I've also started a beginners swim program through Speedo. They also have technique videos which may be of use. Lastly I've spent time looking at other swimmers - how they hold their body positions and what that does to their stroke rate and speed. But I will add the caveat that I am pretty much a beginner. I used to swim but not seriously concerned with technique unlike now.
    Hope that helps.
  • skinnyrev2b
    skinnyrev2b Posts: 400 Member
    Oh, and that program calls for pull bouys and kick boards...
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    I hate to swim, and I'm not a good swimmer, but I'm a much better swimmer than I used to be (because rowers have to swim (eye roll)). I took adult learn-to-swim classes at around age 46, and lap swimming classes after that. None of that helps you, if you can't take lessons yet. But:

    One of the swim teachers recommended the book "Total Immersion" by Terry Laughlin. It had info I found helpful/useful.

    You might also consider having a friend video you swimming so you can see what's going on with your stroke, when you compare it to tutorial info you find online, in books, or by watching good swimmers on TV/YouTube.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    It’s great that you want to swim again. I restarted about 2 years ago and LOVE it. I took adult lessons at the Y and now doing Masters swim also at the Y. If you can’t go to the Y (they’re always running classes) look up Masters swim groups in your area. Also look up Total Immersion swimming on the web and you tube. With a swimming background you might be able to pick up tips quickly.
    Many people restart as adults barely able to make one length of the pool, but with consistent work you gradually build up.
    Have fun!
  • cprobertson12
    cprobertson12 Posts: 90 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    I hate to swim, and I'm not a good swimmer, but I'm a much better swimmer than I used to be (because rowers have to swim (eye roll)). I took adult learn-to-swim classes at around age 46, and lap swimming classes after that. None of that helps you, if you can't take lessons yet. But:

    One of the swim teachers recommended the book "Total Immersion" by Terry Laughlin. It had info I found helpful/useful.

    You might also consider having a friend video you swimming so you can see what's going on with your stroke, when you compare it to tutorial info you find online, in books, or by watching good swimmers on TV/YouTube.

    Lol - I used to be a whitewater kayaker and they make you take a very might swimming test at the start - but the benefit is you only swim when you come out your boat (which is a last resort) - and even then, you always swim on your back with your legs pointed downstream (so you can steer/kick off rocks when they get in your way) - its more or less effortless! I say that, but I actually wrecked one of my knees swimming... went over a small waterfall with a shallow plunge pool at the bottom - hit the bottom of the plungepool, fell into a kneeling position, and all my weight went onto one of my knees... swelled to the size of a watermelon. That knee has never been the same since, actually! **pokes knee** - it's not bad actually - it could be a lot worse - an occasional niggle is nothing to worry about - in fact, I might just be getting old and blaming it on that incident!

    Let's see: Total Immersion; decent price - EWW - is that Papyrus font? Yuck! Nope-nope-nope-so-much-NOPE! And that is why it sucks to be a typography snob... there are some fonts that kill you a little inside when you see them and there is nothing you can do about it! In fact, that's the problem with being snobby with pretty much anything - pointless things annoy you :P

    How is "Total Immersion" in terms of diagrams/illustrations? I recently purchased "The Science of Swimming" by James E Counsilman which is chock-full of illustrations (it's a fairly old book now - I picked mine up for £0.35 + shipping at £2: so £2.35 for a hardback - I like it!). Always happy to buy another book on the subject though!

    As for filming - there is a massive sign on the way in saying that if you so much as think about pulling out a camera near the swimming pool, the secret police will dispose you. It's a privately owned company - so I'm just assuming they are paranoid about covering their butt =/ Would/could have been helpful in my case - but oh well! I don't make the rules =/

    I've valued lessons - but I hear you on the availability of them. I've also started a beginners swim program through Speedo. They also have technique videos which may be of use. Lastly I've spent time looking at other swimmers - how they hold their body positions and what that does to their stroke rate and speed. But I will add the caveat that I am pretty much a beginner. I used to swim but not seriously concerned with technique unlike now.
    Hope that helps.

    Good shout on their technique videos - they (and a number of other youtube university videos) are my main source on technique at the moment -at least until my book(s) arrives!

    I've also sent an email annoyingasking the local amateur swim club for advice on where I can start (or better yet, find an actual coach!)
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    My best tip is not to worry about symmetrical or systematic breathing.

    Just breathe when you need to.

  • aokoye
    aokoye Posts: 3,495 Member
    So - to summarise, I need to teach myself to swim again! Breastroke, backstroke, and crawl - I guess would be a good place to start!

