Gym or no gym ?

I would like to ask for opinions on how useful the gym is for weight loss .
So basically I have a very physical job and eat still like a pig ( main problem ) so now I been given the option to join a gym and I was thinking maybe that plus sorting out eating would finally help me lose weight .

Anyone good experience with going to the gym
And actually
Losing weight ? I heard from loads of people who struggle which sounds insane .


  • MagnumOpus1
    MagnumOpus1 Posts: 161 Member
    Calories dictate whether or not you loose weight. The gym dictates how you actually look. The more muscle you have the better you'll look.

    I worked a physical job while lifting too. All you do is figure out your tdee, eat in a calorie deficit and lift. 3 -4 days would be a good base. No need to run yourself bingo the ground by working out daily. Just makes those workouts count.
  • stargazerscribe
    stargazerscribe Posts: 44 Member
    I've done both, and as others said, diet is key too.
    I've gone to the gym 4x times a week and dieted, and lost weight. And then another time, I've jogged/walked 4x a week and lost a similar amount of weight. Calorie deficit is your friend. Each pound of fat is 3500 calories, so as long as you're burning more than you eat, no gym required!
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    If I had access to a gym without breaking the bank I would use it but it wouldn't make me lose weight. The one thing I regret about my journey is that I didn't work to maintain muscle while losing. But I lost weight fine without working out. I did walk daily and still do but I think if I had worked out my maintenance calories might be a little higher. I'm sure I lost some muscle. I need to do a recomp now to build some. So no it won't make you lose weight but it might help you to maintain if you like working out and will continue to do that.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    I think you need to define your interests and goals here to determine if you want a gym membership.

    I know people who are already physically active who do have gym memberships and go there regularly. Usually they have specific exercise interests. One is a body builder, another does triathlons, one does martial arts, and a few do yoga or other stretching to help heal or avoid injuries. Also, having a family membership at a YMCA is helpful for kid swim classes and the like.

    One lesson I learned in my weight loss, was that exercise alone isn't the answer most of the time. And you don't have to even exercise incredibly hard for results.

    "Join a gym" is typically a quick answer given to people trying to lose weight, and it isn't for everyone. I like gyms but can't really afford one and have done just fine walking, hiking, dancing, doing yoga, and the like.
  • orngnerdz
    orngnerdz Posts: 583 Member
    I've lost about 30 pounds since June by going to the gym and maintaining a healthy diet. At my gym, there are HIIT classes as well as strength training classes, I do two of each every week and well as try and get at least 10,000 steps every day. In the past when I have joined a gym, I have failed because there was no accountability or support. I pay a good chunk of change for my gym, but this is the first time I have been successful in my life and it is worth it to me. Good luck!
  • thisPGHlife
    thisPGHlife Posts: 440 Member
    edited September 2018
    I think your motivation for going to the gym is important. If it's only to lose weight you may be less likely to stick with it and your better off using that time to work on your eating habits. If it's just because it's free or cheap, I feel like there are better uses of your time and money.

    I'm not saying don't go to the gym. I have a gym membership and I go three days a week. However, at the moment, I don't go for weight training. Eventually I will but, because of where I'm at in my journey, body weight fitness works for me and I can do that just about anywhere. I also bike, run, and hike. If this gym has classes you want to take, or a pool you want to utilize, or something you want to accomplish there, go for it! Or if you aren't sure what you want to accomplish, and aren't locked into a contract, maybe join for a month or two and try different things. Talk to the staff and see if they have some insight or if there's an amenity you didn't know about like a free personal training assessment and first workout. But you have so many options for exercising that if you feel kinda meh about going to the gym, but you love hiking, then maybe your money is better spent on hiking and snow shoeing gear.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that for weight loss the priority is usually food. For overall health and fitness, look to exercise. And your exercise doesn't have to be confined to the gym, but the gym is a good resource.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,324 Member
    gym. <3
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    I have a YMCA membership and go about once a week for a class I really enjoy. Most of my exercise I get is by running, which I do right out my front door. I used to use my gym membership more frequently, but my favorite instructor quit, so the class schedules no longer work with my life schedules. I also use the treadmill and spin bike when it's too cold to run outside or want additional cross training opportunities.

    Ultimately joining a gym comes down to whether or not the gym is where you feel like you will do the exercise you will stick with. Is there some classes you want to try? Are you following a weight lifting program? Do you want access to machines like an elliptical or treadmill because that is your favorite type of exercise? If you can answer yes to some of those questions, then a gym membership may be right for you.

    If you have NO idea what you would do at the gym, maybe research what you would do or consider just going on a walk every day to begin adding physical activity into your life regimen.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I would like to ask for opinions on how useful the gym is for weight loss .
    So basically I have a very physical job and eat still like a pig ( main problem ) so now I been given the option to join a gym and I was thinking maybe that plus sorting out eating would finally help me lose weight .

    Anyone good experience with going to the gym
    And actually
    Losing weight ? I heard from loads of people who struggle which sounds insane .

    Exercise is not needed to lose weight, that happens by what you do in the kitchen, not the gym. However, exercise can make what is left look better.

    Each person needs to decide for themselves if a gym membership makes sense and is worth the money. What kinds of workouts do you want to do? Do you need equipment to do it? Do you need guidance like from a personal trainer? If you prefer running or walking you don't need a gym but a group might be fun and helpful. Do you want to swim? You need to find water and a gym membership is usually the only way, community pools aren't usually good for lap swimming.

    Give serious thought as to your time available, financial situation, and what exercise you want to do and go from there.