Can’t live like this anymore

Hi, my name is Jonah. I’m 24 and weigh 495 lbs. Yeah I know it’s a lot and I feel it. I have a two year old son and keeping up with him is the biggest chore of my life because of where I am at in life. I hate it ..... I can’t do things he wants because I have to worry about if there is seating or if I have to move to much to chase him. It’s selfish and I hate it. I want him to experience everything he wants to but I feel like I’m holding him back. On top of that my marriage is falling apart because I’m lazy , facts are facts. I don’t wanna do much a lot of the time. I suffer from major depression, a big part because I can’t stand to be me and I’m ashamed of who I have become. But that ends now!! I have to get back in shape. For me and my family. This is the beginning of something great and I’ll take all the help I can get hahahaha! If you have any comments please feel free to share and questions as well I’ll answer 100% honest . Thanks for your time !


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Welcome! You just have to eat less, but for a long time.
  • bluvvitch
    bluvvitch Posts: 8 Member
    Congrats on starting your weight loss journey 😁
  • DBNGUY786
    DBNGUY786 Posts: 54 Member
    You are welcome. Believe me in my weight loss I have started and stopped so many times it’s not funny. To say it gets easier is a lie but if you are consistent it gets more tolerable. All the best in your journey and I really hope you achieve what you need to achieve.
  • Hulkjacked
    Hulkjacked Posts: 3 Member
    Oh man geez !! You guys are being way more helpful than I even imagined and I’m grateful. I thank you all this is very eye opening .
  • Priyanka2883
    Priyanka2883 Posts: 34 Member
    Hey there first of all I would like to say never be ashamed of how you look . You are trying to be the best version of yourself that's amazing but don't be ashamed of your own body. And it's going to be fine . If anytime you need tips or do' s and donts feel free to message me. I have recently lost 11 kg, so I may be helpful to you. and go ahead kill that fat.
  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 235 Member
    edited August 2018
    I agree, you can still enjoy the foods that you like, just far less of them. And find things that you like that are low calories, such as melon, cucumber etc. which will provide additional physical bulk for your stomach.

    Then you can start looking at fancier diets if you want to.

    But well done on starting this! :)
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    Way to own it. Knowing the challenges that face you and having reasons to change are some of the biggest hurdles for people! You got this!! Get going and don't stop until you've reached your goals!!
  • Kathryn247
    Kathryn247 Posts: 570 Member
    Hi and welcome! Start easy on yourself, you'll have a much better chance of succeeding. Any improvement is better than what you were doing before, and this is all about slow and steady. Just set up your account and start tracking what you eat, whether it's Doritos or broccoli. You can totally do this with determination and patience. <3
  • Tori2019
    Tori2019 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Jonah! Well done for getting started and for asking for support - so many people around the world here cheering you on. Hello from the UK :)
  • Reckoner67
    Reckoner67 Posts: 3,344 Member
    Hey Jonah, congrats on taking steps to change! What struck me about your post were the comments about laziness and depression--man, depression has been my battle forever. I think the number one thing that's derailed my attempts to eat healthier in the past has been depression, because I'll start strong but depression almost always rears its ugly head and before I know it I just can't bring myself to *care* about anything, especially my own health.

    Feel free to shoot me a message if you find yourself in this spot! I've found a few things that have helped me to fight back; sadly, haven't found any specific magic bullet yet, but with a toolbox of things (sleep patterns, exercise, dealing with stressors, etc) I'm getting daily wins.

    Congrats on taking your first steps to a healthier you, though! Your son is gonna appreciate it, too :)
  • makkimakki2018
    makkimakki2018 Posts: 414 Member
    I think you might wanna start off with swiming. It'll apply less impact to your joints. You could even get pool weights and use those to workout while in the pool. All in one place you can get low impact cardio and weight training. I hope there is a nearby pool you know of indoor/outdoor doesn't matter.

    When you start putting on muscle you will burn fat a lot faster. You may even eventually see that your loose skin sits on your muscles nicely. Most importantly though (watch what you eat). I like to think its 80% diet and 20% exercise.

    Best of luck.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Congratulations on taking the first and most important step in your weight loss journey - admitting the truth to yourself. We are here to support you, and already you have received some great advice. Personally, I agree with @AnvilHead
    Don't make this more difficult than it has to be. Another bit of advice. Go for a walk. Each day, go a bit further. Even if you are starting by going around a block.

    Wishing you all the best and cheering you on from Canada. :)
  • AndrastesKnickerWeasels
    Welcome to MFP Jonah, and congratulations on starting your journey! I saw you talking about your issues with depression and I simply had to comment. I am also diagnosed with depression and anxiety disorders and they are currently my biggest obstacles when it comes to getting things in order and losing weight. It can be rough, and extremely hard to find the motivation to even get up some days, never mind actually care about what your eating and your activity levels, but you can do it.

    For me, I try to focus on the little victories every day: getting out of bed and going to bed at set times, making sure I get outside at least once a day, even if it's just a ten minute walk around my block and not getting hung up over the scales. Some days are harder than others, but you can do it, for yourself and your family!

    Good luck, I believe in you!!
  • slimgirljo15
    slimgirljo15 Posts: 269,440 Member
    Hi Jonah, You've come to the right place..
    A tip I learned a long time ago.. don't be too hard on yourself, take it easy, you have a fair journey ahead. So don't try eating 1200 cals and exercising till you can't move in the first week. if you make the process too hard it will be difficult to maintain. As theyve said above, fill out the questions and eat what mfp says. No special food, eat things you'd like, but make them fit into your calories. Idk how much you can do physically it might not be much right now at your weight but it will get easier. Much luck to you ☺
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,298 Member
    Keep in mind there will be a bad day or days, put them behind you and move on, try not to let them happen together, you will be in a different place in 6 months. You have the greatest inspiration in your son.

    Take a pride in yourself, you were in a bad place but you are taking steps to put yourself into a much better one this is a very big decision and deserves recognition and applause. Take it, one day at a time.

    Something which could really help is increasing your fibre intake, do it steadily not as a one off regular increase, it can take a system by surprise to do it too fast. I hope in a few weeks you will be achieving the mfp guided level at least, even if you need to boost your intake with psyllium capsules. Along side this I hope you can increase your water intake. Having more fluid in the system helps the body adapt to the new you. I say water because it is more easy for your body to use than even low/no calorie fizzy drinks. Water in addition, use that part of the app and I hope you will see the "glass" overflow, achievement.

    I've reduced by a fair bit, its only with the last 12 lb I've felt, its easier to move, arms hang more comfortably, still room for improvement. It will not happen in a rush but it will come, hang on in there and learn what you like and how much is reasonable for your activity level. Exercise may be difficult remember it takes more calories to stand tall than it does to slouch, sitting tall is also better than slouching only not use quit as many calories. Standing tall will help you feel better about yourself.