Easy toast alternative for rushed mornings? (protein/satiation issues)

kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
edited August 2018 in Food and Nutrition
So I've been working on my weight and diet for a few months now, and one of the biggest things that I've noticed is that my usual go-to's don't have enough protein to keep me full. Part of my overeating was emotional/binging etc, but the biggest day-to-day issue was just not feeling like I'd eaten enough even when I had enough calories because my macros were really off.

Especially for breakfast. I'm not the kind of person that can skip breakfast and feel fine. I feel absolutely sick if I don't eat or eat enough in the morning. It impacts my functioning at work/school, and if I'm hungry I can't focus and get headaches. I know because I tried, but it just doesn't work for me. I'm so jealous, because I am not a morning person and if I could just grab coffee/tea and go life would be much simpler.

My go-to breakfast is a slice of whole-grain toast with peanut butter and jam, with tea. It used to be 2 slices, but then I made it 1 when I looked up the calories. I measured my peanut butter and I was using ~2 tablespoons per slice. A slice of bread is ~130cal, the peanut butter is 200, and the jam is 30. With 70 cal with the milk in my tea if I had 2 cups, it really added up (about 440), and I would be hungry again within an hour.

I had it this morning because I just couldn't think of anything else to do that would be fast and easy (and I'm tired, I have cramps, I have to get going and do other things). I checked and the total is 18g of protein, which should be fine numbers-wise, but it doesn't seem to cut it. It's only been an hour and I feel really hungry already (as in, I will get a headache if I don't eat within the hour, not 'I would like to eat more').

Like this big thing I've noticed is that if I'm lower on protein, even if I eat a high volume of food, I get dizzy and sluggish and headaches. Which would often push me to go buy more food before class/after class (during class.....) because I did feel like I absolutely needed it to function. And before anyone asks, yes I did check for diabetes, and I don't have it. I did two blood tests this year because I was so convinced something was up. My doctor also doesn't think that what I've described is abnormal at all (despite the fact that no one else I know encounters it, and no one online describes experiencing it except people with diabetes or hypoglycaemia.... ).

What I've been eating other days is greek yogurt with fruit or a protein bar, and those do better for satiation. The protein total for my morning is then closer to 25g which I think is the thing.

I've been trying to eat fewer protein bars. They are expensive, and I don't think I should eat so many. They freak my mom out, because they are 'fake food' & 'processed' so I can't eat them in front of her (part of why I didn't have one this morning). But I also feel like 1 a day is enough, and not every day. And if I'm having it for both my breakfast and my afternoon snack it's a lot. Also I don't want to just live on them.

Yesterday was my last of the greek yogurt, and I need to go shopping soon, but I haven't yet. I feel like there should be an easy alternative that will work better for me than toast and peanut butter, but I just don't know what it is.

Eggs are too much work/take too long/cracking the egg is hard with morning-brain and I just don't really want to turn the stove on in this heat tbh. I'd appreciate recommendations! <3

(Also - my diary is open. I recently upped my calories because I've been losing faster than expected, so don't be alarmed by everything being a little lower than goal when you go back. The last couple days I've overeaten even by my new goal. Still troubleshooting. It's a process.)


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Replace the PB and jam with cheese, meat or fish spread. Add some raw veg and a portion of fruit.
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    Replace the PB and jam with cheese, meat or fish spread. Add some raw veg and a portion of fruit.

    Isn't cheese even lower in protein? There are meat and fish spreads? What? Lol this is news to me XD I've never heard of fish spread before. It doesn't sound very breakfast-y. Would it taste nice with tea though?
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,874 Member
    edited August 2018
    Nothing wrong with eating a protein bar every day unless cost is a factor. Protein powder could also easily be subbed. Some people get all fancy and add things, make smoothies, etc. I just weigh mine in a shaker bottle, add milk, shake, and down it.

