.Thin By Thanksgiving. *closed group*



  • mycrazyturtles
    If you can't do push-ups do another forms of them.
    Someone mentioned wall push ups.
    Do them on your knees or lay down all the way and do them fast, more of a cadio push up.
    They all will help and they all get the blood flowing.
    Also maybe try to do a plank for 15 sec, then try and up the time everyday. Even if its only by a second

    I hate sit-ups I do crunches or I get the big ball out and do them on it.
    You can change up your sit ups everyday with different forms. IE bicycle, crunches, sit-up, ball.

    Jumping jacks--- Make me sick, it throws off my equilibrium. Does anyone have any suggestions for this?

    We can do this everyone..
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member
    Thanks Elisabeth for the list and the challenge! Wow... how many can I do in a minute? I'm gonna have to try that out! Push-ups are going to be hard for me. Never been able to do those really. I usually do wall push-ups when I do them.

    Anyway, I need to get to work! Have a great day!

    LOL Me too! :laugh: Do wall push ups count?! :bigsmile:

    As for me goals i'll have to get back on that after i think about it and i am now off to work out on my kinect.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hey ladies! I am really excited about this challenge group. I am always looking for new people for support and to share this journey with.

    Goals for the week:
    1) burn 2500 cals (per HRM)
    2) track ALL food
    3) track ALL water and drink at least 8 cups a day
    4) Keep sodium under 2500 mg

    I love the challenge for the week. I have no idea how many pushups I can do never mind how many in a minute. I will get to that today or tomorrow and will post my results.

    One thing I feel has been important for me during this journey is to keep the reasons for wanting to change my life in the front of my mind. For me I had 2 reason for getting serious about living a healthy lifestyle. 1) The birth of my son. I realized I could not raise a healthy child if I was not healthy myself. I want to be able to instill good healthy eating and exercise habits in him while he is young so hopefully he will never have to battle obesity. It also allows me to enjoy each day that I spend with him because I can keep up with him. Reason 2). On New Years Eve one of my marching band students passed away. She was 17. Her appendix burst. She had her whole life ahead of her and in the blink of an eye she was gone. It made me realize that any day could be my last and I need to live each day to its fullest. I would not be able to do that by living an unhealthy lifestyle. I signed up for MFP on Jan 1 and never looked back. I have so much more energy and love myself so much more in just a short 8 months.

    So now I ask you, What changed in your life, mind or self that made you start this journey?
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Hello everyone! Thanks for letting me be a part of your group. Looks like I just made it!

    Here is my info. I will get back to you on my measurements:

    NAME: Kim
    AGE: 46
    LIVE: North NJ
    HEIGHT: 5'5''
    GOAL WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: 149 (about a pound per week)
    START PANTS SIZE: 10/12 (US) I am in between sizes
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: Nope! Just trying to make healthier choices
    DIET GOALS: Making healthier choices, eating in moderation, not looking for perfection just better
    EXERCISE GOALS: more definition, less jiggle
    OTHER GOALS: Just be healthier...feeling sexier and stronger
    OTHER INTERESTS: Enjoying my family & friends
    OCCUPATION: Corporate desk job – insurance industry

    My goals for this week - to get back on track. I just got back from 2 weeks at the beach and just celebrated my birthday yesterday. Now it is time to refocus and get serious once again.
    I would like to drop the water weight gained these past two weeks
    eat better
    hit the gym - spin classes

    I will work on the challenge this week. I have no idea how may pushups, situps & jumping jacks I can do in a minute.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    NAME: Maria
    AGE: 44
    LIVE: Edmonton, AB
    HEIGHT: 5'2''
    GOAL WEIGHT FOR CHALLENGE: Lose as much as possible – I really just want to see what happens eating and exercising properly every day
    GOAL PANTS SIZE: Don’t care about this one
    FOLLOW ANY SPECIAL DIET: Clean Eating – any and all real food is OK.
    DIET GOALS: Eat regular meals and get my water
    EXERCISE GOALS: 30 ds all 3 levels
    OTHER GOALS: I want to be able to go ice-skating this winter
    OTHER INTERESTS: Dance, Yoga and my friends and family.

