Abdominal fat! But I’m classed as underweight.



  • Okay, so I need to build muscle 😊 and obviously my weight will go up as muscle weighs more than fat right? ... What’s the best way to target abs?

    Abdominal exercises will be a part of any full-body workout program you choose that's any good at all. You would never do ONLY ab workouts. Compound exercises that use many muscle groups are very effective; this includes doing things like various lifts and moves that will require your core (abs and back) to be strong, and if they aren't, they soon will be in order to support that exercise move.

    As far as abdominal specific exercises, I find crunches/sit-ups, leg raises, and one-arm weighted side bends really put the burn and ache to my abs- a sure sign that they are being stressed and growth and strength are stimulated.

    Your entire body is a machine that is meant to work in harmony with its individual parts... when thinking about weight training and workouts, don't focus on the separate pieces/muscles...you are more like a fine Swiss watch with dozens of moving gears all meshed together and various springs to make the whole thing work- and less like the board game Mouse Trap where only one action happens at a time done by one piece of the entire game.

    Your shoulders support your arm movements, your back stabilizes and aids your lifting, the legs give power to your upper body movements, the abs and lower back work together to keep you together and transfer muscle power in your movements. It's like a graceful dance, the way it all goes together.

    So try not to isolate and focus on just one part of you, work on and improve ALL of you and the abs will fall into the place they need to be. That isn't to say that isolated exercises and lifts for specific muscles and muscles groups cant be or shouldn't be done, but in my experience starting with an intense full-body workout is the basis for all else.

    Plus proper nutrition of course.
    Okay, so I need to build muscle 😊 and obviously my weight will go up as muscle weighs more than fat right? ... What’s the best way to target abs?

    Abdominal exercises will be a part of any full-body workout program you choose that's any good at all. You would never do ONLY ab workouts. Compound exercises that use many muscle groups are very effective; this includes doing things like various lifts and moves that will require your core (abs and back) to be strong, and if they aren't, they soon will be in order to support that exercise move.

    As far as abdominal specific exercises, I find crunches/sit-ups, leg raises, and one-arm weighted side bends really put the burn and ache to my abs- a sure sign that they are being stressed and growth and strength are stimulated.

    Your entire body is a machine that is meant to work in harmony with its individual parts... when thinking about weight training and workouts, don't focus on the separate pieces/muscles...you are more like a fine Swiss watch with dozens of moving gears all meshed together and various springs to make the whole thing work- and less like the board game Mouse Trap where only one action happens at a time done by one piece of the entire game.

    Your shoulders support your arm movements, your back stabilizes and aids your lifting, the legs give power to your upper body movements, the abs and lower back work together to keep you together and transfer muscle power in your movements. It's like a graceful dance, the way it all goes together.

    So try not to isolate and focus on just one part of you, work on and improve ALL of you and the abs will fall into the place they need to be. That isn't to say that isolated exercises and lifts for specific muscles and muscles groups cant be or shouldn't be done, but in my experience starting with an intense full-body workout is the basis for all else.

    Plus proper nutrition of course.

    Thank you for all your advice 😊 I am going to look further into this and try and get a good workout routine going on.