WEEK 3 ~ Team Amazing Grace (CLOSED GROUP) August Challenge



  • Edithrenee
    Edithrenee Posts: 546 Member
    Walked 2.8 miles
    50 sit ups
    military presses 2 sets of 25
    3 sets of 21's
    under calories goal and water goal done.
    Didnt have enough time to do my regular aerobics
    got home to late. :(
  • song2sing
    song2sing Posts: 183
    August 16, 2011

    ~50 Military Presses
    ~1 Extra Mile walk/run
    ~3 sets of 21’s
    ~100 Ab Crunches
    ~25 Globe Jumps
    ~9 glasses of water
    ~under calorie goal

    Joyful in the Journey
  • amazing_grace♥
    @SarahRuth - you can pledge, but nothing will happen if you don't make it.... the ab crunches/sit ups that you do will go toward the team 4000 regardless...... just make sure that if you try to do this, that your body is "warmed up" before you try to do that many ab crunches. You don't want to pull an ab muscle..... that IS ALOT of ab crunches....... Let me know what you decide.

    @SarahRuth and @lisaap - GREAT! I would love to have you both on my team for September!! I have you both down..... only 8 more slots - so be sure to let me know if you wanna be in for September!!!

    @Song2Sing - are you replacing the globe jumps for some other challenge this week? Let me know because I didn't see globe jumps on the list for this week.. I just want to be sure that I give you credit for those somewhere..... Also, I counted your 100 ab crunches toward Friday's challenge as I didn't see where you had "pledged" for ab crunches for the team yet.... let me know how many you want to pledge for the week toward the team challenge, ok?

    Myself, I got in the 3 sets of 21's, the extra mile was done tonight on my bike, 45 minutes walking (at work) 90 sit ups today.... drank 10 glasses of water and came in under calorie goal....
  • SarahRuth♥
    SarahRuth♥ Posts: 609 Member
    50 military presses - Done
    3 sets of 21's - Done
    Extra mile - Ran 1.8 - Done

    150 crunches - Done
    That's 200 crunches for me so far this week.

    Under calories
    15 glasses of water

    Yay for September challenges!!! :D
  • TNGirlyGirl
    TNGirlyGirl Posts: 337 Member
    Sorry I didn't get to post yesterday. :sad: First day back to school was horrible -- thnakfully, today was a lot better!!

    For Monday:
    water -- 10+
    under calories
    exercise -- did the squat kicks and woodchop thingies (completed on Tuesday)

    water 10+
    under calories
    exercise -- did Monday's challenges, plus 5.5 miles (which is 4 more than normal!!) so I got the extra mile in. I'll try get the rest of it caught up on Wednesday :happy:

    btw -- made it to the Top 12 of Biggest Loser - all this extra exercise is definitely helping!! You can read all about it here:
  • cath1717
    cath1717 Posts: 120
    AUGUST 16th 2011

    First, @Amazing_grace, I really want to be in your team for September Challenge!!! :D

    Water = check
    Under calories = check
    50 military press = check
    3 X 21 = check
    1 extra miles = check
    200 ABS FOR THE CHALLENGE = check (Total of 400 for me, for he challenge up to now)

    Good night!
  • TNGirlyGirl
    TNGirlyGirl Posts: 337 Member
    I just read the part about the Team Ab-Crunch Challenge. If you still need them, I can commit to 400 for the week.

    I just did my first 80!! Now I have a tummy ache - the good kind, tho :happy:
  • walkingingrace2011
    9 glasses water
    Under calorie count
    50 military presses
    3 sets 21's
    1 extra mile
    3 sets of 12 wood choppers
  • amazing_grace♥
    @TNGirlyGirl, yes... we still need more commitments for ab crunches this week. I'll pit you down for 400. Thanks! Glad things are settling down at school. Hay! I like your pic on the biggest loser thread! Keep us posted each week... that's awesome that you are still in it!

    @cath...... YES! I definitely want YOU on my team for September! That's awesome! Thanks! It'll be similar to what's going on this month, but I'm hoping the challenges get progressively more difficult!

    Goodnight all!
  • maureendonahue
    maureendonahue Posts: 468 Member
    Today was a really busy day at work! Got my water in, was under calories and did the 50 ab crunches and presses. I assume those are like push ups! That's about as far as I got today. Tomorrow and Thursday look to be really busy too, but I will be walking around for hours (I am facilitating some training) both days. That has to burn calories as usually I sit at a desk.

    Have a great night everyone!
  • amazing_grace♥
    As of this morning (as of THIS posting), we have pledged 3770 crunches, and we have completed 1195 of them!! As usual, you guys are really ROCKIN' !! :love:
  • musky4
    musky4 Posts: 126 Member
    ok - i'd rather not count yesterday :(
    the ONLY thing i accomplished was the water -
    was over calorie and no exercise (hand and hand eh)
    i worked till noon then took a road trip -
    driving over 6 hrs to get bless my daughter w/new fridge -
    exhausted by 11 (WAY past my bedtime!)
    i will be better today (promise) --
    umm my inner thighs are KILLING ME --- is that the ax thing?
    holy smokes
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Yesterday was my 'rest day'.... today I will be doing day one's exercises.

