Swat Walking Group - August - New Members welcome!



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    Welcome Amanda! It's open to anyone. We choose our own goals for walking/exercise each month and then state them on this thread. Some of us use exercise tickers from tickerfactor.com to track progress for either miles walked, minutes of exercise, etc. You check in as often as you want to report your progress but we also talk about our day, jobs, family, fun things we do, frustrations, etc. and praise or encourage one another when needed. It's never too late to join us...

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome, Amanda!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sandy--It's your first day at the new job! I hope you have a great day!:heart:

    I'm hanging in there and walking, though not as much as I should! Been having a tough time with minor aches and pains. My DD thinks I should try her inversion table and hang upside down for a bit every day, Thinking about it.

    Have a wonderful day, all, and I will try to get back later (but not promising anything!).
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Hi Everyone and Welcome to the group Amanda! :happy:

    First day on the job was great. I really think it's going to work out. I guess I was just a little gun shy after the last one. It's a very small office and it will be just me and one other woman in the accounting department besides the controller.

    Alice, I can actually wear blue jeans to work everyday and most of the guys had on shorts! I think I've gone from one extreme to the other but I'm really feeling good about it so far. The only problem is now I have to restock my wardrobe with the casual stuff! Darn! I guess I'll have to go shopping!

    I've really got to get back on the exercise track. I"m still going on vacation next week but I plan to do lots of walking on the beach like Teresa! I knew August was going to be hit and miss for me and the exercising but I really didn't think it would be this much miss.

    It's so nice to come here and see everyone moving along, it makes me realize more how much I'm missing.

    Keep up the good work and thanks for all the positive thoughts today!
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks all,,, well I've struggled to work out the past few days... Got a nasty sunburn( first and only this year) ... Completely whipped me out... Can't wait till I'm back to normal...thanks I can use all the support I can get!!

  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    Hello, Everyone.

    I'm envious of the cooler weather some of you are having --- still in triple digits here in Phoenix --- and the vacations ---- schools start at the beginning of August (not after Labor Day) here in Phoenix, so even though it's still hot, hot, hot, "summer" is over. :glasses:

    On a happy note, after a month stuck at 99, I finally got my badge into the triple digits for My Weight Loss Progress!. HOORAY! It's been over a year, but I'm really hopeful that slow and steady will allow me to win the race in keeping the weight off. I've gone from no exercise to using the Walk Away the Pounds one/two mile tapes a few days a week to using the three/four/five mile tapes five/six days a week. It's the one program I have found that I can and will stick with. In fact, yesterday I went to the Diamondbacks game (we won!), and the old me would have just gone home after and watched TV and lazed around, but the new me wanted to get my exercise in, so I popped in a Sansone tape when i got home.

    Stay strong, everyone, and stay focused on your goals.

  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    2 fast miles in this morning
  • Hello,

    How do I go about joining this SWAT Walking Group? And what is the challenge or what does it consist of?

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Congratulations on making the 100 club AZ! I knew you would do it! :flowerforyou: I know it's a good feeling when the scale finally realizes you mean business!

    Anita, You don't have to do anything special to join us. You make your own goal and just check in here when you can. We're here to support each other no matter what our individual goals may be. We usually start fresh each month so we can adjust our goals as we need to. If you'd like to jump in just set a goal for the rest of the month and get to work. Some of us walk, some do other stuff and some of us do a variety. Whatever you like is fine. Welcome to the group! :happy:

    I finally got in a workout with the Jenny Ford. I think some of the guys around my house are going to have to start doing some of the cooking, 9:00 is too late to be finishing up dinner. Now I"m pooped!

    Nite all, see you tomorrow!
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    did good this morning got 3 miles in this morning.
  • Hello Everyone!

    Welcome to the group Amanda and Anita. This is a great place to get the support you need. :smile:

    AZ - Way to go on reaching the 100 pound loss. Keep up the good work and I know you will be able to keep the weight off. :flowerforyou:

    Sandy - I'm glad your enjoying your new job. I'm so jealous that you get to wear jeans to work. I would love to quit wearing hose.

