Being overweight but seen as thin

yirara Posts: 9,871 Member
I probably have some body dysmorphic issues. A very good friend of mine as well. She's constantly surprised that I don't fit into her clothes (she is petite, even if she's equally tall as me <3)

Anyway, before I lost weight I was 76kg at 169cm. My friend thinks I always looked slim, and I guess part of that is because I do have a long neck and a rather small head, with very thin elven hair :s I also never had a big belly, and my collar bones, wide shoulders and wide pelvis bones poked out, tiny wrists. All padding was literally stuck on upper arms, legs, bum and hips.

So are there other people who think they fit into this odd category? Are there people who are/were repeatedly told they are slim while being overweight?

Just curious, really. Also would love to see photos of e.g. plus size models or other people who fit this category.


  • dhiammarath
    dhiammarath Posts: 834 Member
    I am overweight but carry my weight well. I guess I probably have a pretty thin frame. I wear small clothes, but am not yet in the healthy BMI range. Everyone tells me I need to stop losing weight / that I'll get too thin. I still have 30-40lbs to go (It'll depend on how I look/feel). I think it is because I am very proportionately even all over and still "small-ish" that I leave the impression I'm at a healthy weight. I am not... yet!
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    I have a little insight..Im 5'8 and have a naturally long lean narrow face
    At my absolute thinnest I was 129-130 for a hot minute and I was wearing a jr size 5 and was told i was way too thin..gain weight

    My BF is the same height and her everyday regular weight is 125 and she looks healthier and wears a bigger one says she is too thin (she is clearly thin but looks fuller..LOL)

    I guess depends on how shape, how we carry weight...etc etc


  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    Let's see...I am normal weight but people always seem to think I'm super skinny and verging on starvation, they consistently say things that guess my weight 30-50 lbs lower than it actually is. I think a lot of it is just being broad shouldered and small's like a tall, slender visual (optical illusion?) and no one notices where the extra bits are packed on. (for me that's love handles and hips/belly however, its a proportional spread)

    I am 5'9" (175cm) and 150 lbs (68kg) - hopefully I correctly converted that...
  • tirowow12385
    tirowow12385 Posts: 697 Member
    5'8' and 185, which is overweight and I've been told I'm in good shape by males and females at work, I've never heard thin though.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    edited August 2018
    Kind of i guess. I'm tall so when I was technically overweight, according to my BMI, I don't think anyone looked at me and thought I was fat, because I had a lot more area for it to spread out. I didn't look great, I think you could tell I wasn't at my ideal weight because of the muffin top etc. but I doubt anyone would have considered me to be fat. Plus I am more "pear" shaped with a small upper body. I have always looked very thin from the waist up.
  • kksmom1789
    kksmom1789 Posts: 281 Member
    I am 5ft tall and weigh 166lbs so def in the obese category I wear size 12/14 jeans but I have a friend / coworker that is constantly telling me how skinny I look and she always seems to do it on days that I feel like I am a stuffed can of biscuits lol also when I look at myself in the mirror sometimes I don't feel super over weight I actually feel good about myself... I think I am just weird
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Yes, I'm pear shaped and dress for my size, so I always look good.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,061 Member
    I'm overweight for my frame (technically not overweight by the BMI, but just barely). My progress photos (that I keep to myself) show the real truth.

    People don't see me as overweight - but I do my best to cover my "excess" and I'm not obese, so I can cover it fairly well with proper clothing.

    I'm currently a size 6/8 (10 without vanity sizing), where I should be a 4/5 (or even a bit smaller).

    I don't get called "skinny" but a LOT of people make comments about how I "don't need to lose any weight" when I really do need to lose a minimum of 20 pounds.
  • furmickc
    furmickc Posts: 43 Member
    GeauxL wrote: »
    I am short, 5’ 2”, & lost 100lbs; people are always telling me that I am melting away, that I don’t need to lose anymore weight, they always “guess my weight” much lower than it actually is but in reality, I still need to lose about 15-20lbs. Personally, yes I do have some body issues, I don’t think I’m skinny nor that I need to stop losing weight but I think when someone loses such a large amount of weight, when people see us, we look so much different that they view us as “skinny” because they are comparing us to what we used to look like. Now, when I go back to pics of me at my heaviest, My Lord! I think how was I ever that big, so I can understand how others may be shocked when they see me now.

    Oh my word! I read that at first that your were 5 foot 2 and WEIGHED 100 pounds, and need to lose 15-20 more. Oops. Afternoon brain fart.

    Back to the topic. When I started losing weight, I was 5 feet tall 129 pounds with a muscular build. When I told people I was trying to lose weight, they were shocked. I am very physically active (ultramathoner), but my diet was crap.