    Yesterday= I got my water in, I was under calories (by 7!?), and I did the squat kicks and woodchops. Today I am working on the 3 sets of 21's and the extra mile at work. I will be doing the Military Presses at home tonight!
  • amazing_grace♥
    ok - i'd rather not count yesterday :(
    the ONLY thing i accomplished was the water -
    was over calorie and no exercise (hand and hand eh)
    i worked till noon then took a road trip -
    driving over 6 hrs to get bless my daughter w/new fridge -
    exhausted by 11 (WAY past my bedtime!)
    i will be better today (promise) --
    umm my inner thighs are KILLING ME --- is that the ax thing?
    holy smokes

    @musky - I think it is those wood chop things added to the squat kick things... that was a whole lotta squatting!! haahha. My inner thighs hurt yesterday, but they are killing me today!!! MMMMMMM..... Great burn - right? :wink:
  • song2sing
    song2sing Posts: 183
    @SarahRuth - you can pledge, but nothing will happen if you don't make it.... the ab crunches/sit ups that you do will go toward the team 4000 regardless...... just make sure that if you try to do this, that your body is "warmed up" before you try to do that many ab crunches. You don't want to pull an ab muscle..... that IS ALOT of ab crunches....... Let me know what you decide.

    @SarahRuth and @lisaap - GREAT! I would love to have you both on my team for September!! I have you both down..... only 8 more slots - so be sure to let me know if you wanna be in for September!!!

    @Song2Sing - are you replacing the globe jumps for some other challenge this week? Let me know because I didn't see globe jumps on the list for this week.. I just want to be sure that I give you credit for those somewhere..... Also, I counted your 100 ab crunches toward Friday's challenge as I didn't see where you had "pledged" for ab crunches for the team yet.... let me know how many you want to pledge for the week toward the team challenge, ok?

    Myself, I got in the 3 sets of 21's, the extra mile was done tonight on my bike, 45 minutes walking (at work) 90 sit ups today.... drank 10 glasses of water and came in under calorie goal....

    Hey Captain!

    I just got this from the video line item for week 3. Shows the globe jumps (whatever burpees are??)
    Day 5 Exercise Challenge – 100 AB Crunches + 50 Burpees (Oh yes they are back) Up/Downs
    (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKKKNR5USXc )

    So am starting early! am I suppose to do them or no?
  • caza6464
    caza6464 Posts: 29
    Calories under goal
    9 glasses of water
    50 squat kicks
    3 sets of woodchops
    50 ab crunches

    Calories under goal
    50 military presses (couldn't find what these was so did 50 pushups)
    3 sets of 21's (couldn't find what these were so did sit ups)
    50 ab crunches
    1 mile walk
    9 glasses of water
  • song2sing
    song2sing Posts: 183
    @SarahRuth - you can pledge, but nothing will happen if you don't make it.... the ab crunches/sit ups that you do will go toward the team 4000 regardless...... just make sure that if you try to do this, that your body is "warmed up" before you try to do that many ab crunches. You don't want to pull an ab muscle..... that IS ALOT of ab crunches....... Let me know what you decide.

    @SarahRuth and @lisaap - GREAT! I would love to have you both on my team for September!! I have you both down..... only 8 more slots - so be sure to let me know if you wanna be in for September!!!

    @Song2Sing - are you replacing the globe jumps for some other challenge this week? Let me know because I didn't see globe jumps on the list for this week.. I just want to be sure that I give you credit for those somewhere..... Also, I counted your 100 ab crunches toward Friday's challenge as I didn't see where you had "pledged" for ab crunches for the team yet.... let me know how many you want to pledge for the week toward the team challenge, ok?

    Myself, I got in the 3 sets of 21's, the extra mile was done tonight on my bike, 45 minutes walking (at work) 90 sit ups today.... drank 10 glasses of water and came in under calorie goal....

    I will commit to 700 ab crunches for the team this week (already did 100 yesterday and got a 100 in this morning). If I do more, I will let you know, per day! Also did just 20 lunges and am really feeling it in my knees. They were cracking or making a grinding sound, eeks!
  • amazing_grace♥
    @Song2Sing - you are right.....

    On the sheet for this week, Day #5, he says to do the 100 ab crunches and 50 burpees (which are also called Ups/Downs - same thing)... but he gives the link to the Globe jumps video......

    so I'm gonna tell everybody to do whichever one they want to do and just let me know which one..... Song2Sing - I'll give you credit for those on Friday... no worries!!

    thanks for pointing that out!!
  • caza6464
    caza6464 Posts: 29
    Calories under goal
    8 glassesof water
    200 jumping jacks
    100 mountain climbers (didn'tknow what these were so did the stairs)
    20 lunges
    50 ab crunches1439569.png
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Today I am working on the 3 sets of 21's and the extra mile at work. I will be doing the Military Presses at home tonight!

    Got my 21's, military presses, and extra mile in before 5:30! My water is taken care of and I am working with 300 calories for my evening snack (I had dinner :wink:)