Team Exercists Week 2 results week 3 chat closed group



  • nb9251
    nb9251 Posts: 151 Member
    Gwynne you are INSANE! You totally have me beat ont hat one. Lol. Thanks for getting us to 20,000! We are kicking *kitten* this week!
  • YAY everyone we made it to 20,000 pledged crunches! I knew we could do it! I am at 500 so far this week. I figure it I do 250 each day the rest of the week I am golden! :) I did 300 last night and was dead afterwards. Granted it was after a 45 minute run and a 10 minute circuit of the daily challenge exercises, but wow my abs are on fire.

    I really really didn't want to do them last night, i was tired from the stuff before, but what kept me going and got me to do them was my team! Thank you Thank you to everyone! I am glad I did them now!!!

    PS- is anyone else sore from the wood chops? OMG my entire mid section front to back and aroudn the sides is soo sore from those and all the abs! :) It's okay its a good sore and one that I am happy to have, but WOW!
  • phawley13
    phawley13 Posts: 80 Member
    I am at 500 crunches so far, got 200 to do today, then 150 each for the next two days.

    I just wanted to thank you all, this whole thing is keeping me motivated, usually when I go this alone, by the end of the second week I just don't anymore, but having all of you around...cyberly...really helps. I am wearing a size down pants today, though they are still a little tight, this is the first time I would wear them to work.
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    I am at 500 crunches so far, got 200 to do today, then 150 each for the next two days.

    I just wanted to thank you all, this whole thing is keeping me motivated, usually when I go this alone, by the end of the second week I just don't anymore, but having all of you around...cyberly...really helps. I am wearing a size down pants today, though they are still a little tight, this is the first time I would wear them to work.

    Thats an awesome NSV! Congrats!!
  • nb9251
    nb9251 Posts: 151 Member
    I am at 500 crunches so far, got 200 to do today, then 150 each for the next two days.

    I just wanted to thank you all, this whole thing is keeping me motivated, usually when I go this alone, by the end of the second week I just don't anymore, but having all of you around...cyberly...really helps. I am wearing a size down pants today, though they are still a little tight, this is the first time I would wear them to work.

    That's really great! And you're right. No way would I be doing half the exercise I do without the challenges.
  • phawley13
    phawley13 Posts: 80 Member
    okay todays challenges done so 700 crunches done for the team from me. I can't wait to see what the scale says wed. I know I am feeling good, so that is what counts
  • scante60
    scante60 Posts: 106 Member
    I am at 500 crunches so far, got 200 to do today, then 150 each for the next two days.

    I just wanted to thank you all, this whole thing is keeping me motivated, usually when I go this alone, by the end of the second week I just don't anymore, but having all of you around...cyberly...really helps. I am wearing a size down pants today, though they are still a little tight, this is the first time I would wear them to work.

    This? Is awesome!!! Congrats!
  • tweez8976
    tweez8976 Posts: 94 Member
    Bean Tostadas - So Good! (serves 2)

    Mission - Homestyle Tostada Shells, 4 shells
    Rosarita - No Fat Traditional Refried Beans , 1 cup
    Generic - Pickled Jalapenos-Sliced, 1/4 cup
    Fresh Raw - *Red Tomato, 0.5 medium tomato (diced)
    Fresh Vegetable - Iceberg Lettuce (Shredded), 1 cup

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
    Put 4 tostada shells on a cookie sheet
    Spread 1/4 c refried beans on each shell
    Add 1/4 of the jalapenos to each shell
    Bake for 15-20 mins until beans are heated through
    Top with shredded lettuce and diced tomatos

    As prepared above, 2 tostadas equal 277 calories - this is a super quick, easy and yummy meal for under 300 calories!

    You can play with it too - try it with black beans, top it with your favorite fresh salsa, add cheese (I personally find that the cheese doesn't really add much because the beans and jalapenos have so much flavor on their own), add a little avocado or guacamole
  • phawley13
    phawley13 Posts: 80 Member
    Bean Tostadas - So Good! (serves 2)

    Mission - Homestyle Tostada Shells, 4 shells
    Rosarita - No Fat Traditional Refried Beans , 1 cup
    Generic - Pickled Jalapenos-Sliced, 1/4 cup
    Fresh Raw - *Red Tomato, 0.5 medium tomato (diced)
    Fresh Vegetable - Iceberg Lettuce (Shredded), 1 cup

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
    Put 4 tostada shells on a cookie sheet
    Spread 1/4 c refried beans on each shell
    Add 1/4 of the jalapenos to each shell
    Bake for 15-20 mins until beans are heated through
    Top with shredded lettuce and diced tomatos

    As prepared above, 2 tostadas equal 277 calories - this is a super quick, easy and yummy meal for under 300 calories!

    You can play with it too - try it with black beans, top it with your favorite fresh salsa, add cheese (I personally find that the cheese doesn't really add much because the beans and jalapenos have so much flavor on their own), add a little avocado or guacamole

    Sounds good but I can't do jalapenos they are to much for me but the salsa sounds good, and the guacamole.... yum
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    All you guys that pledged even MOAR extra crunches to get us to 20,000 TOTALLY ROCK!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • libs41223
    libs41223 Posts: 87 Member
    Did we ever find out what the ranking for last week were? Just curious. :)
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428
    Did we ever find out what the ranking for last week were? Just curious. :)

    No I haven't heard.
  • phawley13
    phawley13 Posts: 80 Member
    c25k is kicking my butt, though I am loosing weight again this week so it is worth it. I have my crunches to do today, but I did 200 last night so 900 are done so I am probably going to go over the 1000 by like 300 'cause I want to do 200 tomorrow too
  • nb9251
    nb9251 Posts: 151 Member
    All my daily challenges are done and I was under my calories all days! Only 275 more crunches and those are done too. Woo Hoo!
  • libs41223
    libs41223 Posts: 87 Member
    Did we ever find out what the ranking for last week were? Just curious. :)

    No I haven't heard.

