What is your daily routine??



  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    Maintain a calorie deficit over weeks and months. How you do that is entirely up to you.
  • joaniebalonie088
    joaniebalonie088 Posts: 93 Member
    5:30am - Wake up, report straight to coffee maker (black coffee FTW!)

    5:45am - shower/get ready for work

    6:30am - pack and pre-log lunch and snacks

    7:00am-3:30pm - work; lunch 11am, light snacks as needed; try to walk for 30 min at lunch

    3:30-4:30 - errands/commute home, light snack before gym if needed

    4:30-6:30pm - gym and dog walking (if no gym, then longer walk!)

    6:30 -9:30pm - dinner, shower, chores/chill time

    9:30pm - bed

  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    4:00 - Wake up, feed cat, get ready for gym
    4:30-5:30 gym time (weights or cardio/weights)
    5:45 - make sure daughter and wife are up and moving, cook breakfast for them (I do IF so no breakfast for me)
    6:15 - dial into office and clear emails, set up work for the day
    6:40 - take daughter to meet school bus
    7:00 - 16:00 work (from home 90% of the time), eat lunch around noon
    16:15 - pick up daughter
    17:00 - cook dinner (split duties with the BH)
    18:00 - 21:00 chores, honey-does, etc
    21:15 - asleep
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    edited September 2018
    3:00AM -- Wake up, make coffee, and work my second (from-home) job, often still in bed.
    6:30-6:45AM -- Shower, dress, feed cats, go through morning stuff with my son, etc.
    7:20AM(ish) -- make more coffee to bring to work, eat breakfast.
    7:40AM -- leave for main job (academic secretary).
    12:00PM -- lunch. Usually I go home and have leftovers or something simple like a sandwich and salad; sometimes I swing by McDonald's or Subway; occasionally I'll go somewhere nice with a friend (today I went out for sushi, actually).
    1:00PM -- back at work, typey typey typey.
    5:00PM -- swing by the store if it's a grocery day or we're out of something, stopping by my third job first if it's a Tuesday.
    5:15-6:00PM -- home to relax and hang out with my kid for a while, watch some TV, sometimes with bonus wine or cocktails.
    6:30PM(ish) -- cook and eat dinner, which could be anything from a frozen convenience meal plus salad to an elaborate meal I prepped for two days, depending on my energy levels and time.
    7:30PM(ish) -- check in with my second job; finish up anything I didn't do that morning, plan the next day's work.
    8:30PM -- check kiddo's homework, laundry, etc.; feed the cats and clean the kitchen; make sure tomorrow's alarms are set.
    9:00PM -- reading time in bed, AKA my favorite part of the day. I sometimes include snacks.
    11:00PM-1:00AM -- if I'm lucky, I I fall asleep somewhere around here!

    My best "health" habits are pretty simple. After my morning coffee I drink water all day at work and home. I make sure every meal includes either a fruit, multiple vegetables, or both. I mostly eat lean proteins and I keep an eye on my portions. When I was logging/losing I did the same things, except I pre-logged my food a few days in advance and prepared it to the portion sizes I'd pre-selected.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited September 2018
    3:45 - Out of bed, get dressed/ablutions, go to gym
    4:30 to 6:00 - gym workout, shower at gym, get ready for work
    7:00 - Work. Make and drink black coffee. Log all food for the day.
    9:00 - Walk on my morning break.
    9:30 - Breakfast. Plain greek yogurt mixed with protein powder and berries.
    12:00 - Walk on lunch break.
    1:00 - Eat lunch at desk.
    2:00 - Walk on afternoon break
    2:30 - Protein bar and Monster Ultra Zero
    3:30 - Leave work and head back to gym to finish workout
    5:30ish - Pick up son from whatever sport
    6:00 - Make dinner
    6:30 - Eat dinner
    7:30 - Pack gym bag, lay out gym and work clothes, pack breakfast/lunch/snack for the next day
    7:45 - Bed, read until tired. Usually asleep by 9:00 at the latest.

