Remind me why it's better to lose weight slowly. Frustrated.



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    My husband and I have been losing weight together for a month.
    I've lost 9 pounds this month (its probably more like 5 pounds, because my starting weight was right after an all inclusive vacation so I'm sure I was holding onto some water weight) and he's lost 20!
    Everyone is telling him how good he looks and no one has even noticed my loss. I was even told today, "Why aren't you trying to lose weight like your husband?" Bish! I am! I'm trying to do it slowly because I want to conserve muscle and I really really really really like eating.

    Just frustrated.
    Thanks for letting me vent.

    This is BEYOND unacceptable! There's no way I would've let this comment slide and I certainly wouldn't let it get to me. What a completely insensitive and idiotic thing to say.

    Great advice from everyone else already: just keep doing what you're doing. Be consistent. It will pay off.

    Yeah... it was my mom who said it... She's always said snide comments about my weight. I can usually ignore them but this time it hurt because I HAVE lost weight but it's not showing yet because I'm purposely going slow.

    Do you and your husband have exactly the same amount of weight to lose?

    Actually, yes (I didn't realize this until just now hahaha)

    Which is how much? Losing 20lbs in a month is far too fast unless you have over 100lbs to lose.

    40 pounds. (He started at 220 I started at 190) I keep trying to tell him that! But he won't listen! And everyone telling him how good he looks isn't helping!

    He isn't keen on muscle then?

    As someone said, comparrison is the thief of joy, i wouldnt worry what he's doing.

    Stop talking about weight loss and then people won't have anything to comment on!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    It's annoying but try not to worry about it too much. Keep doing what you're doing and in the end it'll pay off. You've lost a lot of weight for just a month. My mom makes snide comments like that too lol :) She doesn't have a filter.
  • JulesBooth
    JulesBooth Posts: 26 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. My partner has lost 40kgs in the last 8 months and I've lost 17kgs. He had a stroke and needed to lose weight so I supported him and we have been dieting for the last 8 months. He's done fantastic so please don't get me wrong. I have joined a gym. I've got a personal trainer. I'm doing couch to 5 km. I have been so disciplined and it's killing me. Plus looking after him and my children and working. Im sure it will all be worth it. It's just really hard when others don't notice you but they notice the other half.
  • TeamScorpioRI
    TeamScorpioRI Posts: 56 Member
    Comparing you to your husband is a bad idea. In fact, comparing yourself to anyone is a bad idea. There are so many factors that go into weight loss that it is impossible for 2 people to be the same. From differences in lean muscle, starting weight, metabolism, hormones, and just plain old genetics.. everything plays a factor. I get that people noticing him and not you at this stage of the game is frustrating, but you have to put it out of your head. Stay focused, keep doing what you are doing (which at 9lbs lost so far.. is definitely working), and it will all pay off in the end.
  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    Wow, you lost 9 pounds in a month?! I only lose a half a pound a week no matter how hard I workout and watch in caloric intake. You are doing awesome, don't compare yourself to anyone else. Just keep up the good work, don't let your insecurity derail your's one day at a time.
  • Evelyn_Gorfram
    Evelyn_Gorfram Posts: 706 Member
    edited October 2018
    A few things to bear in mind:

    1) Your husband presumably had water weight to lose from your vacation, too, likely more than you did.

    2) Your husband started out weighing more than you did. Twenty pounds is only 9.1% of his starting weight of 220 lbs, while 9 pounds is a full 4.7% of your starting weight of 190. So you're further ahead than you may have thought.

    3) Your husband is a guy. Between their higher metabolisms and their more weight-loss friendly hormones, the weight-loss version of the battle of the sexes takes place on a steeply-sloped playing field.

    4) Your husband is being a dork. By New Year's, chances are that you'll be the one who's lost 15 to 20 lbs, and he'll be back up around 220 or more. "I told you so's", like revenge, are a calorie-free dish that is most delicious when served cold.

    5) Your mother. Yikes. I've thought of a hundred snappy answers you could have given her (from "We both got tapeworm on our vacation, but I guess he needs another round of the meds," to "Didn't your mother ever teach you any manners?! - ...Oh.") , but they're really just beside the point. With my mother, at least, it seems like whenever she sees her own inadequacies expressed in me, she addresses them by being as abrasive and belittling as possible.* My choices for responding to this seem to be either matricide or trying to remember that it is much more about her than it is about me. I've always chosen the second one, at least so far. ;)

    (*My mom is actually a wonderful woman who is caring and delightful the vast majority of the time. While that does mean that I've usually let my guard down by the time she's ready to slip the knife between my ribs again, any violence in our relationship is purely metaphorical.)
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    edited October 2018
    ^^great insights above! Loved the mother comments. Truly.

    Here’s the thing. After your husband’s rapid weight loss, he will reach GW with unhappiness about how he looks. Then he will start lifting (if he isn’t already) and, impatient with recomp results, go to a bulk. X months of bulking later, he will start a cut, but THAT he will do slowly to preserve his hard work bulking. So by the time he is done with all of that, you will have long since reached your GW by slow and steady muscle sparing means.

    1 lb/week *on average* is excellent loss. You will have up to 3 weeks of really good compliance & discipline but no scale loss, then -WHOOSH- 3 weeks worth of loss in a day or two. The math works over time, it just works in spurts. Stay with it and trust the process. Drop to 0.5 lb/wk for the last 10lb. It’s even slower, yes, but it will ease your transition to maintenance.