    Well, that's a bummer. Oh well, maybe everyone is afraid to see how AWESOME our team is. :bigsmile:
  • nb9251
    nb9251 Posts: 151 Member
    Hey do we have Youtube of the newest exercises for the week? Anyhow I know we have to do 4000 crunches, 4000 jumping jacks, and 100 miles as a team so I'll start.


    Total- 1,000



    nb9251-8 miles

    Total- 8 miles
  • phawley13
    phawley13 Posts: 80 Member
    Oh I did 1100 crunches for this week, and I was happy enough to loose 1.2, although I know I won't make my goal lost for August but I am happy I am pushing myself and I am happy with inches lost. So for next week


    Total- 1,500

    phawley13- 500


    nb9251-8 miles
    phawley13- 10 miles

    Total- 18 miles
  • I didn't lose anything this week which I was really bummed about, but I did stay exactly the same. I have definitely hit a plateau - boo! I think I am training too hard in terms of at cardiovascular level instead of at fat burning levels. This last week I need to rethink some things and hopefully this week I will see better results. I had a hard time getting in all my abs this past week. I did them all but 1500 was a lot and my abs are on fire. I am going to down them this week, but that gives another person a chance to step it up! :)

    HonestyismyDiet - 600

    Total- 2,100

    phawley13- 500
    HonestyismyDiet - 600


    nb9251-8 miles
    phawley13- 10 miles
    HonestyismyDiet - 5 miles

    Total- 23 miles
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    I think I missed the post that tells us what we're supposed to do for this week? Anyway, got my 3000 crunches done for the team My abs now hate me. So, moving on...

    HonestyismyDiet - 600
    gwynnehamer- 1000

    Total- 3,100

    phawley13- 500
    HonestyismyDiet - 600
    gwynnehamer 500 (sorry, I really, really, really hate jumping jacks.)


    nb9251-8 miles
    phawley13- 10 miles
    HonestyismyDiet - 5 miles
    gwynnehamer- 5 miles

    Total- 28 miles
  • nb9251
    nb9251 Posts: 151 Member
    I think I missed the post that tells us what we're supposed to do for this week? Anyway, got my 3000 crunches done for the team My abs now hate me. So, moving on...

    HonestyismyDiet - 600
    gwynnehamer- 1000

    Total- 3,100

    phawley13- 500
    HonestyismyDiet - 600
    gwynnehamer 500 (sorry, I really, really, really hate jumping jacks.)


    nb9251-8 miles
    phawley13- 10 miles
    HonestyismyDiet - 5 miles
    gwynnehamer- 5 miles

    Total- 28 miles

    Day 1: 2 sets of 20 Windshield Wipers, 3 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of Swimmer’s Press
    Day 2: 2 sets of 20 Tuck Jumps, 50 Squat Kicks, 20 Globe Jumps
    Day 3: 20 Split Squat Jumps, 3 sets of 20 Wood Chops
    Day 4: 40 ZigZag Hops, 3 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Press
    Day 5: 2 sets of 20 Burpees, 50 Squat Kicks, 20 Globe Jumps
    Day 6: 20 Mountain Climbers, 3 Sets of 20 Wood Chops, 3 sets of 20 Tuck Jumps Rest on Sunday (or day of choice)
    Monday 8/29 - Final Days make them count! 200 Jumping Jacks, 100 Crunches, 10 burpees, 10 mountain climbers, 10 globe jumps, 10 Squat Kicks, 10 ZigZag Hops! These are a little different. IF YOU ARE ABLE AND YOU ARE! Do these consecutively. No stopping to rest, don’t break these into sets! I’ve designed this so you can see just how far you’ve come. Many of you would never be able to do all of these in one setting on August 1st. BUT YOU’VE Found the inner Beast, You’ve Unleashed you ROCKSTAR and you’ve become an EXERCISE MACHINE. I’m proud of you and you should be VERY proud of yourself!
    Tuesday 8/30- Final Days make them count! Walk, Run, Jog a 5K that is 3.2 miles straight no stopping! As fast or as slow as you need to! YOU CAN DO IT I PROMISE! At 447lbs I did it in one hour and 15minutes with 3 hills. You can do this I promise! PUSH YOURSELF AND PROVE TO YOURSELF YOU ARE A WARRIOR!
    Weekly Team Challenge 4000 team crunches, 4000 Jumping Jacks and 100 extra miles! This equals about 200 per team for crunches and jumping jacks for the week along with an extra 5 miles for each team member! The Last part of the team weekly challenge is solicit a friend or family member to join MFP and begin the next month’s journey with you. Inspire others that’s easy. The retire portion of the week is about looking back at the past 30 days. You have had to retire many old habits, many excuses and reasons why not to exercise. It’s time to retire those and move forward to the new you! YOU ARE MY INSPIRATIONS! Keep it up as we INSPIRE our circle of influence and RETIRE the old ways! Go Inspirations Go!

    I don't think he put up youtube videos yet