New medication, can't eat. Need advice.



  • anl90
    anl90 Posts: 928 Member
    I am sorry to hear you are going through this, anxiety is a horrid thing to endure. You mentioned being given the option to try a new medicine - definitely read the side effects first, but I would say absolutely give it a try. When I first went on my medications for anxiety and depression, I had trouble eating as well. As my body adjusted to it, however, it slowly got better. Just listen to your body, and do what feels right. And in regards to Cinnamon Toast Crunch - is that even a question?! It the BOMB, so enjoy it! There is nothing wrong with eating that! Best of luck, and if you need anyone to talk to you are more than welcome to add me as a friend. :)
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I just left the doctor's. They'll be closed for the next three days. They have me a different medicine, now I have to decide to continue with this one or change.

    I used to love Cinnamon Toast Crunch as a kid. Probably because of nostalgia, that's not an instant no. If I can eat it, do you think that's better than nothing?

    A lot does depend on the medication, but what I've found with anti depressants is that it took about three weeks to stabilise. I've felt quite nauseous for much of that time before it settled down again.

    With that in mind I've just had to be both conscious of eating stuff less likely to cause a reaction, and to eat more slowly.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I'm so sorry the smog has had such an adverse effect on your anxiety.

    Hopefully your appetite will return soon.

    Until then, eat what you can and stay safe.

    Sorry, I have no advice, just know I care.

    We have blue skies with big puffy white clouds today, hope your sky is clearing too.

    Cheers, h.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    I didn't wind up in a weight loss forum by not eating enough.

    A few very stressful events have happened at the same time recently, and it dialed my anxiety up to 11. Until a week ago we've been stuck with awful wildfire smoke, which has kept me off my bike, I use the bike to cope with stress. Sometimes I feel like I'm in mortal danger for no reason at all, but it's unshakeable.

    My doctor gave me a medicine that's helping to take the edge off the anxiety. I need the help right now, and I've heard people struggle to find the right medicine, so I'd prefer to stick with something that works.

    But I just don't have an appetite. It's a chore to put food in my mouth and swallow it. I don't want to look at most food. And I forget to eat, yesterday at 6:30 pm I realized all I'd had to eat all day was half a yogurt.

    I could really benefit from some advice on dealing with the eating problem.

    My go-to "I don't feel like chewing but need calories" meal is a peanut butter, banana, chocolate protein powder smoothie. I also add a raw egg towards the end. I use weak coffee for the liquid.

    This is not on point, but when I don't have an appetite b/c I am sick, I gravitate towards spicy Asian soups. Something with coconut milk, like Tom Kha Gai or a curry, would be higher in calories.

    {{{{{{{{{{ hugs }}}}}}}}}}
  • mkculs
    mkculs Posts: 316 Member
    I hope you are feeling better. I just wanted to add that when my stress level gets high, I cannot eat--so perhaps that is also affecting you, and you think it is the medication. But how long does that take to kick in? Many take weeks and it might not be the meds. Just a thought--if you've had it before, you may know my suggestion is off base. Good luck finding the right solution. I'm sorry you are dealing with fires. We're dealing with flooding and wishing we could send some of our rain to the folks who need it.
  • sydlovesscience
    hi, i have struggled with the same thing, what i have found works best for me is calorie dense foods, or foods that appeal to me such as fruits and vegetables. by finding these things i have been able to at least maintain or minimize any weight loss. i have also noticed that when i take medication can affect my appetite, so i try to take it after my first meal to make sure i still have had something substantial
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    There was a suggestion in this thread to try drinking food if I can't eat it. So today I had two smoothies from raspberries and blueberries. I finished then both! :smile:

    Also invited a coworker to hike with me, we did Cascade Pass today. Lots of ripe wild blueberries, my hands were stained.

    So things are improving. I'm still taking the first medicine, trying to give it a chance.
    Hurrah for drinking your meals!

    And hurrah for wild blueberries, and coming back form your hiking looking like you've butchered a smurf!

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    edited September 2018
    There was a suggestion in this thread to try drinking food if I can't eat it. So today I had two smoothies from raspberries and blueberries. I finished then both! :smile:

    Also invited a coworker to hike with me, we did Cascade Pass today. Lots of ripe wild blueberries, my hands were stained.

    So things are improving. I'm still taking the first medicine, trying to give it a chance.

    So happy to hear this! Yay, you ate, and yay, you got to hike!

    I don't know if they have them where you live, but breakfast drinks (Sustagen, Up & Go) are great for drink calories with protein.

    ETA: That's assuming you didn't add protein to your smoothies. Sorry if I made a mistake!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited September 2018
    I'm sorry you are in such a dire situation. But try to separate problems, and prioritize concerns. Just doing that, can help reduce your anxiety. You can eat anything you want, and you can even eat without an appetite, and you can eat by the clock, by setting an alarm. Are you nauseus, or do you have trouble chewing/swallowing?