    If you like PB in the morning, it might be the combo of fat and protein that's satiating you (I need fat with every meal to stay happy) so maybe use whole milk. I like Quest peanut butter protein powder.
  • lisaloumn2
    lisaloumn2 Posts: 203 Member
    kiela64 wrote: »
    Eggs are too much work/take too long/cracking the egg is hard with morning-brain and I just don't really want to turn the stove on in this heat tbh. I'd appreciate recommendations! <3

    prep before and do egg cups - can be made with eggs, meat, cheese, veggies; cooked in muffin tins in the oven; cooled then stored in the fridge and microwaved when you want them. Easy and portable.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    kiela64 wrote: »
    Replace the PB and jam with cheese, meat or fish spread. Add some raw veg and a portion of fruit.

    Isn't cheese even lower in protein?
    Nope - normal cheese, like gouda, has the same amount of protein, but half the amount of fat.
    There are meat and fish spreads? What? Lol this is news to me XD I've never heard of fish spread before. It doesn't sound very breakfast-y. Would it taste nice with tea though?
    Depends on what you like, and what you're used to. And what you like, depends on what you're used to :D
    "Spread" might have been a bit misleading, maybe I should have called it "fillings"; anyway, I am talking about things you can have on/in sandwiches - some suggestions:
    Liver paté
    Ham (or spam, which might taste better than it sounds)
    Smoked salmon
    Tuna salad
    Or other tinned fish, like mackerel, sardines
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,081 Member
    Really? Eggs are too much work? One pan, 3 minutes on the heat...

    How about oatmeal with protein powder and nuts and berries? You could even do overnight oats and make it with Greek yogurt for more of a protein boost.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It suddenly hit me - your mom. What does the rest of your household eat? Are they normal weight/healthy? If so, you mom knows things. Look in your fridge. And take her along to the grocery store and make her show you what she looks for.
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    lisaloumn2 wrote: »
    kiela64 wrote: »
    Eggs are too much work/take too long/cracking the egg is hard with morning-brain and I just don't really want to turn the stove on in this heat tbh. I'd appreciate recommendations! <3

    prep before and do egg cups - can be made with eggs, meat, cheese, veggies; cooked in muffin tins in the oven; cooled then stored in the fridge and microwaved when you want them. Easy and portable.

    That is a very good idea! I'd love something like that, I'll have to look for recipes. How long would they last in the fridge? Do you think something like that could be frozen & re-heated?
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    My go-to quickie breakfast is savory beans (or lentils) and instant oatmeal or 7-grain meal. I flavor it with nutritional yeast and cayenne, but suit yourself.

    2 minutes in the microwave- faster than toast!

    It may sound weird, but stay with me here: the beans and oatmeal combo is a great protein source that keeps me full for hours, and I make the oatmeal with a bit of extra water for bulk. I always have beans or lentils on hand in the fridge (canned works fine, too).

    Another tip: my husband makes breakfast burritos two or three at a time in the evenings (scrambled egg, a bit of cheese, some veg and maybe some pork or beef leftovers in a tortilla) and then just microwaves them in the morning. After he's filled the burritos, he toasts them to crisp up the tortilla just a bit so it doesn't get soggy in the fridge, and wraps them loosely in wax paper or beeswax cloths.
  • ecrosby512
    ecrosby512 Posts: 55 Member
    Make 5 hard boiled eggs on Sunday night, put them in a bowl in the refrigerator, already peeled, eat 1 or two the following weekday mornings, with a packet of plain instant oatmeal (though maybe the latter won’t pass the Mom test, but it’s cheap, quick, doesn’t require dirtying a pan, and will keep you full until noon). Add a few raisins or berries to liven it up.
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    It suddenly hit me - your mom. What does the rest of your household eat? Are they normal weight/healthy? If so, you mom knows things. Look in your fridge. And take her along to the grocery store and make her show you what she looks for.

    My dad eats 3 cups of oatmeal with 1 tablespoon hemp hearts 1 tablespoon lecithin & 1 tablespoon oat bran with 3 tablespoons of brown sugar, yogurt, fruit, french press coffee. He gives himself 3 and a half hours in the morning to get up, do yoga, pray, read the paper, eat breakfast, shower, etc. He gets up at 5 and leaves for work at 8:30. He also will not let anyone in the kitchen when he is making coffee because it is all precisely timed, so I can't do any big production at the same time, even grabbing a glass of water when he's working on stuff messes with him and can provoke an early morning argument XD

    He is normal weight, healthy, but also much taller. I've copied my lunches from him, although he has 2 slices of bread with two slices of meat and one slice of cheese. I take 1 slice of bread cut in half and put three slices of meat and no cheese to get a little more protein and fewer calories. It's worked really well. However when I've copied his breakfast I lose time in the morning sitting down and eating - I prefer food I can grab and take with me to eat on the bus. It's also very high in calorie and low in protein I think. Like a 1/2 cup of oatmeal is smth like 200 calories. So if I try to make a similar and lower calorie version I'm still very hungry. Just that 1 tablespoon of hemp hearts is pretty high for me. His breakfast is I think over 600cal, which works for him but not me.