    Does anybody have any tips? Would buying a kickboard/pull buoy be useful for isolating arm/leg movements - worth grabbing one?

    I restarted swimming as an adult after not having done so since I was a child. Then I restarted because things like really crappy knees (which have hopefully had their last operations at this point - I still have to limit breaststroke) and anxiety got in the way. I ended up buying Janet Evans' Total Swimming three years ago and really liked her easiest two plans. I didn't make it through to the later plans when I first bought it for one reason or another and now it's an issue of time (there are only so many hours in the day and I exercise six to seven times a week which, with rowing, is now going up another two times a week).

    All that said, don't buy a kickboard or pull buoy unless the pool you go to doesn't have them. Of the four pools I've been to they all have tons of kickboards and pull buoys.

    Do take lessons when you get a chance though! I've been pretty happy with the adult lessons I've taken. Also read up and/or ask the lifeguards about pool etiquette. Things like circle swimming vs splitting the lane (and in what direction people circle swim at that pool), lane speed, etc. And please don't be like the guy who I shared a lane with today and come in and start sharing a lane unannounced (and then seemingly not be willing to communicate). I'm more than willing to share a lane but being startled by someone making their way up the lane as I'm swimming isn't pleasant.
  • cprobertson12
    cprobertson12 Posts: 90 Member
    aokoye wrote: »

    All that said, don't buy a kickboard or pull buoy unless the pool you go to doesn't have them. Of the four pools I've been to they all have tons of kickboards and pull buoys.

    Good shout - though last time I checked, they had both - but they were in a locked cage; the best place for them! I'll pester them again about it tonight - but I've gone and ordered a kickboard anyway - I might take my swimming to the beach at some point if this weather keeps up, so it's not a bad investment... it also makes me want to use it more because it's mine! Human psychology is weird :P
    aokoye wrote: »
    Do take lessons when you get a chance though! I've been pretty happy with the adult lessons I've taken. Also read up and/or ask the lifeguards about pool etiquette. Things like circle swimming vs splitting the lane (and in what direction people circle swim at that pool), lane speed, etc. And please don't be like the guy who I shared a lane with today and come in and start sharing a lane unannounced (and then seemingly not be willing to communicate). I'm more than willing to share a lane but being startled by someone making their way up the lane as I'm swimming isn't pleasant.

    Aye - definitely! I'm on their list for 1:1 coaches - but I've no idea how long the list is, and the adult classes start in october and are at 0930 - I start work at 0730; in fact, aren't most adults at work or pretty close to it by 0930? Not quite sure what is up with that!

    Etiquette wise, they usually have a few lanes cordoned off with signs indicating clockwise/anticlockwise, fast/slow, and the rest of the pool is a free-for-all. Not had any problems yet - it's been pretty quiet most of the times I turn up - the kids tend to play in the teaching/training/shallow pool during weekdays, and don't tend to do early-morning swims at the weekend :)

    I'm actually at the nonlocal pool today (all ran by the same company, but three towns over) - same story - fast/slow (sometimes medium) lanes and the rest is a free-for-all; usually occupied by people who don't like using the lanes.

    Anyway - looking forward to tonight's swim - I missed it yesterday (didn't want to swim two nights in a row - I pulled a muscle the first night and it was a still a little stiff the next day (yesterday), didn't want to aggravate it).
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    I didn't do much swimming as a child, so I'd call myself an adult onset swimmer. I relearned the freestyle stroke a few years ago in order to participate in a sprint distance triathlon. It was very intimidating at first, since I was trying to power through the water and using lots of energy to do so. Once I saw a video of my stroke, I quickly realized that I needed stroke advice in order to improve. :) I used a number of coaches and swim clinics to learn freestyle form. Most of my warm weather swimming is now is done in open water in preparation for long course triathlon events, so I only use the freestyle stroke.

    So you seem to be on the right track by focusing on technique first. In fact, you're doing yourself a disservice if you continue to swim after your form starts to break down. Once that happens, stop swimming for the day and come back the next day when rested. Endurance will come soon enough, but you want to always be focused on swimming with perfect form as a beginner.

    As far as tips, there's nothing like having a coach or experienced swimmer on deck to observe your stroke and make suggestions for improvements. In addition, there are lots of great resources available online, particularly in video form. One good one is called "Mr Swim Smooth" ( This is an animated freestyle swimmer showing perfect form. The benefit of this animation is that you can slow down the stroke, isolate the body parts and even "remove" the water in order to see the ideal hand, head, leg or body position for each part of the stroke. Its pretty cool.

