Being happy with who I am

Now that you're in maintenance, does anyone here ever have little lapses where they feel uncomfortable not dieting anymore?

After losing 42lbs for my wedding last year, I've been trying to find a way I can maintain my weight without having to "diet" as extremely.

I'm really struggling to get the "you need to be smaller" voices out of my head. I worked so hard and it became such a big part of my life. I've stopped weighing myself as a first step towards living more normally, but it's hard to lose those weight loss habits.

Can anyone relate? What did you do to get those demons to go away?


  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I tend to always feel happy, regardless of my weight - BUT: I never feel healthy, agile, flexible and easy to move about with my weight. (started on 170 kg, 375 pounds). After 170 days of small changes, a healthier lifestyle and a much better meal plan (thank you MFP!!!) I have lost 23 kg - about 48 pounds and I am slowly starting to feel better. Little lapses do happen once in a while but I look at the greater picture (actually my own smaller picture), take it meal by meal, day by day. I have no idea what my "ideal weight" would be and so far this doesn't bother me at all. As long as I'll feel healthy one day and fit into clothes a "Mr. average" would wear.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Was your diet extreme? did you lose weight very quickly?

    Maintenance is just like losing, we just get to eat more calories so I suppose it always feels like I'm basically on a 'diet' as such, but that term only applies because I still think in terms of calories in and out and keeping the balance right to maintain. But even when I was losing I ate a good amount of calories and was happy with a slower loss so I can't say I felt deprived and it certainly wasn't extreme.

    I know where you're coming from about those voices telling you you need to be smaller, I still get those too, and I'm at maintenance 5 years! that's just something we might have to keep working on, quietening that inner voice. Most of the time I can quieten it but sometimes I can't - thankfully the majority of the time I am extremely happy with my progress.

    I still weigh myself daily, I will not stop doing that - not weighing myself is what led to weight gain to begin with. Using a trending weight app really helps me keep perspective.

    My lose weight goals became fitness goals - perhaps that's something you could now look at?
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,733 Member
    I feel like I'm still dieting, just as much as I did to lose the weight. Yes, I get more calories so manage to get more treats, but I've learned that if I don't monitor what I eat, my occasional treats become daily ones which always ends up with me gaining weight. I've done the yoyo thing all my life. I'd rather lose 5 pounds than try to lose 40, so I know I need to pay attention now, while I'm in maintenance, rather than try to start the weight loss journey over again.

    As to goals, I'm a runner who likes to do occasional races. I put in the training so I see good results. ie. I qualified for and ran Boston last spring. That is sufficient motivation to both keep my weight down and continue to exercise daily.
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,112 Member
    Everyone is different but for me being mindful of what I eat will never stop. I have gained a few pounds over the last few weeks. Its time for me to tighten up my consumption of the good stuff & get back on track!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    My approach is different. I regained a few pounds this summer when I stopped weighing myself and took a mental break from the scale.

    The past four weeks I've buckled down to lose my regain. I still have-not weighed myself.. but I almost look like I want to . I have another pound or two on my stomach. When I visually look the way I want. I'm stepping on the scale..and that's going to be my goal weight. From then on. I'm weighing myself all the time so I never get another weight creep. I've done that so many times.

    I'm tired of long periods of having to diet..and chasing goal weights picked from the sky. I just want to move on with my life and put all this energy of dieting into something else productive. Also..nothing is better than being thin and able to buy clothes and look like yourself. That does make me happy. yo yo ing.. and regaining all the weight would be depressing.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I think maybe OP deleted her account.