First day of keto. Feel sick

Hey guys it's my first day of keto and I feel SOOO SICK. I'm not used to eating this much fat. Any advice? Please


  • TheHuff_
    TheHuff_ Posts: 39 Member
    Yeah i think maybe I'll have a small amount of carbs today so that my body can get 'weaned off' slowly. Trying keto today was quite spontaneous but I do definitely want to try it. I'll take the advice and go slowly to start with. Thanks :) also helps me to not feel like a failure lol
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Ugh. Feeling like a failure while dieting. I know that feeling. Try not to do that to yourself. It took along tome, but learning that a bad day food wise does not make a failure was so important.
  • TheHuff_
    TheHuff_ Posts: 39 Member
    True that. Moderation is always key in my experience. I don't think going keto would ever be sustainable for my lifestyle or happiness levels. Lower carb is probably a better option. And yeppp. 1 mistake doesn't cost you everything!
  • TheHuff_
    TheHuff_ Posts: 39 Member
    mamaomefo wrote: »
    You could try low carb without eating loads of fat also. I am a low carb fan, but I never eat heavy fat. I manage on protein and veggies and berries, nuts, and a little fat. I am doing well with it. You might give it a try if the fat disagrees with you.

    I like the idea of this tbh. It feels more natural to me
  • TheHuff_
    TheHuff_ Posts: 39 Member
    Cool! I'll check those subreddits out, thanks :)
  • deepwoodslady
    deepwoodslady Posts: 11,163 Member
    It may not be the fat. It could be the keto "flu". It happened to me when I first started. The electrolyte imbalance can cause this. Sip on some boullion (beef or chicken) for the sodium you may need. Take your multi-vitamin or a zinc and a magnesium supplement. It passes in a few days. It happens when you are first changing over from burning glucose to burning fat for energy. All diets have their downsides when you first start them that makes it difficult. At least you won't feel the hunger like a normal diet. If you are diabetic, check your sugar regularly. Less carbs will mean lower and better glucose numbers. Your doctor may end up reducing your medications (yay!) as you get healthy and normalize. Until then, if diabetic, keep smarties handy for sugar lows and keep your doctor informed of your progress on that front. Best of luck to you. It's working great for me.
  • TheHuff_
    TheHuff_ Posts: 39 Member
    ltltony wrote: »

    Thanks so much. Very informative article
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    I always get headachy and feel lousy the first few days on low carb, esp on day 3. And then I get constipated, which lasts longer than 3 days. I had trouble doing diets like keto or Atkins because of the fat. It made me feel sick to my stomach. So, my dietitian told me to set my macros to 30% carbs, 30% protein and 40% fat for my blood sugar. She said to have more things like avocado, nuts, olives and olive oil to increase my fat levels. And for baking, she said to combine almond flour and coconut flour in place of regular flour. That it low in carbs and higher in fats.
  • TheHuff_
    TheHuff_ Posts: 39 Member
    That's so insightful and interesting. Thanks for taking out the time to write the post :)
  • byunique
    byunique Posts: 1 Member
    I have been on Keto for 4+ months, what are you eating? My first day of keto was 3 slices of bacon and some eggs. My body wasn't used to it and I had a ache from my gall bladder freaking out. Yes, makes sense to adjust your diet slowly in the beginning.
  • Pineapples
    Pineapples Posts: 246 Member
    From personal experience I would suggest doing lots of research and some meal planning before you embark on a very strict change and lifestyle. I'm on my 14th day of Keto. I had started doing lower carb for a few weeks prior to going full Keto. The fat % is high but the focus is on healthy fats, I got myself MTC oil and coconut oil to help up the fat %. I am making sure every meal has some sort of keto friendly vegetable and some protein. I'm also on a calorie deficit. From what I read so far is that there are three types of low carb. KETO <20gms net carbs(total carbs-fiber), 20-50 gms of net carbs it would be considered low carb and between 50-100 gms of carbs is considered moderate. So it really depends on what you want to achieve.