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Staying within my calorie goal

I'm having a lot of trouble staying with in my 1200 calorie goal for the day. I end up really hungry all morning until lunch as well as at the end of the night. I have also been really tired. I'm just looking for suggestions on how to stay with in this goal. Any foods/meals that are more filling but still lower in calories? Any tips or tricks that might help?
Thanks so much!


  • kittycatbadatthat
    I am 5'4", currently 223lbs, my overall goal is to get down to 140lbs but I am trying to do this in small goals. Right now I am aiming for 200lbs. I chose to lose 2lbs per week and my activity level is very low as I sit at a desk all day. I am exercising (though not as much as I should because as I said I have been very tired) and eating the calories back. Maybe as a few of you have said I'm just trying to eat too little and need to cut back the amount of weight I want to lose per week.
  • OHFlamingo
    OHFlamingo Posts: 239 Member
    I started at 221 lbs. at 5' 5", sedentary because I was in a wheelchair. At 1200 calories I was quite hungry also. I found that I was not eating enough protein, and once I increased that, it was much easier to stay within my calorie goal. Also, some foods just aren't as filling as others, no matter how many calories they have.
  • kittycatbadatthat
    OHFlamingo wrote: »
    I started at 221 lbs. at 5' 5", sedentary because I was in a wheelchair. At 1200 calories I was quite hungry also. I found that I was not eating enough protein, and once I increased that, it was much easier to stay within my calorie goal. Also, some foods just aren't as filling as others, no matter how many calories they have.

    This is a good idea! I will try to increase my protein. Thanks for the feedback :)
  • lbryans929
    lbryans929 Posts: 42 Member
    I find hot foods fill me up more than cold- I like lentil or bean soups. very filling for their caloric content.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    I am 5'4", currently 223lbs, my overall goal is to get down to 140lbs but I am trying to do this in small goals. Right now I am aiming for 200lbs. I chose to lose 2lbs per week and my activity level is very low as I sit at a desk all day. I am exercising (though not as much as I should because as I said I have been very tired) and eating the calories back. Maybe as a few of you have said I'm just trying to eat too little and need to cut back the amount of weight I want to lose per week.

    Maybe start set at 1 lb per week until you get the hang of it. Then increase to 1.5, and then 2 if you can do it.

    Check if your protein, fat, or fiber are typically low. Those are generally filling for most people. Try not to drink calories. Make notes about how you feel in your food log and start to learn from what foods fill you up and what foods leave you hungry.

    See if you can fit in some short walks in. A short walk might only burn 50 cals but every little bit helps and it gets you in the habit of looking for opportunities to move. Good luck!