    I'm now down to 118, would like to lose 3-5 pounds, and I was just told by a friend that I hadn't seen for a while that I looked great. So I think in my case, since I looked "normalish", people took that as a healthy weight. But now that I've worked on my diet and lost weight, the "real me" is showing?
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I don’t believe I’ve ever been called slim. Ever.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I think I had dropped around 60 pounds at one point (I'm down a total of 95) between dentist check ups and there was a lot of commenting and congratulating going on, and I'll never forget what my dentist said to me. "It's so weird to see you like this, because I never thought of you as even being big in the first place."

    I don't get it. I weighed 210 pounds on a 5'1" medium frame. I understand that my fat was distributed nicely and I carried my weight well, but my goodness. I still don't get it. Mind you, my dentist is a very, very petite woman herself.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I think I had dropped around 60 pounds at one point (I'm down a total of 95) between dentist check ups and there was a lot of commenting and congratulating going on, and I'll never forget what my dentist said to me. "It's so weird to see you like this, because I never thought of you as even being big in the first place."

    I don't get it. I weighed 210 pounds on a 5'1" medium frame. I understand that my fat was distributed nicely and I carried my weight well, but my goodness. I still don't get it. Mind you, my dentist is a very, very petite woman herself.

    Sorry a tad off topic.
    I remember you pre 2016. Not sure what your weight was in your profile pic, but you looked slim and 'well endowed'. :)

    I always look heavier than my weight, relatively big shoulders and I carry Every. Single. Pound. of fat in my abdomen.

    So, sorry @yirara, can't contribute.

    Cheers, h.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I think I had dropped around 60 pounds at one point (I'm down a total of 95) between dentist check ups and there was a lot of commenting and congratulating going on, and I'll never forget what my dentist said to me. "It's so weird to see you like this, because I never thought of you as even being big in the first place."

    I don't get it. I weighed 210 pounds on a 5'1" medium frame. I understand that my fat was distributed nicely and I carried my weight well, but my goodness. I still don't get it. Mind you, my dentist is a very, very petite woman herself.

    Sorry a tad off topic.
    I remember you pre 2016. Not sure what your weight was in your profile pic, but you looked slim and 'well endowed'. :)

    I always look heavier than my weight, relatively big shoulders and I carry Every. Single. Pound. of fat in my abdomen.

    So, sorry @yirara, can't contribute.

    Cheers, h.

    Around this weight h?


    This was 140 pounds.

    This is a before pic taken when I was 195. I don't have any pics of me at 210


  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    edited August 2018
    @GottaBurnEmAll, yep, the pink top is the one I remember as you. But posting the blue I did recognize it.

    I never realized until relatively recently we were the same height.

    (I'm always amazed/amused by that though, we usually see individual pics, for privacy purposes, so it is hard to know a person's height without context- I'm really 6'1, honest B) )

    Cheers, h.
    Apologies again @yirara for the side track.

    ETA: I would have thought you a lot lighter at 140.
    I was horrendous at 130- you look lighter. If that makes sense. h
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    @GottaBurnEmAll, yep, the pink top is the one I remember as you. But posting the blue I did recognize it.

    I never realized until relatively recently we were the same height.

    (I'm always amazed/amused by that though, we usually see individual pics, for privacy purposes, so it is hard to know a person's height without context- I'm really 6'1, honest B) )

    Cheers, h.
    Apologies again @yirara for the side track.

    ETA: I would have thought you a lot lighter at 140.
    I was horrendous at 130- you look lighter. If that makes sense. h

    Again, sorry for the hijack @yiara, but in a way this relates:

    H, you and I are indeed the same size, but we have different frame sizes AND different genetic muscle mass. I know, for example, that my thighs are more muscular than yours. Mine are a genetic inheritance from my grandmother. Hearty Italian peasant stock! I think between the frame and the muscle mass, it can go a lot towards explaining how one can look a certain way at a certain weight compared to another person.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,492 Member
    Yirara, I recently read an article about our body shapes. We are either pear or apple shaped. Women are for the most part pears. You can lose weight but you can't change your shape. You can weight lift to add muscle but the shape is still there. As for me, what's funny is even after I lost 60 pounds from 220 to 160, my friends said they don't remember me being obese, that is until I show them my before and after pictures, then its wow, I never noticed. 85dhxmsd7mhp.jpg

    WOW! What an amazing transformation, you look fantastic and glowing now.
  • corysmithsmail
    corysmithsmail Posts: 166 Member
    I'm 5'5 and 190lbs. Everyone thinks I'm smaller. They flip out when I say I want to lose 30 more lbs. Though even if I lost that 160lbs is still too heavy for my frame according to medical prof. But I am not trying to be super thin, so I will never purposefully go lower than 160. But I guess I just carry my weight differently.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,492 Member
    I'm 5'5 and 190lbs. Everyone thinks I'm smaller. They flip out when I say I want to lose 30 more lbs. Though even if I lost that 160lbs is still too heavy for my frame according to medical prof. But I am not trying to be super thin, so I will never purposefully go lower than 160. But I guess I just carry my weight differently.

    If that is you in your photo, I think you look 190. I wouldn't listen to any of them! Most likely they don't want you to look better than them, lol. Lose until you are happy and at a healthy weight.