What did you do with clothes that are now too large for you?



  • peggym4640
    peggym4640 Posts: 156 Member
    Altered my nicer clothes and donated the rest.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Mostly donated. I kept my largest pair of pants for comparison and I kept 2 pairs of 16W jeans because I spent a lot of money having them altered at the waist (got rid of the damned gap!).
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    I usually keep a range of 3 sizes in my closet--my current size, a few things from the next size down, and a few things from the next size up in case I have a lapse. Anything else gets donated.
  • adotbaby
    adotbaby Posts: 199 Member
    I've been donating my clothes as I get smaller, then I get more clothes at the thrift store. I have some clothes I kept from when I was thin, so it's exciting to look forward to fitting into them again.
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    musicfan68 wrote: »
    hah! I've been wondering this myself. Do people keep their clothes that no longer fit just in case?

    Just in case what? I think having that mindset is going to set you up to regain all the weight back. Get rid of everything and it is great motivation to stay at your new lower weight so you don't have to buy a bigger wardrobe again.

    Yeah of course you're right. I never heard of anyone gaining back weight after dieting... rb3y9b9l9pja.jpg

    Yeah, right...I got rid of everything after losing 60 pounds and damn, I've gained back 20 (my fault, I'm owning this screw up and trying to fix it). All my clothes are a little snug so I went to Goodwill and bought a couple pairs of pants, (I needed something for a funeral :'( ) but not buying anything more.
  • vanmep
    vanmep Posts: 410 Member
    I kept some bigger clothes for a while just as a reminder but then got sick of them hanging around and donated. I kept a belt that I like to put on sometimes to remind me of how far I have come.
  • Hellion563
    Hellion563 Posts: 2 Member
    I donated or gave away nearly everthing. I just had a few garments altered. I was in a position where I could replace my entire wardrobe right down in my underwear. So, that's what I did.
  • Howard_M_Burgerz
    Howard_M_Burgerz Posts: 61 Member
    Yeah we all know simple motivation and good intentions will keep the weight off. Ask anyone in the hundreds of "starting again" threads posted everyday. No-one "plans" to gain weight back. But in the "real world" it can happen. What you do with your clothes is your business. I'd actually have to two people to care less.
  • Howard_M_Burgerz
    Howard_M_Burgerz Posts: 61 Member
    edited October 2018
    musicfan68 wrote: »
    musicfan68 wrote: »
    hah! I've been wondering this myself. Do people keep their clothes that no longer fit just in case?

    Just in case what? I think having that mindset is going to set you up to regain all the weight back. Get rid of everything and it is great motivation to stay at your new lower weight so you don't have to buy a bigger wardrobe again.

    Yeah of course you're right. I never heard of anyone gaining back weight after dieting... rb3y9b9l9pja.jpg

    Well, I guess if you plan on gaining your weight back, then by all means keep them. Otherwise, like a lot of other people have also said, get rid of them so you stay motivated to not gain the weight back.

    Yeah we all know simple motivation and good intentions will keep the weight off. Ask anyone in the hundreds of "starting again" threads posted everyday. No-one "plans" to gain weight back. But in the "real world" it can happen. What you do with your clothes is your business. I'd actually have to be two people to care less.

  • FarmerCarla
    FarmerCarla Posts: 470 Member
    Big clothes to Salvation Army. Most smaller clothes are purchased at Salvation Army.
  • PrincessVamp666
    PrincessVamp666 Posts: 1,176 Member
    I have sold most of them on eBAY. Mainly because I wanted to buy new clothes and a lot of them where hardly worn. I think I have made around £200. I have kept bits, butI never want to get back up to that size again. I have kept some of them, but the majority are gone gone gone.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited October 2018
    I have replaced all my UK size 14s over time with UK size 8-10 - I sold most of my good items on Ebay, which funded my new clothes :smiley: and some went to Charity shops.
    I have no bigger sized clothes left, haven't needed them in 6 years and will never return to that size again.
  • CarvedTones
    CarvedTones Posts: 2,340 Member
    Donated. Only exceptions were ratty thing thrown out.