    Finally, a few simple tips on form, based on common issues for beginners (I did all of these things and still need to focus on them every swim). Good freestyle is all about reducing drag, so body position is key. That means your body needs to be flat in the water so you can "hide" from the water, minimizing drag. Many swimmers start with their head too high, causing legs to sink. This causes drag. Sinking legs often cause bending of the knees. This also creates drag, which the swimmer then tries to overcome by swimming harder. That usually causes even more drag. :)

    Two simple concepts to help you stay flat and avoid drag. 1) when in freestyle position, you should be looking almost straight down at the lines on the bottom of the pool. This will have the waterline hitting in the middle of your head. 2) (Don't laugh too hard at this!) Think of squeezing a coin between your butt cheeks and holding it there as you swim. This is a way to keep your core engaged, your hips straight and prevents your legs from bending.

    Finally, remember to swim slowly. It makes form easier to maintain and breathing is less difficult to regulate.

    Hope this helps.

  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    Djproulx wrote: »
    1) when in freestyle position, you should be looking almost straight down at the lines on the bottom of the pool. This will have the waterline hitting in the middle of your head. .
    I have been told that the waterline should hit just above your eyes, mid forehead type area and that you should be looking at the pool floor 2-3 metres ahead of you.
    Will def give this a try see if improves anything! cheers

    @cprobertson12 - welcome back to the wonderful world of water!
    I got 2 tips from youtube that have proven themselves awesome - the coin between the buttcheeks thought as above and attempting to not make any air bubbles appear when you put your hands in and pull.
    (The third was the head position, but I may be able to improve on that by following advice above :/ shall see if it improves my stroke)

    I was vaguely showing a mate how to not flail and splutter doing crawl and I got her to use my float to take her legs out of the equation - she then was able to focus more on arms and breathing, while feeling her leg position but not having to work at it. She said that helped. :)

    I'd love a video of my stroke, but as you say, my pool is a bit heavy on the 'no cameras, at any point, even phones, is that a phone? is that a camera? get out!' etc
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    beerfoamy wrote: »
    Djproulx wrote: »
    1) when in freestyle position, you should be looking almost straight down at the lines on the bottom of the pool. This will have the waterline hitting in the middle of your head. .
    I have been told that the waterline should hit just above your eyes, mid forehead type area and that you should be looking at the pool floor 2-3 metres ahead of you.
    Will def give this a try see if improves anything! cheers

    @beerfoamy I think we are very close in our approach. Looking ahead a few meters with your eyes is common as well. I do this frequently in open water, since there are no lines on the bottom to guide me. The goal is to keep the head from lifting, which in turn puts downward pressure on your legs, like raising one end of a fulcrum.
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    Djproulx wrote: »
    beerfoamy wrote: »
    Djproulx wrote: »
    1) when in freestyle position, you should be looking almost straight down at the lines on the bottom of the pool. This will have the waterline hitting in the middle of your head. .
    I have been told that the waterline should hit just above your eyes, mid forehead type area and that you should be looking at the pool floor 2-3 metres ahead of you.
    Will def give this a try see if improves anything! cheers

    @beerfoamy I think we are very close in our approach. Looking ahead a few meters with your eyes is common as well. I do this frequently in open water, since there are no lines on the bottom to guide me. The goal is to keep the head from lifting, which in turn puts downward pressure on your legs, like raising one end of a fulcrum.

    I did just watch some videos, and yeah looks like I am not too out of whack so yay! hehe. Open water is not something I do (tried once and was far too surprised by not being able to see lines on the bottom -very much weirded out!) but can imagine the stroke changes dramatically to sight and stuff
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member

    How is "Total Immersion" in terms of diagrams/illustrations?


    Lots of nice clear line drawings for techniques and drills. Random example page:

    Keep in mind that the book was recommended to me as a relative beginner - not really sure whether that makes a difference or not, but it's a fact.

    Can't help you with the font thing. ;)
  • cprobertson12
    cprobertson12 Posts: 90 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »

    How is "Total Immersion" in terms of diagrams/illustrations?


    Lots of nice clear line drawings for techniques and drills. Random example page:

    Keep in mind that the book was recommended to me as a relative beginner - not really sure whether that makes a difference or not, but it's a fact.

    Can't help you with the font thing. ;)

    Very nice :D I'll grab that on the kindle (that way I can change the font - plus if I decide to, I can take it to the pool in a waterproof pouch - books aren't good for that - can't turn the pages!)

