Do you work out every day? Post your routine!



  • genpopadopolous
    genpopadopolous Posts: 411 Member
    I am stay at home mom so my schedule is a little looser than most.

    I do a 6 day cycle-
    1-Upper Body
    2-Lower Body
    3- Easy Steady State Cardio
    4-HIIT/ something similar
    5-Full Body circuits
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    I workout everyday except for Saturdays. I figure I am off of work and usually running around so I am already burning more calories than I do during the week when I am at work. My current schedule is:

    Monday - Chest and Abs
    Tuesday - Morning Cardio and Body Pump class at night
    Wednesday - Shoulders and Arms
    Thursday - Morning Cardio and Body Pump class at night
    Friday - Morning Legs and evening Back
    Saturday - Off
    Sunday - Heavy weights - Squats/Deadlift/Bench/OHP

    That's it! :D
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    monday butt leg day
    tuesday upper body
    wednesday core/cardio
    thursday regular leg day
    friday upper body
    saturday active rest day like hiking, walking etc.
    sunday full rest day or just running errands which seems to get me to my daily activity goal anyway
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    Mon: swim laps + deep water cardio class
    Tues: swim laps + deep water cardio class
    Wed: trail run
    Thurs: swim laps + deep water cardio
    Fri: swim laps
    Sat: hike in mountains
    Sun: trail run

    I'm adding in two days of lifting starting in October. That will probably be Tues & Fri before the deep water class.
  • achickwwit
    achickwwit Posts: 31 Member
    I workout everyday except for Saturdays. I figure I am off of work and usually running around so I am already burning more calories than I do during the week when I am at work. My current schedule is:

    Monday - Chest and Abs
    Tuesday - Morning Cardio and Body Pump class at night
    Wednesday - Shoulders and Arms
    Thursday - Morning Cardio and Body Pump class at night
    Friday - Morning Legs and evening Back
    Saturday - Off
    Sunday - Heavy weights - Squats/Deadlift/Bench/OHP

    That's it! :D

  • jtechmart
    jtechmart Posts: 67 Member
    Right now I'm cutting and just starting again after a long layoff. So, my routine is pretty simple. I'll start mixing it up after 30 days, but due to just getting started again, I'm keeping it simple and dedicated to staying on track each day.

    50 min walk at noon.
    40-50 cardio at night, usually treadmill or elliptical.

    Usually get around 20,000 steps per day according to fitbit.
  • flowerhorsey
    flowerhorsey Posts: 154 Member
    It's so interesting to see what everyone does!! :smile: :):)
    This week looks like this so far: (weight training)
    Today: chest back bi And Tris
    Tuesday: shoulders, abs
    Wednesday: legs
    Thursday: 2nd back and chest day
    Fri: second shoulder, abs day or glutes focus day or Olympic complexes
    Saturday: legs or Olympic
    Sunday: rest, walk, or bike or blade
  • brushfire97
    brushfire97 Posts: 2 Member
    Monday - Kayla Itsines BBG
    Tuesday - Crazy Eight routine (jumping jacks, abs, mountain climbers, squats, push ups, lunges, burpees, triceps)
    Wednesday - Kayla Itsines BBG
    Thursday - Run (3+ miles at this time, working up to 6 miles)
    Friday - Kayla Itsines BBG
    Saturday - 1000 calorie workout OR yoga OR run OR cycling class, I'm not too particular about the exercise just want to do something.
    Sunday - rest

    My best friend and I also started a challenge recently of a 100 squats everyday. I try to never workout for more than 60 minutes and that includes warmup and stretching.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Lists are good. I tend to keep to a list then when I wing my exercises. Here's my workout this week:

    Mp - upper body strength, 4 mile run
    Tu - lower body strength, easy 2 miler
    We -off
    Th - upper body strength, 3 mile run
    Fr - lower body strength
    Sa - off
    Su - 4 mile run
  • Hi,

    Mondays: Rest Day because I work 14-16 hours.
    Tuesdays: Ballroom dance 40 Minutes followed by 1 hour of Elliptical
    Wednesdays: 1 hour Cardio and 30 minutes Strength Training
    Thursdays: 1 hour Cardio at the gym and at least 1 hour walk with the dog
    Fridays: 1 hour Cardio and 30 minutes strength training
    Saturdays: 1 hour Cardio, 1 hour walk with dog and strength training
    Sundays: 1 hour Cardio and if I have time I walk with the dog (Usually I work Sundays)