    My mom is obese and diabetic and has Parkinsons. Her breakfast is 1 piece of whole grain toast with peanut butter, but a "thin scraping" (either my dad or I makes it for her, so we know exactly how to make it correct - if I put too much on she'll scrape it off) so very low in protein. She'll have a coffee with 1 cup of milk also. She uses a wheelchair and wouldn't "spend the spoons" to go with me to the grocery store, it would be very difficult (I can't drive, she can't drive, my dad just got injured and also can't drive....lol). She has lots of good knowledge about how to cook things, so she can help talk me through cooking and how to mix spices, but not about calories or protein. Just whole grains and no white bread/rice, which I prefer anyway. I've definitely talked to her, but I don't think she experiences the same feeling of needing more protein - or if she does she just eats more food total like I used to. She is also taller than me and I don't know what she weighs but she has always been a size 24/26/28 through my whole life.
    Really? Eggs are too much work? One pan, 3 minutes on the heat...

    How about oatmeal with protein powder and nuts and berries? You could even do overnight oats and make it with Greek yogurt for more of a protein boost.

    Look, I am not a morning person okay? I walk into stuff and catch my hair in things and swear and generally kinda bump off the walls until I get out of the house. I don't really want to add fire to the mix. I do physio exercises every morning to try to treat my knee issues and I've left the heating pad on all day before by accident. That's how the house burns down. I also try to not eat until I'm on the bus so I'm more focused. When I sit down to eat in the morning the clock speeds up/I zone out (probably micro sleep or something lmao it's good I don't drive).

    Once I get outside I feel better, but those first two hours in the morning are bad. I don't make sentences. My dad laughs at me because he is a morning person, so when I'm all groggy and trying to do stuff and I can't make words yet he finds it hilarious XD

    Frankly, every protein powder I've tried has been disgusting. I know bars have it in them, but somehow they manage to mask it and it's also not liquid, which I think makes it worse somehow.

    Greek yogurt is great. It's just when it runs out (which it always does at an awkward time in the week) I don't have other ideas yet. I really appreciate the tips! But no fire...because....we want to avoid death. :wink:
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    edited August 2018
    kiela64 wrote: »
    Replace the PB and jam with cheese, meat or fish spread. Add some raw veg and a portion of fruit.

    Isn't cheese even lower in protein?
    Nope - normal cheese, like gouda, has the same amount of protein, but half the amount of fat.
    There are meat and fish spreads? What? Lol this is news to me XD I've never heard of fish spread before. It doesn't sound very breakfast-y. Would it taste nice with tea though?
    Depends on what you like, and what you're used to. And what you like, depends on what you're used to :D
    "Spread" might have been a bit misleading, maybe I should have called it "fillings"; anyway, I am talking about things you can have on/in sandwiches - some suggestions:
    Liver paté
    Ham (or spam, which might taste better than it sounds)
    Smoked salmon
    Tuna salad
    Or other tinned fish, like mackerel, sardines

    Okay, I would eat some of those as lunches. Maybe I'm pickier than I thought haha. Definitely no to the liver pate and tuna salad (mayos and other salad dressings like balsamic make food inedible to me tbh, and the liver just tastes too weird to me! And soft cheeses are also not my bag...) But smoked salmon sounds interesting - as a lunch idea. Tiny fish with bones just sound scary... but fish does fit the bill with protein, so maybe worth trying as a breakfast. I'm not sure it would work with coffee or tea, but maybe it doesn't have to.
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    Nothing wrong with eating a protein bar every day unless cost is a factor. Protein powder could also easily be subbed. Some people get all fancy and add things, make smoothies, etc. I just weigh mine in a shaker bottle, add milk, shake, and down it.

