Worst woo you ever heard advertised regarding losing weight



  • mkimble2858
    mkimble2858 Posts: 1 Member
    I've never seen The Health Dare promise 80 pounds in 90 days nor does it claim "no exercise". In fact, it demands an hour of exercise 6 days a week.
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    I find that the people that latch onto these products are engaging in "wishing it were true". So people come up with these products to make illogical claims because there are people out there that are either dumb enough or desperate enough to believe them. Like when they say "money back guarantee" but if you tried, you would find that they are either long gone or saying you didn't use the product correctly. Its shameful what these people do.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    The absolute worst weight loss advice I've ever heard: Eating less than 750 Cal/day for 30 days (only raw veggies)

    The crap, but at least it's not dangerous: "the breathing diet" ie - lose fat through "proper breathing".

    The weirdest: Upside down diet - eat food while inverted. Don't even know why??? But yeah, no.
  • Candyspun
    Candyspun Posts: 370 Member
    It Works! Wraps. I had an overweight friend selling them. If it doesn’t work, you didn’t apply the wrap properly. If you don’t lose weight, they will say, ‘but of course you need to be exercising and eating healthily.’ You don’t say?

    I knew it was terrible and would never use it, but because she was flogging it so aggressively, I became well versed in the whole thing. I ended up researching reviews. It sounds as though there’s some sort of sign up involving your credit card that is extremely difficult to get out of.

    I had to remove that high school friend from my fb, because nothing else would come up in my feed except all her posts about financial freedom and wouldn’t you like to... blah blah blah...

    I watched her go through this for a few years and apparently she still sells it. When I removed her from fb, she’d been doing it for at least 2-3 years and was twice the size of when she started. It annoys me, because you can’t point that out unless you’re a heartless person who thinks it’s ok to fat shame people (but it was acceptable for her to harass all of us about our weight to make money). And her new customers wouldn’t have a clue that it’s not working for her either.
  • Silentpadna
    Silentpadna Posts: 1,306 Member
    There was one talking about all the old sludge we have in our intestines and how if we use their product you can lose tons of weight and get a flat stomach. Sorry I haven't wwheard it in a while and forget the name of the product

    I think I've heard this one on the radio in the mornings! The guy tries to scare you into thinking you have "TOXIC SLUDGE" in your intestines and that's why you can't lose weight!

    "toxic sludge, like spackle" is the version I used to hear constantly.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    The worst diet advice I was given, although it wasn't a company advertising, was here by a member on MFP. Advice was:

    To do "Keto" as this was the fastest and healthiest way to lose weight quickly. By following Keto
    I didn't need to eat above 700 to 800 calories a day, as I would feel full on this amount. That it was easy to eat even fewer calories over time, as my body adjusted and no longer needed carbs. To include fasting days, to help speed up my weight loss. Once comfortable with fasting, I should then aim for a "30 day fast" during which time I could/should only drink water and consume nothing else.

    I tried pointing out the dangers, of VLCD & including (for me), my cardiologist advice to limit my fat to 40g a day. Was then accused of "keto bashing", being part of the hate group here on mfp.
    That it was impossible to lose muscle or have any other kind of health problems.

    Just glad I wasn't new to MFP and didn't get tangled in this mess, myself!

    Wow! Where'd you find this kitten? (Every word I thought of wasn't very polite. I figured the kitten would allow for reader's choice.) Obviously found them here on MFP, just wondering if this conversation happened through PM or on the boards. Some people shouldn't be allowed to internet.
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,368 Member
    There's been one on the radio here lately about a magical juice cleanse/reset that will deliver the daily shakes right to your door every morning, and all you have to do is drink the shakes to lose 10 lbs of fat (not just 10 lbs but 10 lbs of FAT) in the next 7-10 days... I just cringe for all the people who get taken in by this sham.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    There's been one on the radio here lately about a magical juice cleanse/reset that will deliver the daily shakes right to your door every morning, and all you have to do is drink the shakes to lose 10 lbs of fat (not just 10 lbs but 10 lbs of FAT) in the next 7-10 days... I just cringe for all the people who get taken in by this sham.

    It's such a predatory industry.
  • auzziecawth
    auzziecawth Posts: 244 Member
    edited August 2018
    Candyspun wrote: »
    It Works! Wraps. I had an overweight friend selling them. If it doesn’t work, you didn’t apply the wrap properly. If you don’t lose weight, they will say, ‘but of course you need to be exercising and eating healthily.’ You don’t say?

    I knew it was terrible and would never use it, but because she was flogging it so aggressively, I became well versed in the whole thing. I ended up researching reviews. It sounds as though there’s some sort of sign up involving your credit card that is extremely difficult to get out of.

    I had to remove that high school friend from my fb, because nothing else would come up in my feed except all her posts about financial freedom and wouldn’t you like to... blah blah blah...

    I watched her go through this for a few years and apparently she still sells it. When I removed her from fb, she’d been doing it for at least 2-3 years and was twice the size of when she started. It annoys me, because you can’t point that out unless you’re a heartless person who thinks it’s ok to fat shame people (but it was acceptable for her to harass all of us about our weight to make money). And her new customers wouldn’t have a clue that it’s not working for her either.

    I’ve used them. NOT for weightless because I knew that part Bull but they do amazingly well for making stretch marks fade to a normal skin colour so they aren’t as noticeable (at least they did with me). Otherwise I agree. I’ve got a few people who are always hawking the latest and greatest diet trends 😪
  • happytree923
    happytree923 Posts: 463 Member
    Any claim that eating a certain food or spice will boost metabolism and burn fat without any work on your part. Worst offenders are lemon water, apple cider vinegar, ginger, and turmeric.
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    There is one "weight loss clinic" here that says something along the lines of "our unique metabolic testing determines why you have been unsuccessful in dieting before and will reset your metabolism and set you up for success." So much woo in that every time it comes on the radio I have to change the station. My favorite part is that they make it seem like your metabolism is faulty and to blame and of course it is no fault of your own why you can't lose weight, ugh.

    I heard that one on the radio a couple weeks back when I was visiting NJ (from my home in Toronto).
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
    Might hace already been said, but protein kills your kidneys. Best I ever heard.