Gimme the Skinny - August Challenge Team 21 - (closed group)



  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Checking in :) about to get up and whip out some exercise.
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    I'm about 95% sure I could pop out 1000 crunches this week. My tummy aches already just thinking of it, but "when it starts to hurt, that's when change is happening"... man, I hate Jillian, but she's right.

    Going to double up the workout tonight to make up for yesterday's lack of movement. :)
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Finished challenge exercise, and did 400 more crunches for a total of 800. 200 more and I'll be at my 1000 :)
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Hey Skinnies... Gary posted again asking for teams for the September challenge. So far we've had the following people say they want to be on this team again:

    Captain: tagrady
    1) u2fergus
    2) heofon
    3) kdmallon
    4) sharesb
    5) lmmiller1
    6) kcgslp
    7) szczepj
    8) mommaski4

    We still need two more people to make a team, so who else wants to sign up again for September? Come on... you know you want to... :wink:
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    OK TEAM....

    For the Sept Challenge, we need a new name that will kick butt. Something about going tribal.... I don't watch survivor, so i'm going to need help on this one... The curvettes are going to the surviverette's... I'm going to have to do some internet research!
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    OK TEAM....

    For the Sept Challenge, we need a new name that will kick butt. Something about going tribal.... I don't watch survivor, so i'm going to need help on this one... The curvettes are going to the surviverette's... I'm going to have to do some internet research!

    Ok... we are HUGE survivor fans, but I'll have to think about a name. Most of Survivor, outside of the challenges, has to do with scheming and trying to make your meager supply of rice last for 40 days. Also... arguing about whether somebody got more rice than you and occasionally some crazy person taking the rice and burying it somewhere on the island so nobody else can have any. :) Well... there's a bit more to it than that, but that's a big part of it. :)

    What about:
    The Immunity Idols
    Drop Your Buffs
    Redemption Island

    Actually... I don't really like any of those names. Who else has suggestions?
  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    I am in for Sept. I don't post much but count me in.

    So far I have done 450 crunches for this week. I am going for 800. I have a wedding sat so friday and sat are going to be BUSY! I will try my best! :)
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Idk about tribe names but on the survivor logo it says outwit. Outplayed and outlast...
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    Kristin~ great! we'll add you to the group! If you're up to it & can squeeze out another 200 crunches, making it 1000 total, we'll get 10 bonus points! no pressure though :tongue:

    i've been googling the crap out of tribal names. There isn't anything good at all out there! i've been using google translate trying to find a tribal verson of our current name...or some version. but google translate doesn't have tribal languages to choose from?

    all i could come up with was:

    The ones who call themselves SKINNY!
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Kristin~ great! we'll add you to the group! If you're up to it & can squeeze out another 200 crunches, making it 1000 total, we'll get 10 bonus points! no pressure though :tongue:

    i've been googling the crap out of tribal names. There isn't anything good at all out there! i've been using google translate trying to find a tribal verson of our current name...or some version. but google translate doesn't have tribal languages to choose from?

    all i could come up with was:

    The ones who call themselves SKINNY!

    I like it! :glasses:
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    OK TEAM....

    For the Sept Challenge, we need a new name that will kick butt. Something about going tribal.... I don't watch survivor, so i'm going to need help on this one... The curvettes are going to the surviverette's... I'm going to have to do some internet research!

    Ok... we are HUGE survivor fans, but I'll have to think about a name. Most of Survivor, outside of the challenges, has to do with scheming and trying to make your meager supply of rice last for 40 days. Also... arguing about whether somebody got more rice than you and occasionally some crazy person taking the rice and burying it somewhere on the island so nobody else can have any. :) Well... there's a bit more to it than that, but that's a big part of it. :)

    What about:
    The Immunity Idols
    Drop Your Buffs
    Redemption Island

    Actually... I don't really like any of those names. Who else has suggestions?

    I don't watch Survivor since the 2nd season. Thanks for bringing the rest of us up to speed!:wink: So, then a name about rice..... :huh:

    just kidding:laugh:
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Okay, so outwit is the logo...

    How about Out Wit the Fat
    or Out Wit da Chubby
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    I've been googling and have found:
    Ciqala which means little one
    Wihakayda which also means little one
    Yamaba which means she meets the enemy (enemy being fat maybe?)
    Yaxeka which means new star (new us?)
    IlliniWek meaning the best people
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    This site has some good ones:

    Even one for burning thighs! I can't wait to do up some logo's!
  • kristinmkartist
    kristinmkartist Posts: 119 Member
    K you sucked me into another 200. Kids are snuggling on Couch I am going to pop off another 100 very soon! Its nice the ab workout I do it takes 4 mins for 100 abs. 200 for 6 mins. Its pretty sweet! Painful but nice!!!!
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    This site has some good ones:

    Even one for burning thighs! I can't wait to do up some logo's!

    Haha, love the burned thighs one! Brule!
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 203 Member
    Hey Team!

    Checking in for yesterday and today

    Body Attack Class (normal)
    50 military presses, 3 sets of 21s, extra 3 miles and bonus 200 crunches

    5 mile run (normal)
    200 jumping jacks, 100 mountain climbers, 20 Lunges + 200 crunches

    bonus crunches total so far 500.

    Calling this week Rise of the Machines seems VERY fitting....I am feeling like a workout machine!
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    I am crunched and pressed and JJ and mountain climbed all over the place.

    bonus total crunches so far: 400 (I added in some oblique working crunches x 75)
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Daily check-in...

    I made up my 1 extra mile from yesterday... by swimming it!
    200 one-legged jumping jacks (looked totally ridiculous, but it worked!)
    100 one-legged mountain climbers
    200 crunches (that makes a grand total of 500 for the week so far)

    Going to have to put the lunges off till later in the week... hopefully I can do them by then.

    I am really wondering what my left leg is going to look like by the time I'm able to walk again. It's going to be all buff and muscular, while my right leg still looks like a big, flabby, white ham. Boo. :(

    Ok, I have to brag on John (heofon) for a minute. He just did all 1,000 crunches for the week... AT ONE TIME... before my very eyes. Ho. Ly. Crap. :noway:
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    How about...
    The Lost Weights?