    If you like PB in the morning, it might be the combo of fat and protein that's satiating you (I need fat with every meal to stay happy) so maybe use whole milk. I like Quest peanut butter protein powder.

    We get 1% for the house. I do prefer 2% but it's not worth it to get two separate types of milk. One is going to go bad or we'll spend more getting the smaller containers. I enjoy the flavour of peanut butter but it doesn't seem to be the right macro divide for me to stay full. And I really haven't found a protein powder that isn't gross. I can keep searching, but they're kinda pricey especially if you don't like it (or can't even choke it down...which happened twice and I gave up).
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    ecrosby512 wrote: »
    Make 5 hard boiled eggs on Sunday night, put them in a bowl in the refrigerator, already peeled, eat 1 or two the following weekday mornings, with a packet of plain instant oatmeal (though maybe the latter won’t pass the Mom test, but it’s cheap, quick, doesn’t require dirtying a pan, and will keep you full until noon). Add a few raisins or berries to liven it up.

    Yeah anything "instant" is a no under Mom XD my dad also believes par-boiled rice is extremely dangerous. So none of that would pass.

    But the hard boiled eggs would be ok. But doesn't stuff like that only last like 2 days in the fridge before going bad?

    I have a question about oatmeal - does it have protein by itself? I had really thought of it as a grain with maybe a couple grams of protein like a slice of bread. I haven't checked. I just know when I tried to eat a half cup for breakfast with milk and hemp hearts like my dad I was still hungry :neutral:
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,741 Member
    kiela64 wrote: »
    lisaloumn2 wrote: »
    kiela64 wrote: »
    Eggs are too much work/take too long/cracking the egg is hard with morning-brain and I just don't really want to turn the stove on in this heat tbh. I'd appreciate recommendations! <3

    prep before and do egg cups - can be made with eggs, meat, cheese, veggies; cooked in muffin tins in the oven; cooled then stored in the fridge and microwaved when you want them. Easy and portable.

    That is a very good idea! I'd love something like that, I'll have to look for recipes. How long would they last in the fridge? Do you think something like that could be frozen & re-heated?

    Egg muffins or mini frittatas freeze fine, and can include meat/cheese for extra protein. There are zillions of recipes if you search Google or on Pinterest.

    Do you like cottage cheese? Lowfat cottage cheese has plenty of protein, few calories, and can also be spread on your toast if you really like the toast part. Even full-fat cottage cheese has good protein, some people prefer the flavor, and we do need fat, too.

  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Ouch - your mother sounds like a poor role model :/ Better take after your father. Just keep in mind that all portions have to be adjusted to your size. You can take a sandwich with you, right?
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    kiela64 wrote: »
    lisaloumn2 wrote: »
    kiela64 wrote: »
    Eggs are too much work/take too long/cracking the egg is hard with morning-brain and I just don't really want to turn the stove on in this heat tbh. I'd appreciate recommendations! <3

    prep before and do egg cups - can be made with eggs, meat, cheese, veggies; cooked in muffin tins in the oven; cooled then stored in the fridge and microwaved when you want them. Easy and portable.

    That is a very good idea! I'd love something like that, I'll have to look for recipes. How long would they last in the fridge? Do you think something like that could be frozen & re-heated?

    Egg muffins or mini frittatas freeze fine, and can include meat/cheese for extra protein. There are zillions of recipes if you search Google or on Pinterest.

    Do you like cottage cheese? Lowfat cottage cheese has plenty of protein, few calories, and can also be spread on your toast if you really like the toast part. Even full-fat cottage cheese has good protein, some people prefer the flavor, and we do need fat, too.

    I like cottage cheese in small quantities on infrequent occasions. I find if I eat it too much I really start to hate it. It could be a small addition maybe, I'm just worried it would go bad if I bought some. It isn't really the toast part I like, just that it's solid - not a mush like oatmeal or yogurt. The yogurt with fruit is better (as long as it's either fresh fruit or frozen raspberries so there's a crunch in there) but I still sometimes feel like sinking my teeth into a thing to feel like I've eaten.