    ETA: Not sure what happened to make the post epically long.

  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    OK well my ACTUAL routine on a regular day.

    6.30 Get up, put on laid out workout clothes, hit go on prepped coffee pot, feed cats, ablutions. Drink coffee, eat light breakfast, probably yoghurt and fruit
    8.00 Let chickens out and feed them and the goats and the outdoor cat, get my junk together and head to the gym or trail
    8.30-10 Workout of some kind, snack
    10-12 Run errands if needed, go home and shower, get to my desk and assess what's in store
    Some time between 12.30 and 1.30 I'll have lunch, and go back to work
    4.30-5.30 quittin' time. Have a snack or a cup of tea, play some playstation if I'm on top of cleaning, or do the cat boxes or empty the dishwasher, house stuff
    Currently 6.30 (sunset-ish) Feed everything, put chickens to bed, feed self. Other housey stuff and in bed with a book by 8.30-9 and read till 10.30, lights out, snoozage.

    Two weeknights I bail at 6pm and drive an hour to skate three hours then head home and fall into bed and try to get up as close to 6.30 as possible. I'll pack a sandwich and some veggies and fruit and eat in the car those nights, or hit Subway.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I've been on maintenance now for several years. I don't really have a set routine. In terms of weight, the only thing that really matters is making sure I stay within my calorie goals over time. (The occasional holiday splurge is OK.) Everything else is irrelevant.

    In terms of fitness, I make sure I'm actively exercising every day. In the past, if I skipped a day I tended to get out of the habit and start slacking off, start skipping more and more days. So I don't take rest days anymore. If I need a break, I just do something non-strenuous, like dog walking. Now that I think of it, I haven't missed a day of activity in over a year now. I haven't been sick in that time period, either. I wonder if the two are related or if it's just coincidence...
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,072 Member
    I was going to write out my schedule but really I don't see how that is going to help you. What I do over the course of my day to help maintain a calorie deficit is probably more helpful.
    • Plan my food and exercise ahead where possible - I don't always stick to it but I stick to it more often than I don't
    • Increase NEAT by spending less time sitting and more time moving, I do this by taking parcels up to other floors at work, getting up from my desk to get water, doing squats in the bathroom, spending less time on the sofa at home.
    • Try to buy only the food I have factored into my planned food for the week and avoid buying foods that I have a hard time controlling intake of.
    • Tracking non scale goals so I don't obsess when the scale isn't moving (things like steps, sleep, hydration, protein intake, exercise)

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    The key for me was logging everything I ate, staying consistently at calorie deficit and moving a bit more than I used to. Losing weight really is as simple as taking in less calories than we burn. And being patient, because it takes far longer than we think.
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    Wake up
  • MikePfirrman
    MikePfirrman Posts: 3,307 Member
    edited September 2018
    I recently celebrated six years of maintenance. I don't log anymore (after three years of religiously logging on another site). If someone is losing, log every day and log everything.

    My day:
    Wake up 5:40 - someone tell my dogs that weekends exist please!!
    Drink coffee, pet dogs and cats
    7:00 - kiss wife, get to work (I work at home)
    12:00 - row for an hour (or lift and row) Might do Assault Bike sometimes (I'm a bit injured right now so more of this)
    1:00 - shower and either make wife lunch before she works or eat
    1:45 - back to work, if hungry later will eat bag of plain veggies. Love me some Trader Joe's veggies.
    4:00 - let dogs out, they are getting on my nerves. Let them out in the yard to bark and annoy neighbors instead of me...
    5:30 - Make dinner or go out with wife.
    7:00 - Pickleball or some TV with a lighter snack (usually PB on fruit or Grass fed yogurt, granola and berries, maybe a popsicle).
    9:30 - Kiss wife and five animals good night (the animals literally line up for kisses, three dogs and two cats). Get to bed.

    I workout fasted. "Breakfast is the most important meal" is a crap statement. I eat huge lunches and dinners at times and that holds me over fine. Veggies for snacks are great. Keep your junk that you love out of the house.