Eating same everyday

Hi! I basically eat the same every day. I have lost 3 pounds (going up and down) over the last 30 days. I weigh 158 and I am 5’6” and 56 years old. I am eating between 1250 and 1350 a day. I would like to get to 140. Somehow I am not losing. I am not that active but clock my steps each day. Try for 5,000. I eat fruits. Veggies. Yogurt. Cheese. Eggs. Chicken. Fish. With the occasional chocolate treat. Will this take forever???


  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    mgoldin50 wrote: »
    Hi! I basically eat the same every day. I have lost 3 pounds (going up and down) over the last 30 days. I weigh 158 and I am 5’6” and 56 years old. I am eating between 1250 and 1350 a day. I would like to get to 140. Somehow I am not losing. I am not that active but clock my steps each day. Try for 5,000. I eat fruits. Veggies. Yogurt. Cheese. Eggs. Chicken. Fish. With the occasional chocolate treat. Will this take forever???

    Are you using a food scale?
    Are you double checking that the entries you are using in the database contain accurate calorie info?
    With 20 lbs to lose, you should expect to lose 0.5lbs- 1 lb per week, so your results actually are fine. But you can tighten up your logging to try to lose a little bit faster.

    If you think 6 months to lose 20 lbs is taking forever, you might need to adjust to more realistic expectations.

    Hang in there and good luck!
  • Inspiration15
    Inspiration15 Posts: 42 Member
    I use a food scale. I enter everything. I even go over estimate calories on occasion. I guess I need 6 months.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Those are separate issues, that are connected.

    At your weight (barely overweight) weightloss will be slow, maybe 1/2 pound per week.
    Weight naturally fluctuates, up to a couple of pounds fram day to day. If you're at the same weight over time, you're eating at maintenance. Whether you think you're eating at a deficit, or not.
    You're eating more than you think. To make sure you're in a deficit, you will have to tighten up your logging - get a food scale.

    Eating the same every day can not in itself have an effect on your rate of loss, but it will be boring and you might risk malnutrition, and hunger and boredom are among the top risk factors when it comes to failed weightloss. But it sounds to me that your diet is varied?

    Weight maintenance will take forever. I advice not doing something you couldn't do forever.
  • Inspiration15
    Inspiration15 Posts: 42 Member
    I have a food scale and I use it when I eat chicken and fish.
  • Inspiration15
    Inspiration15 Posts: 42 Member
    I measure everything. I have measuring cups all over. Spoons. You name it. I pack my own lunch too. Barely go out to eat. But. I am ok
  • Inspiration15
    Inspiration15 Posts: 42 Member
    Ok. Weigh liquids too? And fruits?
  • Inspiration15
    Inspiration15 Posts: 42 Member
    Maybe that’s the problem.
  • Inspiration15
    Inspiration15 Posts: 42 Member
    I am entering the measurement in the app. by each method. Idk. Doing the best I can.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Hang in there! My experience was that I had to experiment to figure out what would move the needle for me. Maybe keep doing all the good things you are doing and look at what to add or change. Try looking at it all as an experiment in what gets results for *your* body.

    If you aren't getting much exercise, can you up that? Maybe start with leisurely to moderate paced walks. I now get in at least 5 hours a week of exercise that includes lots of moderate walking (fast enough to break a sweat).
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You can weigh both liquids and solids. Use valid entries, too, and weigh correctly. You know about negative values and the tare button?
  • Inspiration15
    Inspiration15 Posts: 42 Member
    No. What is that?
  • Inspiration15
    Inspiration15 Posts: 42 Member
    Yes. Now I know. Setting scale to 0
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    mgoldin50 wrote: »
    I measure everything. I have measuring cups all over. Spoons. You name it. I pack my own lunch too. Barely go out to eat. But. I am ok

    You need to use a food scale. (The $15 digital one from Walmart are fine). There can me massive calorie differences when weighing food vs volume. Peanut butter is one that shocked me, a Tablespoon is a whole lot more than the 15g that's used as a serving size! The only thing measuring cups should be used for is liquids.
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    One benefit to weighing food - sometimes you get a bit more. I eat cherries - and I get to eat more when I weigh then if I just pour them into a measuring cup. The only thing I don't weigh is lettuce and tomatoes.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,008 Member
    mgoldin50 wrote: »
    No. What is that?

    If you want to ask about a specific post, it's best to hit the "quote" button under that post before typing your reply. Otherwise, the rest of us have to guess what you're referring to ("that" could be anything).
  • Inspiration15
    Inspiration15 Posts: 42 Member
    mgoldin50 wrote: »
    No. What is that?

    If you want to ask about a specific post, it's best to hit the "quote" button under that post before typing your reply. Otherwise, the rest of us have to guess what you're referring to ("that" could be anything).

    Ok. Thanks for information on that.