    I'll definitely look into the egg things. I don't even know what a frittata is.... But egg cooked in a muffin tin sounds do-able. I just hope it doesn't get stuck or can go in those little muffin papers maybe? If they freeze and thaw I can work with that. I make about 2 weeks worth of sandwiches and freeze them. I just need to change it up a little - I'm getting a little bored of mustard but idk what else to go with. And I'm not sick of it yet. I could bag them up and freeze them together and get a system going maybe... (the approach of September and school has me worried haha).
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    Ouch - your mother sounds like a poor role model :/ Better take after your father. Just keep in mind that all portions have to be adjusted to your size. You can take a sandwich with you, right?

    Not everyone can be a perfect role model. Her awesomeness is in other areas than food :smile: She's a really great mom, just not like my best food model. That's okay. I'm 24, I can figure out my own food. I'm not good at it, but I'm hoping I'll get there. I really appreciate all the advice!

    Yeah, the sandwiches are awesome! I mean, they don't taste awesome, but they're very functional and taste okay. I had a little trouble easing into it because I found frozen & thawed sandwiches to be soggy and gross, but if I kept it in the fridge they wouldn't be good long enough. But with mustard on one side, and if I'm attentive enough to remember to take it out of the freezer the night before, it isn't too bad (usually). I also found the cheese super rubbery, so without that it's much better.

    I do need to find something that isn't mustard to take on them though to switch it up a little. Turkey and mustard does taste a little different from ham with mustard or chicken with mustard, but there needs to be something more for variety. (I can't do mayo or anything based in mayo, I just can't. The texture puts me off so much).
  • OHFlamingo
    OHFlamingo Posts: 239 Member
    My favorite breakfast to eat as I go out the door: whole wheat tortillia spread with plain or crunchy peanut butter, sprinkle on a few raisins or dried cranberries if you like, then roll it up over a peeled banana. I would eat this on the way to the gym, and then after working out, I'd eat a hardboiled egg. (Harboiled eggs, peeled or unpeeled, last a week in the fridge.) Make sure you drink something, too! Also, Nature's Own makes a 40 Calorie Honey Wheat Bread that is really delicious! If I'm having toast, I use no butter, and Smucker's Sugar Free Jam, which comes in lots of tasty varieties, and is only 10 calories a Tablespoon. And unsweetemed Almond milk is only 40 calories for a cup, and is great in coffee or tea. I try to cut calories in little ways like this, especially on foods I eat often. If I don't eat something within 15 or 20 minutes of getting up, I get a headache, and get really nauseous, so I understand completely about you needing to eat in the morning! Good luck!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    lisaloumn2 wrote: »
    kiela64 wrote: »
    Eggs are too much work/take too long/cracking the egg is hard with morning-brain and I just don't really want to turn the stove on in this heat tbh. I'd appreciate recommendations! <3

    prep before and do egg cups - can be made with eggs, meat, cheese, veggies; cooked in muffin tins in the oven; cooled then stored in the fridge and microwaved when you want them. Easy and portable.
    kiela64 wrote: »
    That is a very good idea! I'd love something like that, I'll have to look for recipes. How long would they last in the fridge? Do you think something like that could be frozen & re-heated?

    Haven't tried this yet but it looks good. (I would personally use kielbasa or ham instead of the breakfast sausage. Leftover steak would be good too.) This would be good at least 4 days, but would also freeze well: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/231510/amazing-muffin-cups/


    I made these for dinner last Monday and had the leftovers Friday, and they were yummy. These are also supposed to freeze well: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/265839/make-ahead-breakfast-bars/

    I reduced the potatoes to 2 C. I was already planning to reduce the serving amounts, to get more calories and protein. Well, actually, I had 232 grams for dinner and 157 grams for the breakfast meal, and that worked for me, as I am less hungry for breakfast. I also had a half an English muffin and butter with each meal.


    We have eggs for dinner a few times per month. Julia Child's Râpée Morvandelle is another lovely egg, ham, potatoes, and cheese dish. In this recipe, the potatoes are raw, so there is slightly more prep time, but it's worth it. Are there three of you? This says it makes 4 servings but it's more like 2.5 for us, so for your family I'd double it so there are sure to be leftovers.

