Does this look right?

So, I'm a little unsure about how much I'm eating. I'm following WW too, and working out x3 a week, mostly HIIT, hitting 9-12k steps a day, and using my fitbit to track.
Does this look ok?


  • ninjacakes
    ninjacakes Posts: 24 Member
  • ninjacakes
    ninjacakes Posts: 24 Member
    ninjacakes wrote: »
    So, I'm a little unsure about how much I'm eating.
    Why? You have a food log, which should tell you how much you eat. How are you logging?
    I'm following WW too, and working out x3 a week, mostly HIIT, hitting 9-12k steps a day, and using my fitbit to track.
    Does this mean you're logging exercise and eating back exercise calories?
    Does this look ok?
    It doesn't, but are you feeling ok? How long have you been doing this, what's your height and weight, and how is your weight trend? A week of undereating is no big deal, it just leads to overeating later, and no weight loss. Bad logging leads to eating more than you think, and no weight loss. Consistent undereating over time leads to malnutrition.

    I'm not eating enough. I'm weighing it all out. Need to eat more to lose!
  • ninjacakes
    ninjacakes Posts: 24 Member
    Assuming your logging is accurate, this doesn't look okay. You're severely undereating. If your goal is 1490, your weekly net average is supposed to be close to 1490, not considerably under it.

    It's one week and you're learning, so it's okay, but try to eat more moving forward. Starving yourself long term is not healthy.

    I've been like this a while, but been using mfp properly the last few weeks. I need to eat more:/
  • Redordeadhead
    Redordeadhead Posts: 1,188 Member
    Are you really asking if eating 600 calories is ok? I think you know the answer to that. Please eat more, your health is more important than fast weight loss.
  • mazurkiepolish
    mazurkiepolish Posts: 363 Member
    You can’t be feeling alright if you are actively working out and severely under eating like this. Are you sure you are logging correctly? I understand you want to lose weight but this isn’t the way to do it. You already know that you are under eating, yourself.
  • ninjacakes
    ninjacakes Posts: 24 Member
    You can’t be feeling alright if you are actively working out and severely under eating like this. Are you sure you are logging correctly? I understand you want to lose weight but this isn’t the way to do it. You already know that you are under eating, yourself.

    I've realised I'm not eating enough :(
  • funjen1972
    funjen1972 Posts: 949 Member
    It looks like the screenshot is net calories, after exercise. Is that right? How many calories are you burning/logging for exercise?. It would be helpful to review your gross calories.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    ninjacakes wrote: »
    You can’t be feeling alright if you are actively working out and severely under eating like this. Are you sure you are logging correctly? I understand you want to lose weight but this isn’t the way to do it. You already know that you are under eating, yourself.

    I've realised I'm not eating enough :(

    feel free to open your diary if you want some food and logging tips?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    edited September 2018
    This is similar to the question you had in

    Eat more. Same answer as we all gave you in the other thread. You got good answers in that thread, maybe go back and read all the links.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,121 Member
    edited September 2018
  • ninjacakes
    ninjacakes Posts: 24 Member
    This is similar to the question you had in

    Eat more. Same answer as we all gave you in the other thread. You got good answers in that thread, maybe go back and read all the links.

    My notifications don't always show up, and as I'm new to this, what's wrong in trying to get it right
  • ninjacakes
    ninjacakes Posts: 24 Member
    Are you really asking if eating 600 calories is ok? I think you know the answer to that. Please eat more, your health is more important than fast weight loss.

    It's my net calories
  • ninjacakes
    ninjacakes Posts: 24 Member
    ninjacakes wrote: »
    ninjacakes wrote: »
    So, I'm a little unsure about how much I'm eating.
    Why? You have a food log, which should tell you how much you eat. How are you logging?
    I'm following WW too, and working out x3 a week, mostly HIIT, hitting 9-12k steps a day, and using my fitbit to track.
    Does this mean you're logging exercise and eating back exercise calories?
    Does this look ok?
    It doesn't, but are you feeling ok? How long have you been doing this, what's your height and weight, and how is your weight trend? A week of undereating is no big deal, it just leads to overeating later, and no weight loss. Bad logging leads to eating more than you think, and no weight loss. Consistent undereating over time leads to malnutrition.

    I'm not eating enough. I'm weighing it all out. Need to eat more to lose!
    Your conclusion, as well as not answering key questions, makes me unsure you're logging correctly.
    Are you losing weight rapidly, faster than the weightloss rate you picked, not including initial water weight drop?
    Are you feeling tired/lethargic, overly hungry, irritable, unfocused?
    Are you picking valid (validated by you) food entries?
    Is your intake after logging (and eating back) exercise calories?

    I can't answer all questions all in one without having to go back.
    I am new to this. I want to get it right. With responses like this, how can I. What's wrong in trying to make sure I'm doing it right if these are the responses. I work, I don't have time, until later, to respond fully.

    This is my net calories. I weigh my food, have done before, therefore, think I'm quite accurate in logging.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    ninjacakes wrote: »
    ninjacakes wrote: »
    ninjacakes wrote: »
    So, I'm a little unsure about how much I'm eating.
    Why? You have a food log, which should tell you how much you eat. How are you logging?
    I'm following WW too, and working out x3 a week, mostly HIIT, hitting 9-12k steps a day, and using my fitbit to track.
    Does this mean you're logging exercise and eating back exercise calories?
    Does this look ok?
    It doesn't, but are you feeling ok? How long have you been doing this, what's your height and weight, and how is your weight trend? A week of undereating is no big deal, it just leads to overeating later, and no weight loss. Bad logging leads to eating more than you think, and no weight loss. Consistent undereating over time leads to malnutrition.

    I'm not eating enough. I'm weighing it all out. Need to eat more to lose!
    Your conclusion, as well as not answering key questions, makes me unsure you're logging correctly.
    Are you losing weight rapidly, faster than the weightloss rate you picked, not including initial water weight drop?
    Are you feeling tired/lethargic, overly hungry, irritable, unfocused?
    Are you picking valid (validated by you) food entries?
    Is your intake after logging (and eating back) exercise calories?

    I can't answer all questions all in one without having to go back.
    I am new to this. I want to get it right. With responses like this, how can I. What's wrong in trying to make sure I'm doing it right if these are the responses. I work, I don't have time, until later, to respond fully.

    This is my net calories. I weigh my food, have done before, therefore, think I'm quite accurate in logging.

    What are your gross calories for the last week? How are you measuring your calories burnt?
  • TrishSeren
    TrishSeren Posts: 587 Member
    I never even look at net calories. How many calories do you have at the end of each day? Are you meeting your daily calorie goal? Are you over it or under it? The only number I look at is the one in my daily diary. Keep it simple.

    Also eat back your exercise calories, that’s how MFP was designed.