    Bust: (right across nipples) 45.5
    Waist: 39
    Navel-line: 42.25
    Hips (widest part!): 43
    Calves: R- 16.5, L- 17.5
    Arms: (where they jiggle!) R- 16, L-15.5
    Thighs: (widest part!) R- 25.5, L- 25.75
    Neck: 15.75
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    So my goals for this week are:

    1. Do P90X 5 days a week
    2. Lose 1 lb
    3. Stay under my calories everyday

    I will let you know how many push-ups, sit-ups and jumping jacks I can do on Wednesday.
  • laparker517
    laparker517 Posts: 16 Member
    My goals for the week:
    1. Hit the Gym 6 times, only taking friday off as a rest day., so far I am successful
    2. Run a mile in under 9 minutes, I keep getting close, but I don't usually want to push too hard becauseI want to have some energy left over to go longer

    Anyone have tips on how to get more vegetables in. My issue with eating healthy has always been that I simply can't stand the taste, texture of most fruits and vegetables. Suggestions? Right now my salads consist of a mixture of lettuce and baby spinach. For fruits I like: grapes, apples, and blueberries.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    My goals for the week:
    1. Hit the Gym 6 times, only taking friday off as a rest day., so far I am successful
    2. Run a mile in under 9 minutes, I keep getting close, but I don't usually want to push too hard becauseI want to have some energy left over to go longer

    Anyone have tips on how to get more vegetables in. My issue with eating healthy has always been that I simply can't stand the taste, texture of most fruits and vegetables. Suggestions? Right now my salads consist of a mixture of lettuce and baby spinach. For fruits I like: grapes, apples, and blueberries.

    You can get more veggies by using them to bulk out a meal. If you are making something spaghetti sauce like you can shred some carrots or squash and add them to the sauce. If you like mashed potatos, you can make mashed califlower instead. You make it the same way (w/ milk and margarine) but it is a ton less carbs and a much less starchy vegetable. Another great way is to make chips. I haven't do it but I have been told that you can take some kale or deconstructed brussel sprouts, put a bit of sea salt and cooking spray and bake them in an oven until crispy. They give you a texture like a potato chip.

    If fruit is a textural thing as well you can make smoothies. Add fruit and yogurt (I use plain fat free greek yogurt) and a little agave nectar (or 0 cal sweetner if you prefer) to a blender and drink your fruit servings.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member

    Anyone have tips on how to get more vegetables in. My issue with eating healthy has always been that I simply can't stand the taste, texture of most fruits and vegetables. Suggestions? Right now my salads consist of a mixture of lettuce and baby spinach. For fruits I like: grapes, apples, and blueberries.

    Have you thought about juicing? If most of your problem with fruits and veggies is texture based, you can buy a juicer and throw in a bunch of them. I juice as a supplement to get nutrients, but I've found that adding some fruit can make the juice taste pretty good even though it contains a lot of veggies.

    If it's a taste problem, I suggest trying some other "non-standard" fruits and veggies and try to find something you can tolerate, then add it to a salad or into a sauce.
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member

    How many can you do in a minute?

    pushups: 22

    situps: 32

    jumping jacks: 73
  • MinaMaharet
    MinaMaharet Posts: 13 Member
    Woo!!! Made it in under the wire!! Hello Ladies!!!

    My first week goals are to:
    1) Hit the yoga studio Wed, Thurs, Sat, Sun. I have a groupon for an unlimited month and have already wasted a week. I need to get on it.
    2) Give up Diet Pepsi. The best I did a while back was 2 months, then I randomly caved in.

    I have done well staying under my calories and working out every day. Good luck to every one!! I'll have my challenge results up tomorrow evening!! :-D
  • ericarey85
    ericarey85 Posts: 312 Member

    How many can you do in a minute?

    pushups: 22

    situps: 32

    jumping jacks: 73

    WOOT WOOT YOU GO GIRL!!!!! :bigsmile: I can tell you mine wont be NO WHERE as good!

    My Goals for this week

    Work out 5x (1 Down)
    Strength Train 2x
    Keep track of ALL food and exercise
    Stay Under calories
  • terriesin
    terriesin Posts: 5 Member
    Goals lose weight!
    Be 20lb lighter by Thanksgiving
    Workout 3 times a week minimum!
    I wanna Shrink my numbers (& yet the boobs stay the same :)
    I wanna wear a sexy dress, look thin, and HAVE A COLLAR BONE you can see!!

    I'm from Katy Tx
    34. Mother of two, wife of a man who cooks way to good & very unhealthy
    Bust 41
    Naval 36
    Hips 39
    Turkey arm 11
    Turkey leg. (fattest part at the top) 23

    Starting weight 147
    Goal 110!!

