Women Only! Sorry guys you can't offer me any help LOL!

ChelseyL1015 Posts: 12
edited October 1 in Chit-Chat
Okay ladies it's that "time of month" again! I was wondering if any of you gain weight during it and about how much you gain? Just wondering, because I think my weight gain may be too much! Thank you in advance :)


  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    It's all in the pants
  • i personally can gain anywhere from 5-8 lbs during mine. A couple of days though and it's back to normal. :D
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I'm glad you asked this because I've always wondered about his.
  • Omgosh! That's EXACTLY me and I was thinking it was to much as I've asked some co-workers and they say 1lb or maybe 2. But I BLOAT up around 5 to 8 pounds! Thanks so much :)
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    Yes I can.

    Yes you likely will.
  • im usually up 5-10....always dissappointing, but remember that that's why
  • I wish it was only 1-2!!! LOL!!

    It's also nice to know I'm not the only one either!! :D
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    What is this "time of the month" you speak of? :indifferent:
  • celeschris
    celeschris Posts: 1 Member
    I gain anywhere between 3 to 5 pounds!! It's normal to gain from water retention due to your cycle! Funny V44V!!
  • deenaspell
    deenaspell Posts: 227 Member
    I'm usually about 3 lbs. Ugh. I hate it.
  • bearsfan68
    bearsfan68 Posts: 85 Member
    I gain 3-5lbs
  • LOL :tongue:
  • Sparrow_Feet
    Sparrow_Feet Posts: 76 Member
    I find I gain weight in the 5 days immediately prior to the start of my TOM, it stays with me and then goes after TOM. I guess we are all different in the way that our bodies respond!
  • Rainbow011
    Rainbow011 Posts: 61 Member
    Okay ladies it's that "time of month" again! I was wondering if any of you gain weight during it and about how much you gain? Just wondering, because I think my weight gain may be too much! Thank you in advance :)

    I don't really gain any weight, just get a bit bloated.
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    Not much at all actually, goes away after the third day for me. I don't really give into cravings though, I just exercise more than usual.
  • tashstodd
    tashstodd Posts: 11 Member
    I gain anywhere from 3-5lbs with mine, luckily it does't stay on for long!!!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Well ive only had mine for about 20 years now so I dont really have it figured out yet get back to me in 15 more years
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Omg, you gain weight? I never do. That would totally freak me out.
  • awelch79
    awelch79 Posts: 233 Member
    I am with you...usually anwhere from 6-8 lbs and as soon as its over (about 5 days) its gone...
    And even tho I know this will happen...I still get pissy when it does. :sad:
    JENIFER_AZ Posts: 235 Member
    I always gain 2-3 pounds. I will take a water pill if I feel "terrible". Whenever AF is over, I'm back down, sometimes even less. I hate AF!!!!!
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