    One of the lifeguards/pool-dudes I pestered today at the Auchenharvie pool turned out to be the same guy I asked about lessons at the Irvine pool (owned by the same company - so they can apparently fill in shifts at different locations!) - anyway, I asked him to borrow a pullbuoy and he recognised me and suggested speaking to reception at the Auchenharvie pool about lessons - despite being owned by the same company, they apparently have different schedules and group for the classes.

    So after my 30-minute swim I asked at reception, lo! And behold! They had one place free in their five week beginner course. Score!

    So I start that next week - granted, I've missed the first of the five weeks - but that's not a problem, I'm not technically a complete beginner even if I do suck a lotlittle ;)

    So that's good news - at my current rate of advance, I'll be able to get my swim test out the way by the second week in September - I need to keep pushing myself though!

    Thanks for all the tips folks - definitely lots of additional info there that will be useful!
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I used to teach adult swimming. I'd suggest starting with building up your endurance while you're waiting until October for a lesson:

    * legs: forget the kickboard, and hold on to the side of the pool. Your goal on your belly or on your back should be to (1) keep your body relatively relatively straight and at a slight angle so that (see picture "d." in robertson's post above) (2) as you kick your feet never break the surface (e.g., no splash!) or drift to the bottom of the pool.

    * arms: stand in the shallow end and practice your breast stroke while standin. Your goal should be to pull so hard that your feet start sliding across the bottom. Alternately, see of your pool has either pool noodles or aquasize dumbells (two foam disks on a stick). With a little experimentation, you'll figure out how to plunge those things into the water at different angles so that you really feel it in your arms, upper back, and core. Maybe check out a couple of aquasize videos to mimic.
  • skinnyrev2b
    skinnyrev2b Posts: 400 Member
    Sorry OP-er for taking this slightly off topic, but just wanted to say thanks for the above tips. Tried them in the pool today (ironically either side of an Aquafit session!) and BEHOLD I am a freestyle swimmer! I was able to swim without pausing for breath each length and felt so comfortable it was lack of time rather than endurance that made me exit the water. So thanks!
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    These are GREAT suggestions and I need them, thanks!
  • cprobertson12
    cprobertson12 Posts: 90 Member
    Just a quick update folks! Started the beginners lessons today and almost immediately got bumped up to the "improvers" class - so maybe I'm not as bad a swimmer as I thought!

    My breathing and technique are still wonky though (unless you're supposed to inhale half the pool? ;)) - so hopefully we'll be on the right track!

    Had a setback at the weekend (endurance was horrific! Out of breath after 30 seconds) - I think it may have been caused (or related to) caffeine withdrawal - I drink far too much coffee at work, so I'm cutting back this week and seeing if it helps. I also took friday off (no swimming slots available - it's "family/inflatable fun time" only on Fridays!) - and then ended up taking saturday off as well - so that might have contributed as well!

    Thanks for all the tips folks! They've helped a lot! :D
  • beerfoamy
    beerfoamy Posts: 1,520 Member
    @cprobertson12 - thanks for the update! Congrats on the move up and yeah, inhaling half the pool will disappear sharpish. :)

    Good luck with the caffeine - I don't drink coffee/tea but a mate at work replaced his with water over a period of 2-3 weeks and is waaay more energetic recently :)
  • cprobertson12
    cprobertson12 Posts: 90 Member
    beerfoamy wrote: »
    @cprobertson12 - thanks for the update! Congrats on the move up and yeah, inhaling half the pool will disappear sharpish. :)

    Good luck with the caffeine - I don't drink coffee/tea but a mate at work replaced his with water over a period of 2-3 weeks and is waaay more energetic recently :)

    I certainly hope inhaling the pool disappears soon! It tastes bad... I also think gave me a mouth ulcer... **** knows what magical microorganisms ended up trying to invade my mouth!

    "Magical Microorganisms" should totally be the name of a pop science book!

    Anyway - I'll update here periodically - probaby once a week or so, plus any interesting milestones.

    Rather than reducing my caffeine entirely, I've reduced it by around... let's see... 70-80% or thereabouts: from 4-5 cups of coffee per day to two (sometimes three) cups of tea (based on the assumption that an equivalent cup of tea has about half as much caffeine in it)!

    I feel much better than I did last week - where I was using coffee to stay awake! To paraphrase what Terry Pratchett once said, "Coffee is just a way of stealing time from your future self"!

    My current goals are to move from 1-lap>30-40 second rest to 2-laps>rest>1-lap>rest:repeat. Worst case scenario I snort some more of the poolwater! It's a pity the swimming test doesn't allow you to use noseplugs (or goggles, for that matter).