NEW GROUP: 20 Down by Halloween! Join NOW!

Wanna hear something scary? Halloween is in 75 days! That's just a little more than 10 weeks away!

My goal is to be 20 pounds lighter in time for Halloween!

Are you with me? If so, join this group and let's motivate one another!

Please join below by telling everyone a little about yourself AND what you'll be doing to help you reach your goal!

I can't wait to meet everyone and to get started! :)

A little about me: I'm a military wife, a mommy to a sweet little boy who just started kindergarten, and a third-year law student. What do I plan on doing to help me reach my goal? I want to make better eating choices (specifically: watch my snacking), drink more water, and exercise at least 3x a week, including swimming and treadmill time! Please add me as your friend after you join this group to help us motivate one another!

Note: This Group will close August 31, 2011 at midnight (central time).


  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    I'm interested in joining the group!!!

    I'm 27, wife of one, mama of 2 (23 months & 4 months). I was having a hard time losing the baby fat after giving birth and that's what prompted me to join MFP. For me it's not so much a numeric goal; it's a lifestyle change. Making better choices, exercising, portion control.

    I'm doing this for me, my husband, and my children. I've been exercising 5 days a week and hope to continue...
  • Emily_34
    Emily_34 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! I'm in! My name is Emily Roberson, I'm 34 years old. I'm married and have 4 children, ages 11, 8, 3, 1. I'm a stay at home mom, but a full time student. And I just started this program today and I'm very excited and motivated and very eager to make changes in my life.
  • Raw07
    Raw07 Posts: 206
    I would love to join! Halloween is scarey! and I get grumpy because all the costumes I want to wear are all skimpy and or too tight!
    I would love to be 20 pounds lighter in time for halloween too!

    A little about me, Im a stay at home mom who watches children in my home as well. I have three children, 12 year old boy, 7 year old girl and a 4 year old boy who just started kindergarten. Doing home schooling. I want ot make healthier choices, work out at least 5x a week, and not give up with in two - three weeks like i usually do.
    I last weighed myself on August 9th and weighed in at 161 lbs. I promised my husband I would not weigh in until August 30th.
    Cant wait to meet new people and stay motivated!!
  • jnrgreene
    jnrgreene Posts: 11 Member

    I would love to join you! I just realized the other day that my 31st birthday is in 65 days and I want to loose another 20 lbs. I am a mother of 4 ages 8,7,6 and 4. They are all great kiddos! I have been training for my first 5k. I would love to run in the "Turkey Trot" I am not a runner, but I am working on it. :) I try really hard to work out 5 times a week on my treadmill and I also do weights 3 times a week. I have lost 25 lbs so far, but I want to loose about 40 more. I'm excited to have someone else for encouragement!

  • KayaSamantha
    KayaSamantha Posts: 157 Member
    Yes please! I am half way to my goal weight of 145 and needing an extra push right now! I am currently swimming, and hiking on alternate days of the week and walking at least 1 hour a day. I am starting strength training next week after meeting with a trainer for a plan. Good luck to all of us!
  • Joined.

    Turning 22 later October, so this gives me more incentive to lose!
    Full time nursing student.
    Go to the gym 3-5 times a week, need to start exercising at home.
    really sturggling with my diet.
    Starting afresh today tho, so this is good timing :D
  • JJLive
    JJLive Posts: 88 Member
    Great idea! I'd love to join and be 20 lbs lighter by Halloween!
    My name is John, I am 26 years old, ETS'd in 2010 after 8 years in the Army (Joined at 17) and I am about to start my second year of college. I am Majoring in Chemistry with a concentration in Biochemistry, with plans for medical school. I am from Bakersfield, CA. Glad to join the group, today I weighed in halfway down, so another 20 lbs would put me within 8 lbs of my goal weight!
  • JJLive
    JJLive Posts: 88 Member
    Oh and I am riding my bike 5 days a week, I set my timer or 30 mins and ride the bike trail until it goes off, then I turn around and head back home. I calculate miles and speed and all that later =)
    I don't think I eat too badly right now, I just have WAY too high sodium, I just bought two cookbooks and trying to stop being a hopeless bachelor college student in the kitchen, LOL.
  • I'm in! My name is Kim and I'm 27. Lost about 15lbs before finding MFP and I have recently found myself on a plateau that I can't seem to kick. Just started the Kettleworx 6 Week Body Transformation so I am hoping it will jump start my weight loss! Hopefully now this group will help too!
  • I'm interested :)

    My name is Diane... 31 years old and 4 kids later, I started my journey at 257... I am now sitting at 240. My total weight loss goal is 97-123 lbs (or 160 or less). I am on Atkins and tomorrow I am going to start 30 day shed tomorrow *fingers crossed*
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    I'd love to join you! I'm part of another challenge but you really can't have to much support or encouragement!
    I'm a stay at home mom of 3 kids (13, 11, 6) and I home school them all through a cyber charter school. I've been married to my hubby for 15 years and we run a home based business together while he is taking courses to become a certified personal trainer. My days are jam packed so I stay up late and get up early, especially so I can get my workouts done before the kiddos are up. I'm very serious about helping and motivating others live healthier lives. I've seen and lived first hand the heartbreak of losing a loved one due to a lifetime of poor eating choices and lack of activity and I don't want anyone else to needlessly feel that pain. I'm excited to join you on this challenge...Halloween will be here quick. Theres no time like the present! :smile:
  • I would love to join!