    P.S is there a way to bookmark the forum to access it quick & easy? I'm new....I have a lot of questions.:drinker:
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 642 Member
    Oh...I like this weeks challenge. I will have my kids help me time and count tonight. lol - they might even do it with me :laugh:
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member

    How many can you do in a minute?

    pushups: 22

    situps: 32

    jumping jacks: 73

    yea, girl!!
    and as mycrazyturtles said, any sort of moderated situp or pushup or jumping jack is fine! I've heard mountain climbers are a good alternative! (youtube them- so hard!!)

    everyone's goals for this week are awesome...and it's awesome to see so much success already!!
    I've been doing well, a little over my calories last night, but other than that, totally staying on track...I can taste sweet success, ladies!!
    So excited about this...hopefully we'll have this much enthusiasm in 4, 8 and 12 weeks ; )

    If I'm not posting too much, it's because my husband and I just moved to a new house, and we've been out of town, then family here visiting...so fun but crazy!!

    Keep up the awesome work!!!
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Goals lose weight!
    Be 20lb lighter by Thanksgiving
    Workout 3 times a week minimum!
    I wanna Shrink my numbers (& yet the boobs stay the same :)
    I wanna wear a sexy dress, look thin, and HAVE A COLLAR BONE you can see!!

    I'm from Katy Tx
    34. Mother of two, wife of a man who cooks way to good & very unhealthy
    Bust 41
    Naval 36
    Hips 39
    Turkey arm 11
    Turkey leg. (fattest part at the top) 23

    Starting weight 147
    Goal 110!!

    P.S is there a way to bookmark the forum to access it quick & easy? I'm new....I have a lot of questions.:drinker:

    I LOVE your goals!
    I want to be 20 pounds lighter by Thanksgiving too!!
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    Hey gang! I know it's Wed but wondering how everyone's diet and fitness goals are going! So far, keeping up within my calories and even managing to hit my treadmill twice a day. We've started inching the kids on their school routine for the start of the 31st is school. So, I've been walking at night in my room while the hubby is watching his shows in the living room. I'm really proud of myself to get this done so far and it's the little steps that I noticed are making a difference. I took a pic last night as my "before" pic and can't wait to see the smokin hot after pic! :) I needed a new focus on things such as myself and to get myself in gear. This is def. a great wake up call. I'm hoping by the weekend when I work that I don't overdo it. Have a great week and keep up the good work all! :)
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    Hey gang! I know it's Wed but wondering how everyone's diet and fitness goals are going! So far, keeping up within my calories and even managing to hit my treadmill twice a day. We've started inching the kids on their school routine for the start of the 31st is school. So, I've been walking at night in my room while the hubby is watching his shows in the living room. I'm really proud of myself to get this done so far and it's the little steps that I noticed are making a difference. I took a pic last night as my "before" pic and can't wait to see the smokin hot after pic! :) I needed a new focus on things such as myself and to get myself in gear. This is def. a great wake up call. I'm hoping by the weekend when I work that I don't overdo it. Have a great week and keep up the good work all! :)

    So far so good. I even went to the movies last night (after my workout) and did not cave to the wonderful popcorn. Very proud of myself. :happy:
  • sweetbikerbabe32
    sweetbikerbabe32 Posts: 6 Member
    Here are my measurements and little tidbits!

    Name: Kim
    age: 31
    Location: Sioux falls, sd
    height: 5'5
    Start weight for challenge: 195.6
    Goal weight for challenge: 170
    Start pants: 14/16
    Goal pants: 10/12
    Follow special diet: staying in calorie range
    exercise goal: cardio 30 min weight training 30 min
    other goals: drink water water water....only one dt Dr pepper a day!
    Other interest: running, tae kwon do, biking, hiking, volleyball, softball
    occupation: non profit organization

    Bust: 40
    Waist: 41
    Navel: 41
    Hips: 46 1/2
    Calves: r- 16 L-16 1/2
    Arms: r- 15 L-14 1/2
    Thighs: r-24 L-24
    Neck: 13
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Hey gang! I know it's Wed but wondering how everyone's diet and fitness goals are going! So far, keeping up within my calories and even managing to hit my treadmill twice a day. We've started inching the kids on their school routine for the start of the 31st is school. So, I've been walking at night in my room while the hubby is watching his shows in the living room. I'm really proud of myself to get this done so far and it's the little steps that I noticed are making a difference. I took a pic last night as my "before" pic and can't wait to see the smokin hot after pic! :) I needed a new focus on things such as myself and to get myself in gear. This is def. a great wake up call. I'm hoping by the weekend when I work that I don't overdo it. Have a great week and keep up the good work all! :)

    Things are going well here. I typically do GREAT during the week and horrible on the weekend. I am hoping this challenge helps me figure out how to succeed on the weekends as well. With a Monday morning weigh in, it should help me stay more on track.