    Leslie - Great job on your miles. You're doing great!

    Well, I've been doing some walking since the beach, but it has been at a very slow to moderate pace. I've been getting in about 1-2 miles every other day. I hope to increase it next week to 2-3 miles each day for at least 5 days. Keep fingers crossed!

    Everyone have a great evening!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    You all are doing great! WTG! Now I need you all to line up and then give me big kicks in the behind to get back on track and exercise regularly! The heat continues to zap me and I continue to use it as an excuse to be lazy. I know if I would just be active again I would be back on track but right now I'm playing mental games with myself.:grumble:

    So no exercise in the last two days for me. I need to get on my bike this weekend and also go to the gym. I will commit to doing it!

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Welcome, Amanda and Anita!:flowerforyou:

    AZ--Congrats on reaching the 100 mark! Great job!

    Jenny--I need to get back on a real exercise schedule, too. I don't know why but, lately I have to force myself to do anything! It's annoying and frustrating, too!
    I can't blame it on the heat, either, as we have not exactly had much of a summer. Just a lack of motivation, I guess. I need to push through this.
  • Lesliet05
    Lesliet05 Posts: 148
    felt froggy this morning got 5 miles in. Will be feeling that tomorrow :wink:
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    I'm here but not too active yet!

  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Happy Friday Everybody!

    Well I made it through the first week at the new job and feeling pretty good about it. The drive isn't too bad and everyone has been very nice so far.

    I did get in my Jenny Ford workout yesterday but almost forgot to log it in. I didn't workout tonight and I'll probably spend most of tomorrow packing and getting everything ready to leave Sunday for the beach! YaY! I can't wait. I'm not sure I'll get to log in while I'm gone and if I do I won't have access to the message boards. My phone app only does the food & exercise journals.

    I hope you all have a great week. I'm really going to have to get back on track for September. I've been goofing around for most of this year. I need to get serious and knock off a few more pounds. But you know, I'm still happy with my results. I"ve never been able to maintain a weight loss for any amount of time so hanging around the same weight is a good thing too. And I've NEVER exercised regularly in my whole life so this is new ground for me.

    Hang in there everybody, fall is on the way. I think I'm more energetic when the weather is cooler.
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Have fun Sandy! I am still here just to busy to post. Did a Latin Core workout today. An old dvd, killer moves! Oooow.
    Still have the aches and pains but on my feet and in the game. See the Dr. the 31, by then all will be well, I just know it!!!!!!!!!!

    Onward and upward, Alice
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    Ok I finally went out for a walk. It's much cooler out now and felt really good. We walked for 40 minutes and I will do so again tomorrow!

  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,425 Member
    Go Jenny!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Sandy--So glad your first week went well. Have a wonderful vacation!

    Yesterday I did a fast mile with Leslie then a lot of cleaning.
    Took the bus to Target to check out their new fresh foods section. Prices aren't bad but the best thing--for me, anyway--is that they don't spray water all over the veggies periodically the way grocery stores do. I hate that! The produce goes bad a lot faster (which I' sure is part of the plan!). I complain about this but ...!
    (I just cannot afford to have my produce not last even a few days! I used to be able to buy it once a week but that was YEARS ago! Now I'm lucky if it lasts 2 days before it starts getting icky! I just don't like going to the store that often!

    Okay, didn't mean to start ranting but that has been a pet peeve of mine since the stores started doing it.

    Got in lots of walking on my shopping trip and today I plan on weeding the side yard and front garden.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    Farmer's market this morning and just got done making mini egg crustless quiches in a muffin tin. 103 calories each. I froze 8 and put 4 in the fridge so we can each try one with toast and fruit tomorrow. Now out to weed my gardens and grate the Irish Spring Soap on top:o)

    Kathy, do you have a small farmer's market near you? We've found that produce locally grown and not sprayed with all the bad stuff lasts so much longer. We just buy a few things each week (broccoli, onions, carrots, spinach, peppers, etc.) We try to meal plan and then we know what to buy and try to use it up before we go again...

    Going to put on the HRM for weeding...
