Do Speeling errers drive yu nutz?



  • princesstoadstool82
    princesstoadstool82 Posts: 371 Member
    I think its rude of people to point out in public, public forums or facebook, peoples spelling mistakes. if you feel the need to correct them do it privately, other wise your just doing it to make your self look good.
    I've known and worked with some lovely people who have difficulty with spelling, and its something they are ashamed about. I know I even get some words wrong, and even typos.. actually alot with the typos. I also see alot of spelling mistakes and typos, but i dont need to boost my ego and tell these people they made a mistake, and make them feel like crap. its amazing how some people can be tolerant of those around you whilst on MFP and encouraging them to keep on going, and yet belittling them for something so trivial.
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    These are internet forums, I don't see the big deal.

  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    I think its rude of people to point out in public, public forums or facebook, peoples spelling mistakes. if you feel the need to correct them do it privately, other wise your just doing it to make your self look good.
    I've known and worked with some lovely people who have difficulty with spelling, and its something they are ashamed about. I know I even get some words wrong, and even typos.. actually alot with the typos. I also see alot of spelling mistakes and typos, but i dont need to boost my ego and tell these people they made a mistake, and make them feel like crap. its amazing how some people can be tolerant of those around you whilst on MFP and encouraging them to keep on going, and yet belittling them for something so trivial.

    And for the record, I suffer in silence and rarely point out other's mistakes....unless the typo is accidentally hysterical and I know the author will also have a good laugh over it.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i don't mind so much spelling errors, i just hate thoze stoopid werds ppl use that are no quicker to type than the actual word.

    I can forgive a bad spelling, but not an idiots!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    This crap is my life. I want to punch babies when I see this stuff.

    Thank you for making my day. Some seriously funny stuff.
  • princesstoadstool82
    princesstoadstool82 Posts: 371 Member
    I think its rude of people to point out in public, public forums or facebook, peoples spelling mistakes. if you feel the need to correct them do it privately, other wise your just doing it to make your self look good.
    I've known and worked with some lovely people who have difficulty with spelling, and its something they are ashamed about. I know I even get some words wrong, and even typos.. actually alot with the typos. I also see alot of spelling mistakes and typos, but i dont need to boost my ego and tell these people they made a mistake, and make them feel like crap. its amazing how some people can be tolerant of those around you whilst on MFP and encouraging them to keep on going, and yet belittling them for something so trivial.

    And for the record, I suffer in silence and rarely point out other's mistakes....unless the typo is accidentally hysterical and I know the author will also have a good laugh over it.

    some typos are funny, but i have had friends point out when i've spelt something wrong on facebook.. and they will make a point of showing my mistakes.. .. and to this friend i told him, i was sensitive about my spelling and would have liked him to have pointed it out privately... you can usually spot a spelling mistake is a spelling mistake and not a typo...

    i've had some funny typos myself.. where its the wrong letter in the wrong spot,... they are great in pm's, as you generally dont get a chance to read before you press enter... ..... i know what your saying.
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    "shart week" has me in tears...and then I roll up on "cinnamons"...I can't quit crying.
    I have not laughed this hard since

    I need a tissue.
  • darkrider42
    darkrider42 Posts: 5,386 Member
    And for the record, I suffer in silence and rarely point out other's mistakes....unless the typo is accidentally hysterical and I know the author will also have a good laugh over it.

    some typos are funny, but i have had friends point out when i've spelt something wrong on facebook.. and they will make a point of showing my mistakes.. .. and to this friend i told him, i was sensitive about my spelling and would have liked him to have pointed it out privately... you can usually spot a spelling mistake is a spelling mistake and not a typo...

    i've had some funny typos myself.. where its the wrong letter in the wrong spot,... they are great in pm's, as you generally dont get a chance to read before you press enter... ..... i know what your saying.

    The two AutoCorrections I always* have to watch out for are:

    - 'things'....A/C tries to change it to 'thongs'
    - and 'hugs' as in *big hugs*, *huge hugs*, *massive hugs*.....A/C always wants to change 'hugs' to 'jugs'.

  • Cannot stop laughing at these! As a kid, my mom would leave notes for me before she left for work and I would correct them. Is it any wonder I grew up to become a teacher (albeit an out of work one)?

    HAHA! That is too cute!
  • bet i dontz mines da speeling errrs!

    HA! :0 :)
  • my eyes are bleeding from read those... too funny!

    also my phone changes "veggies" into "vaggies" via autocorrect... no clue who put that as a word in there but it was preprogrammed...
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    no, but I hate apostrophe abuse.
  • doesn't bother me... proper capitalization doesn't bother me either :)
  • On a public forum or on any online site, nope.

    In an academic setting or in a "respected" journal, yes.

    Life is far too short to get bent out of shape over misspelling or grammar mistakes. While English may be someone's native tongue, English has a slew of commonly misspelled words as well as some crazy *kitten* "rules" that make it a fairly complex language. But to each their own.

  • I think its rude of people to point out in public, public forums or facebook, peoples spelling mistakes. if you feel the need to correct them do it privately, other wise your just doing it to make your self look good.
    I've known and worked with some lovely people who have difficulty with spelling, and its something they are ashamed about. I know I even get some words wrong, and even typos.. actually alot with the typos. I also see alot of spelling mistakes and typos, but i dont need to boost my ego and tell these people they made a mistake, and make them feel like crap. its amazing how some people can be tolerant of those around you whilst on MFP and encouraging them to keep on going, and yet belittling them for something so trivial.

    well said!
  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    no, but I hate apostrophe abuse.

    I am so with you there! Please, please don't add apostrophes just to make something plural - it actually does not make it "fancier", just wrong!
    *rant over*

    That link was hysterical. I read all the way through even though I should have been in bed two and a half hours ago.
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    I don't care if you mis-spell I am/ was dyslexic as a child, now I carry a dictonary all over the place with me. We are humans not machines, people are bound to make mistakes, so spelling errors I can forgive seeing as I make so many myself. However typing tings lyk dis is slightly annoying but if thats how people wish to type then so be it.
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    If I were to become a serial killer, I would kill people who spell things wrong. Especially the "your/you're" and "they're/their/there" and "two/to/too". People who typeee lykke dis are awful.
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    It is always lovely to know that any spelling errors or apostrophe misuse is being judged. I make many errors on my posts when I use my ipad. i guess if people are bothered by my posts they can ignore me. **shrug**
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    No. But I am not judgemental.