    I'm 21, I work and I'm a student. I workout 5 days a week (sometimes more). Currently I'm doing the 30-day shred and I jog. I've been losing consistently, average about 2.5 lbs a week or so. If it wasn't for my busy job, I wouldn't be losing that much weight, that's for sure!

    I weigh 159.8lbs as of Monday morning, so of course, by halloween I'd love to be at least 139.8 lbs :)

    Feel free to add me, guys and gals!
  • Totally joinging this challenge! halloween goal is to 10-15 lbs....updates to come!
  • iamahealthychick
    iamahealthychick Posts: 207 Member
    Hi. This will be my first group!

    I am 42 and mom to 3 fur kids- 2 dogs and a cat. I am a nurse but am the Clinical Educator for my unit so now have a more sedentary job.

    I have a long way to go in this journey and anything I can do to help it along, I am in for. I currently exercise when I feel like it-it is certainly becoming an almost everyday thing...I started c25k, walk on the treadmill, have bought and just received the 1st 3 Biggest Loser DVDs. I also kayak when I get the chance. This is going to be great!
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    I want to join. I'm 30 (31 in October) with 2 kids, 3 y/o girl and a 6 m/o boy. I'm trying to lose the famous baby weight.

    I plan to exercise 5x a week. My off days are Sun and MOn when hubby is home :)
    I will eat better.
    Just started 30 DS today and hope to pick up INsanity from my friend next week.

    edit: I'm about 145 now. I was down to 144 last week but the weekend brought family parties and tons of food. So I'm trying to get back in the right mindset.

    My goal is 130 but down to 125 would be AMAZING!
  • m_erira
    m_erira Posts: 52 Member
    I'm totally in. I joined MFP recently and lately I'm having a hard time maintaining my focus.... I'm hoping to loose at least 20 pounds by the end of the year and this group will really help me to keep me motivated. I have looked up at groups here, but I don't really know what is the process to join one.
  • I'm so In! I'm 26 yrs old and have never got to go to halloween party! I've always been to fat to fit into any of the costumes! I'm hoping I can lose more by then!

    A little about myself I'm a single momma of 2 very handsome boys! I'm getting back into college to pursue my criminal justice degree in Criminology! I have been doing the 30 day shred and completely cut out my soda and sweets. I know we can all do this we have so much support her! Good luck to everyone! And feel free to add me! =-)
  • ambersobo9410
    ambersobo9410 Posts: 5 Member
    I would love to join this group.. Im 22 (ill be 23 on oct.5th) I have a son who will be a year old next month on the 4th. Ive been trying to lose my baby weight for what seems like forever. I want to try to lose atleast 20lbs by halloween so i can dress up with my little man, Thanks to MFP i think i might be able to hit that goal.
  • rqlinzer
    rqlinzer Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in, 20 pounds by Halloween is a great challenge. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I am a 31 year old mother of two. (12 and 20 months) I married the man of my dreams, and got comfortable, along with other things, gained a lot of weight. I recently grduated from lawschool and am waiting on my bar exam results.

    I have lost 14 pounds so far. I will workout at least 3 times a week and also increase my water. I cook all meals in the house, so I have already reduced the sodium, grease, etc....
  • Im in for sure....20 lbs and I will be at goal. I joined about 3 weeks ago but only got serious 1 1/2 weeks ago and have lost 6 lbs. I am going to be 49 in October and a mother of two young men. One who is the father of my 2 lovely grandchildren whom I love and adore. My name shadykins is from my 3 legged beagle that I used to have (the one in the pic) and loved very much.

    Besides walking I dont do any actual exercise as my daily job consists of cleaning 1 to 3 houses. I have my own business where I am very active in and have 3 other girls working for me as well. I love to keep busy and am an early morning person. Up at 5 am working by 6 am but by the mid afternoon I have had enough and dont do much except the odd walk. I reached my goal last year while on Herbal Magic but gained back 25 lbs so here I go again....I really need the support once I get there as much as getting there.

    I am very motivated to lose the weight though and look forward to this challenge.